Update: I have finished the archipelago and the other continents, I will start on the countries hopefully tomorrow and start getting the cities in for the rest of the time, I also (if I have enough time left) can make other maps onto of the OG map since I have layers, so I could create Biomes like desserts and tundra on a different layer and hide them, it also opens up a lot of other different options (like a pop density map or height map sea depth etc etc)
Also! I need some names for the continents, there are 6, a north continent (like Greenland) a south continent (like Antarctica) an eastern continent, 2 western continents, and an archipelago in the middle, I will name a continent Drao so please give suggestions for names! (Drao is the Eastern continent)
Also would you mind putting Konas Empire next to me? We support each other heavily and would love to be close to facilitate trade and exchange of goods.
Updates have been made, I am going to finish up the biome map tonight and (possibly) have a population density map. Also, last chance to enter city names before I add a few to some of the large countries (because just having one city labeled is weird)
Wieato is LR's capital city. Major coastal cities include Lizdy, Digm, Crimh, and Robertown. The major cities located inland are Migtse, Maciville, Eitha, Tiag, and Alexopia.
Callada is the capitol, major cities include Olisry, Ariosea, Ardroshire, Sulrith, Khophia, and Xine. You can put them where you want, some inland, and some costal please! You are amazing, I hope you know that!
Update: I've added the major cities from camadaland and LR, while Also adding LR. I'm still waiting for Konas empire to tell me his capital, then I can finish up the map and add the final touches, I also still need 2 more continet names.
LR, If you want to make your own flag I recommend flag.creator.com, it's what me and Camadaland used for our flags, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
I created a new World Factbook regarding my country. In it, I describe the country as being situated on the southern coast of Arequon, bordered by the Great Eltridian Ocean and the Tazania Mountains.
I can change this information, or you can use it! Let me know