Nations of United Pacifists
- The Pristine Dominion of GebidiaE
- The Zombies ate the People of Norris LandM
- The Devout Social Democracy of HelmondS
- The Democratic Commonwealth of EcclestiaE
- The Community of ChristadelphiansM
- The Kaisertum of AustrinM
- The Parduqex Denis of ArduoS
- The Pink Holy of LibervalleyI
- The People's Monarchy of Das-ManE
- The Kingdom of BlublandM
- The Federation of XiggorM
- The Administrative Necessity of The UCN InfocentreM
- The Founder Nation of The Region of ChristianS
- The Incorporated States of NationStates UniversityM
- The Incorporated States of The Interregional Court of JusticeE
- AstachiS
- The Christian States of GideonI
- The Community of The Aldholt RepublicS
- The Holy Socialist Republic of StarosaE
- The Administrative Necessity of The UCN ArchivesCentreE
- The Free Land of Albertan Conservative Free StateI
- The Administrative Necessity of The UCN Official RecordsE
- The Theocratic Democracy of Union of the OrklandersE
- The Federal Republic of BresinniaM
- The Angelic League of ColmisS
- The Grand Dominion of GardessenM
- The Classical Theocracy of FraustinI
- The Mighty Dominion of TotusaE
- The Republic of Minor farmer 1 lolS
- The Republic of Minor farmer 8S
- ZhamojcS
- Bracia polscyM
- New californian statesM
- The Republic of MareastereansM
- The Sultanate of JuronamS
- The Cossack Hetmanate of NikolagradS
- The canadian orthodox republicsE
- FerderalistM
- ZanthS
- FairdaleM
- The Kingdom of StotaviaM
- The The Christian Kingdom of TristerS
- The Grand Duchy of StrelitzS
- The Commonwealth of CathloromansS
- The United States of ChristofiaS
- BowllM
- DisasM
- DnalhmainS
- 250 Shielddefending406 TargetsonNew californian states United Pacifists150 Shielddefending150 Shielddefending150 Launchesat150 Launchesat8 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending4 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending6 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending13 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending7 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending16 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending8 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending9 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending22 Shielddefending57 Shielddefending150 Shielddefending57 Launchesat8 Launchesat4 Launchesat22 Launchesat6 Launchesat13 Launchesat7 Launchesat16 Launchesat8 Launchesat9 Launchesat150 Launchesat406 TargetsonNew californian states United Pacifists2,500 Shielddefending2,500 Launchesat150 Targetson375 Shielddefending150 Targetson150 Targetson150 Targetson1,217 Targetson4,867 Targetson648 Targetson692 Targetson57 Targetson8 Targetson4 Targetson22 Targetson6 Targetson13 Targetson7 Targetson16 Targetson8 Targetson9 Targets
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NationStates by Max Barry