The Largest Black Market in Hispano Germanic Alliance

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, Hispano Germanic Alliance is ranked 12,948th in the world for Largest Black Market.

WorldStandard Monetary Units
1.The Black Empire of Athatrondeasia8,679th778,637,000,000,000
2.The Evil Raider of Visorax11,535th504,609,600,000,000
3.The Black Hawk of Holor Retcon Starkiller27,255th102,921,200,000,000
4.The Дэатх Стар of Galactic Communist Republic30,590th79,026,200,000,000
5.The Black Hawk of Holoratus Retcon Starkiller35,955th53,293,300,000,000
6.The Republic of Fenda Aw Man39,026th42,810,200,000,000
7.The Black Hawk of Nation Name Point Point Point39,171st42,453,600,000,000
8.The United Socialist States of HAWKSOC40,860th37,931,200,000,000
9.The Free Land of Taduwu41,652nd36,114,900,000,000
10.The Kingdom of Destratus45,466th28,247,400,000,000
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