The Largest Gambling Industry in Africa

The World Census tailed known underworld figures in order to determine which nations have the largest gambling industries.

As a region, Africa is ranked 11,250th in the world for Largest Gambling Industry.

1.The Republic of PeppercoastCapitalist Paradise“Liberty, Freedom, Justice”
2.The African Republic of MombombuIron Fist Consumerists“Joie de l'Afrique”
3.The Alien Sultanate of SerandumCapitalist Paradise“Wealth and Power”
4.The Chill guys of Samos GulfInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Happy Feet, Gaudy Steel”
5.The United States of YandyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“popopop”
6.The Republic of NarasukiaCapitalist Paradise“From nature we are derived.”
7.The Zulu Queendom of Queen SilomoAnarchy“Ngizokushaya Wena”
8.The Republic of ABSTANYMoralistic Democracy“SEND 2-3 YEAR DAGESTAN AND FORGET”
9.The Republic of The South Sudanese StateInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Justice, Liberty, Prosperity”
10.The Empire of SEPHORA123Corporate Police State“We Will Endure”
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