The Safest in Hispano Germanic Alliance

World Census agents tested the sharpness of household objects, the softness of children's play equipment, and the survival rate of people taking late walks to determine how safe each nation is to visit.

As a region, Hispano Germanic Alliance is ranked 16,305th in the world for Safest.

1.The Republic of The HolorPsychotic Dictatorship“Holor Tharaxus!”
2.The Black Hawk of FingonFather Knows Best State“Caw”
3.The Black Hawk of Holoratus Retcon StarkillerMoralistic Democracy“Formerly main, now just nation.”
4.The Holy Empire of PalpantiveMoralistic Democracy“I love democracy.”
5.The Violetist of Taduwe IIMoralistic Democracy“Violet Vult!”
6.The United Socialist States of Coca-Cola CitadelAuthoritarian Democracy“Things explode”
7.The Republic of T-a-d-u-w-eAuthoritarian Democracy“Violet Vult!”
8.The Republic of Sith HawkPsychotic Dictatorship“Defending is a lie.”
9.The Expanding Desert of AthatronDEATCorrupt Dictatorship“Things explode”
10.The Republic of Trite Town SerlandPsychotic Dictatorship“Things explode”
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