The World World Census

The Greatest Rich-Poor Divides in the World

Nations ranked highly have large gaps between the incomes of rich and poor citizens. Nations low on the list have high levels of income equality.

310,491.The Rats on Drugs of LadratiaDemocratic Socialists“I saw the purpose in joy and nothing else mattered.”
310,492.The System of AuthorsDemocratic Socialists“Невиновного кровь – беда, Виноватого кровь – вода”
310,493.The Prince of Fife of Angus McFife XIIIAuthoritarian Democracy“Fight for the King, for the Hammer and the ring!”
310,494.The Holy Empire of Femboy Airforce 12th SquadronDemocratic Socialists“Fly Sky High”
310,495.The Holy Empire of Femboy Airforce 15th SquadronDemocratic Socialists“Fly Sky High”
310,496.The Holy Empire of Femboy Airforce 16th SquadronDemocratic Socialists“Fly Sky High”
310,497.The Holy Empire of Femboy Airforce 18th SquadronDemocratic Socialists“Fly Sky High”
310,498.The Holy Empire of Femboy Airforce 22nd SquadronDemocratic Socialists“Fly Sky High”
310,499.The Holy Empire of Femboy Airforce 25th SquadronDemocratic Socialists“Fly Sky High”
310,500.The Holy Empire of Femboy Airforce 26th SquadronDemocratic Socialists“Fly Sky High”
«12. . .31,04731,04831,04931,05031,05131,05231,053. . .33,90733,908»