The World World Census

The Most Extensive Civil Rights in the World

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

11.The State of WGAnarchy“do not recruit me”
12.The District of Laos StateAnarchy“Digging”
13.The State of Mauritius VillageCivil Rights Lovefest“Dare I say”
14.The Queen's State of GDAnarchy“| SEARCH CREW | RESCUE | RECOVERY |”
15.The Bloated Corpse of Dead WhaleCapitalizt“Watch me as I bloat on your shores.”
16.The State of BriseboisAnarchy“Onward”
17.The Holy Empire of TurenneAnarchy“French control the marines”
18.The State of WHAnarchy“Peace”
19.The District of MeadowparkAnarchy“our community first”
20.The Deserts of Desert CamelLeft-wing Utopia“traveling is great fun”
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