The Highest Disposable Incomes in Adairidae

The World Census calculated the average incomes of citizens after paying tax.

As a region, Adairidae is ranked 13,396th in the world for Highest Disposable Incomes.

21.The Democratic States of NechoCapitalist Paradise“A'hal knita k'hil runto a j'iel”
22.The Democratic Republic of SeimaNew York Times Democracy“Democracy”
23.The Holy Empire of KantonisInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ave Christus Rex”
24.The Republic of Lana RolinNew York Times Democracy“By The People For The People”
25.The Holy Empire of VratotskaRight-wing Utopia“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
26.The People's Republic of DemocritasCivil Rights Lovefest“Elefthería, Isótita, Dimokratía”
27.The Federation of EymenanlerAnarchy“Eymans imparatorluğu selami big brohter ”
28.The Republic of New-TurkeyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“The Eternal State”
29.The Commonwealth of AnalusiaMoralistic Democracy“By The People For The People”
30.The Incorporated States of Moutt NewNew York Times Democracy“Never back down never give up”
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