The Highest Economic Output in The North Pacific

World Census bean-counters crunched the numbers to calculate national Gross Domestic Product. Older nations, with higher populations, were noted to have a distinct advantage.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 10,792nd in the world for Highest Economic Output.

WorldStandard Monetary Units
1.The Post-Communist Kleptocracy of Euraustralasamerica50th28,748,992,000,000,000
2.The Walled Cities of EretzIsrael68th25,824,218,000,000,000
3.The Dictatorship of Corfad85th24,242,150,000,000,000
4.The Restored Empire of Natopia101st22,941,688,000,000,000
5.The Dominion of Trouble Nation146th20,659,518,000,000,000
6.The City State of Marmiedon218th18,415,615,000,000,000
7.The Anarcho-Capitalist Ogre Fans of Whereisthatistan263rd17,106,737,000,000,000
8.The Great Empire of Kandorith286th16,708,502,000,000,000
9.The Rising Sun's Land of Yaorozu333rd15,660,579,000,000,000
10.The Republic of Wilkshire339th15,574,010,000,000,000
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