The Highest Average Incomes in Sonnel

The World Census carefully compared the average spending power of citizens in each nation.

As a region, Sonnel is ranked 4,683rd in the world for Highest Average Incomes.

1.The Interstellar Empire of DrawklandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Excellence Throughout Eras”
2.The Military-Industrial Complex of West Barack and East ObamaPsychotic Dictatorship“Mfs always say Obamacare but never care bout Obama 😔”
3.The United Republic of DelaclavaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Forward and upward”
4.The Heteregality of MushcapScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Berated but never beaten.”
5.The Canon Destroyers of SulsulandLeft-Leaning College State“OoPs SulSu BrokE ReaLiTy AgAIn”
6.The Rolling Stone of Stone Circle AviatorsMoralistic Democracy“lost in Translation”
7.The Republic of CeniLeft-wing Utopia“Potentiae in Populem”
8.The Interlunar Triarchy of OteshknirCivil Rights Lovefest“Risen from the wreckage”
9.The Repubblica of BeteranLeft-Leaning College State“Freedom guides the way”
10.The Republic of ZakhorenIron Fist Consumerists“ ”