The Healthiest Citizens in Sonnel

A measure of the general physical health of citizens in each nation.

As a region, Sonnel is ranked 4,817th in the world for Healthiest Citizens.

1.The Heteregality of MushcapScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Berated but never beaten.”
2.The Interstellar Empire of DrawklandInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Excellence Throughout Eras”
3.The Republic of CeniLeft-wing Utopia“Potentiae in Populem”
4.The United Republic of DelaclavaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Forward and upward”
5.The Military-Industrial Complex of West Barack and East ObamaPsychotic Dictatorship“Mfs always say Obamacare but never care bout Obama 😔”
6.The Holy Empire of JuvencusScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Believe in the youth!”
7.The Repubblica of BeteranLeft-Leaning College State“Freedom guides the way”
8.The The long and winding road of SkodaTruck DriversIron Fist Consumerists“They paved paradise and put up a parking lot”
9.The Seven-Loving City-State of 77XAuthoritarian Democracy“We are the Crux”
10.The Interlunar Triarchy of OteshknirCivil Rights Lovefest“Risen from the wreckage”