The Highest Average Incomes in Sonnel

The World Census carefully compared the average spending power of citizens in each nation.

As a region, Sonnel is ranked 4,683rd in the world for Highest Average Incomes.

WorldStandard Monetary Units
1.The Interstellar Empire of Drawkland1,187th410,179.38
2.The Military-Industrial Complex of West Barack and East Obama4,759th262,329.03
3.The United Republic of Delaclava6,656th236,291.66
4.The Heteregality of Mushcap7,147th231,203.79
5.The Canon Destroyers of Sulsuland24,213th152,525.79
6.The Rolling Stone of Stone Circle Aviators25,191st150,137.79
7.The Republic of Ceni26,710th146,623.26
8.The Interlunar Triarchy of Oteshknir34,543rd132,596.03
9.The Repubblica of Beteran37,438th128,425.21
10.The Republic of Zakhoren52,919th109,665.12