The Highest Disposable Incomes in Adairidae

The World Census calculated the average incomes of citizens after paying tax.

As a region, Adairidae is ranked 12,774th in the world for Highest Disposable Incomes.

1.The Republic of SSN84Psychotic Dictatorship“Erin Go Bragh”
2.The Republic of MeinoseaCapitalist Paradise“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
3.The Holy Empire of United Levanian CommunitiesCapitalizt“God, freedom and fraternity”
4.The Republic of Luna orionCorporate Bordello“All together.”
5.The Queendom of GonryunCapitalist Paradise“Motto...”
6.The Borderlands of Adairidaean WildernessAnarchy“Anarchy is cool, I guess”
7.The Constitutional Monarchy of Children of Rust IICompulsory Consumerist State“Cruorem Immolare, Rubiginem Excolere, Amplecti Metallum”
8.The Kingdom of Leborn the goatCivil Rights Lovefest“Motto...”
9.The Free Land of The Prosperity FederationAnarchy“Live Free, Thrive Free”
10.The Republic of MacroaCivil Rights Lovefest“Macro economics”
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