The World World Census

The Most Ignorant Citizens in the World

The World Census studied which nations seemed to have the greatest numbers of citizens that fell into the categories "ignorant," "oblivious," or "just plain dumb."

315,711.The Great Empire of EnrikiaIron Fist Consumerists“Murder, Murder, Die, Die!”
315,712.The Socialist Republic of PetrovskvichDemocratic Socialists“Valor, glory, and honor!”
315,713.The Republic of Dirty AmericansNew York Times Democracy“Dirt is not the enemy!”
315,714.The Magical Paradise of KiraKira LandLeft-Leaning College State“Let's get along and be nice♪”
315,715.The Constitutional Monarchy of SwitiodRight-wing Utopia“Wörk, wörk, wörk!”
315,716.The Principality of StormfistScandinavian Liberal Paradise“proposition over opposition”
315,717.The Republic of KwesilandDemocratic Socialists“Resistance of oppression with humility.”
315,718.The Kingdom of LimerstoneDemocratic Socialists“For all”
315,719.The Goodness of AGoodPlaceCivil Rights Lovefest“This is a good place 👍”
315,720.The Native of Empire of Flaemland SDSTFather Knows Best State“From Ashes We Rise, Together We Defend!”
«12. . .31,56931,57031,57131,57231,57331,57431,575. . .33,42733,428»