The Most Corrupt Governments in Two

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

As a region, Two is ranked 677th in the world for Most Corrupt Governments.

Worldkickbacks per hour
2,621.The Theocracy of Kurdistanh153,486th6.29
2,622.The Republik of Skantanja177,841st3.5
2,623.The Free Land of Leskilyn178,983rd3.41
2,624.The Republic of Southern Kitaa186,725th3.24
2,625.The Republic of Yuuri Kotono194,964th3.24
2,626.The Republic of Finanaial Accounting206,146th3.24
2,627.The Republic of Ilahlekile217,245th2.75
2,628.The Principality of Mare Gentem232,536th1.56
2,629.The Empire of Printer3O7245,313th1.16
2,630.The Republic of The Yarld Fra273,159th0.94
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