The World World Census

The Most Politically Apathetic Citizens in the World

These results were determined by seeing how many citizens of each nation answered a recent World Census survey on the local political situation by ticking the "Don't Give a Damn" box.

11.The Holy Yellow CAM of Nadir DystopiaIron Fist Consumerists“Gloom Over Dominated”
12.The Kingdom of KaigiCorrupt Dictatorship“If you lived here, you'd be eating pie by now.”
13.The Anomaly of Last ChoiciaIron Fist Consumerists“You! In the back!”
14.The Burlesque Republic of The CentauriCompulsory Consumerist State“What do you want you Moon-Faced Assassin of Joy?”
15.The Truly Free State of Western ScientificumAnarchy“That's your own problem!”
16.The United States of MidlandsAnarchy“Don't just do something - stand there”
17.The Rogue Nation of SanshouoIron Fist Consumerists“!!!”
18.The Indomitable Borderlands of The GrendelsCompulsory Consumerist State“The Paragon of Corporate Power and Style since 2002.”
19.The Republic of EqutopiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Motto”
20.The Republic of MarxstadtAuthoritarian Democracy“Please do keep reading my motto”
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