Nations of The Armed Union
- The 圣公宗的毛思想人民共和国 of The United Kindom under Socialist RuleI
- The Anglican Peoples Dollis Hill of Socialist KizectopiaM
- The Islamic Republic of NovarosS
- The Empire of OrlysM
- The Federative Republic of Dives PatriaeE
- The Chaotic Rebel Faction of The Error UnionM
- KolokiaS
- The Federal Halfworth Government of The Error Islands UnionS
- The Christian Federation of Germany 2022RPS
- The Cybernetic Council Repuplic of Economy StimulatorsE
- The United Socialist Empire of The Error OnionM
- The Sublime Mizazoic Matriarchy of South MizazoicE
- The Betrayed Technoblade Fan of Reunited Technoblade BloodbathS
- The Apple with Drip of FullworthiaM
- The United Monarchist State of Second EquestriaS
- The Federal Republic of Patriae DivesE
- The Empire of New OrlysE
- The Sublime Kirian Princessdom of PonytusS
- The Islamic Socialist Republic of Halal landsM
- The Republic of KriisiaE
- The Oppressed Peoples of Evergreen Fullworth Heights Union HighE
- The Territory of Commie CeladioI
- The Federal Republic of New RskyE
- The kiriaM
- Helvetoa newS
- The Armed Republic of The Empire of the EmbertonsS
- 100 Strikeson615 Launchesat615 Targetson22 Strikeson500 Launchesat79 Strikeson48 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending362 Launchesat500 Targetson362 Targetson2 StrikesAussie aborigin Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union25 LaunchesAussie aborigin Horsemen of the ApocalypseatHelvetoa new The Armed Union24 StrikesonHelvetoa new The Armed Union95 LaunchesatHelvetoa new The Armed Union70 TargetsSocialist helena Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union50 TargetsonHelvetoa new The Armed Union90 TargetsMalaysian communist Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union11 StrikesonHelvetoa new The Armed Union5 StrikesonHelvetoa new The Armed Union25 TargetsAussie aborigin Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union26 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending45 LaunchesatHelvetoa new The Armed Union45 LaunchesatHelvetoa new The Armed Union95 TargetsonHelvetoa new The Armed Union45 Shielddefending45 LaunchesMalaysian communist Horsemen of the ApocalypseatHelvetoa new The Armed Union40 Shielddefending40 LaunchesAussie aborigin Horsemen of the ApocalypseatHelvetoa new The Armed Union216 TargetsonHelvetoa new The Armed Union215 Targetson45 TargetsonHelvetoa new The Armed Union20 Shielddefending25 Shielddefending3 StrikesAussie aborigin Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union20 LaunchesSocialist helena Horsemen of the ApocalypseatHelvetoa new The Armed Union11 StrikesMalaysian communist Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union25 LaunchesSocialist helena Horsemen of the ApocalypseatHelvetoa new The Armed Union45 TargetsonHelvetoa new The Armed Union40 TargetsAussie aborigin Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union13 LaunchesAussie aborigin Horsemen of the ApocalypseatHelvetoa new The Armed Union0 StrikesonThe kiria The Armed Union45 TargetsMalaysian communist Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union42 LaunchesMalaysian communist Horsemen of the ApocalypseatHelvetoa new The Armed Union115 TargetsVinezyan Grand CoalitiononHelvetoa new The Armed Union20 TargetsSocialist helena Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union98 LaunchesatThe kiria The Armed Union17 StrikesSocialist helena Horsemen of the ApocalypseonHelvetoa new The Armed Union18 StrikesonHelvetoa new The Armed Union10 Strikes
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NationStates by Max Barry