The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in Jyzeria

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

1.The Commonwealth of AirezyjMoralistic Democracy“Einheit zum Wohlstand.”
2.The Jack of All TradeMoralistic Democracy“Master of none. But sometimes better than master of one”
3.The Vampires of Alone In The DarkInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Alone In The Dark”
4.The Oppressed Peoples of Alone In The WoodsNew York Times Democracy“Alone In The Woods”
5.The Commonwealth of AveanaPsychotic Dictatorship“The Hateful Eight.”
6.The Depression of BrokenheartedInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You CHEATED ON ME!!!”
7.The Million Pieces of Broken HeartMoralistic Democracy“Try sleeping with a broken heart.”
8.The Commonwealth of CalystoMoralistic Democracy“Lucky Nine”
9.The Disputed Territories of Chaos TheoryInoffensive Centrist Democracy“This action will have consequences...”
10.The Commonwealth of CollmerMoralistic Democracy“The Magnificent Seven.”