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«12. . .70,59870,59970,60070,60170,60270,60370,604. . .71,21071,211»

The ♡Socialist Stellar Dominion♡ of Tigris Empire

The National Union of New Atlantic States

The Weirdo wrote:do you not read the fortnightly meetings

No I'm too busy lol

(EDIT: Ok, four-day period of campaigning and debate, four-day voting period, got it.)

I am a citizen so I should be able to vote.

The Garfieldism Enjoyer of Jakalaka

Erstavik wrote:What time zone does TSP use?

South Pacific Standard Time

The National Union of New Atlantic States

Jakalaka wrote:South Pacific Standard Time

I use UTC-5 (Eastern Daylight Time).

The National Union of New Atlantic States

Since I don't know what to do, I'm sharing my favorite Bossa Nova song - It's called Bolinha de Papel (Little Paper Ball).

The Chinchilla Oligarchy of Nivosea

The Weirdo wrote:Are you a citizen in the forums

If you want to be delegate recommend spamming request for endorse all across the entire region stat

No, but that won't stop me!

(Ok, it will, there's no way I'm getting citizenship)

The Fifith Directory of Legendianux

What exactly is meant by the Coalition of the South Pacific?

The National Union of New Atlantic States

Canamerico and Greenland wrote:no sh*t sherlock

I'm convinced some people have no time zones and just live in space

The Everlasting Loneliness of Imperial Cecilia

New Atlantic States wrote:I'm convinced some people have no time zones and just live in space

Or maybe they live in a place with no time, just all space

The Libertarian States of Archipel Sempi

Jakalaka wrote:South Pacific Standard Time

Literally just PST but South.

The Sempi Archipelago uses that. I mean...

We are located at UTC -8, same as the West of America. So.

But I guess the South Pacific refers to the whole South... Including New Zealand.

So it's... A bunch of stupid time zones which even go across the International Date Line!

The Cayon Democratic Republic of Altnavia

The Truth of Belize of Tsuskia

How i can have 251 Cards, being that the card limit is 250?

The Chinchilla Oligarchy of Nivosea

Tsuskia wrote:How i can have 251 Cards, being that the card limit is 250?

I think you can upgrade your storage with either bank or real life money.

The Truth of Belize of Tsuskia

Nivosea wrote:I think you can upgrade your storage with either bank or real life money.

i didnt buy the expansion :skull:

The Chinchilla Oligarchy of Nivosea

Tsuskia wrote:i didnt buy the expansion :skull:

Maybe Max Barry himself gifted it?

The Republic of Riandera

Is there a song contest here?

The Sklorpgorbs hot spouse of Ammmericaaaa

My bus is playing Whitney Houston!

The People's Republic of Satanaeterra

Ammmericaaaa wrote:Satanaeterra. Want to be added into the tsp sitcom?
"The Llamas, along with the eldritch screechings of Petea wake up TSP, a tropical island town in the deep ocean. In the morning, a vampire wakes up in his house. He goes and sits outside on his porch. This is Ammmericaaaa. His special veil protects him from disintegrating when the sun shines on him.

Virifortis launches cannons into houses telling people to vote in the culinary contest. Sarkovitz opens his quote training center where people can learn to be as badass a quote poster as he is.

Paganan is meanwhile piloting the death star over the island shooting sharks while giving advice like an old mentor.

"Aaah..a beautiful day." The vampire thinks as he drinks SPIT and some blood from a blood vessel from a cow his pet, Swedish URBAN Dog got him.

He looks in front of him as he drinks the blood and alcohol. In front is a beautiful street, and a gorgeous beach. But something catches his eyes. Screams and blood.

On the beach, 18 people are in line. 9 of them have a white shirt that says "Triple Poster." and the other 9 have a ankle and a heart on their shirts. They are all being brutally flogged."

"Oh sh*t." Ammmericaaaa thinks as the one behind this all, the menacing New American Dictatorship walks. In his blue shirt which features ankles and triple posters being burnt at the stake he brutally whips everyone
"MAKE THEM SUFFER! I NEED BLOOD FOR LUNCH!!" The vampire screeches. He then decides to turn around and look at the street as he sips his SPIT. By a cart on the street, its Volaworand and the Republic of Konsa!

"This here is a key lime pie." Volaworand says as he lifts the crime against humanity. Konsas eyes glitter with malice as he says "Pie shall reign supreme, we shall force feed the delegate muahaaa!"

Suddenly. Ammmericaaaa's speakers explode as the national TSP anthem plays. Marching down the street, trampling over trolls is Ebonhand and the cake authority. Volaworand and Konsa drop the key lime pie.

"RUN!" Konsa screams, but Volaworand stuffs the pie into his mouth and what's left of it into a bag and they run into a house. Ebonhand walks by, noticing one milligram of pie on the ground. He launches a machine gun that obliterates the street.

"Well, I got to get to work." Ammmericaaaa the vampire says as Petea begins to screech even louder. "Beautiful." The vampire says as tears of blood well up in his crusty eyes.

He jumps onto the roof with a huge umbrella. Coming at fast speed is 7 tree's maglev trains. He jumps onto the train which shatters his house, however, the toilet smacks him off the train into the beach in the center of a fire. As he flies, he passes a stadium where Kami0 and Albend are playing football and the commentator yells "RIP HIS HEAD OFF!"

Once he douses himself he hears yelling and looks up. He sees Federal Eagle Colony, both eyes twitching as his eyebrows and thick mustache curl into a snarl as he yells "THEY HAVE EARNED THEIR RIGHT TO LIVE THERE!" He would say what Aina Kuokoa and the Republic of Rhode Island were saying in this respectful debate. but his ears have popped. He then notices a pirate ship. Drystar the pirate has 2 cannons on the boat, the banject and the impression cannon, ready to stop the argument immediately.

Once Ammmericaaaa gets up and retreats into the bustling streets of TSP. He makes his way towards the entrance, where new people from different regions comes. In the docks is a massive statue of Aupheila.

He makes his way to the center of the island, where Swedish Urban Dog is tossing the cte'd into the water. The corpse of driyc shium falls into the ocean and is carried away by the ducks as they go under the bridge leading to TNP and TWP.

The 2nd act:

A couple streets west of the main government building is a street. New Xartoia or as he is known now, Hart H laughs as he looks at his loot. It's wonderful. Scamming new people entering TSP is the best. He hides the loot inside his muffin house and sees a brutally beaten up person inside. Inside are 2 henchmen who look like they haven't worked out since the TSP island came into existence.

"SIR!" One of them yells, his bad breath making the walls crack. "He was interrupting the muffin trade by trying to report us to the cake authority!"

Hart H scoffs and sits. "really?" The prisoner says..."Cake is supreme!" Hart H smiles "You believe that huh?" He pulls out a muffin and force-feeds the prisoner who drops dead. "Now get your asses into the shower." He says.

In a nicer part of the town. Reantreet sits. His gold plated m911 at his side and a bowl of oranges and a cup of reantreet tea at his desk He smiles. "You work for Hart H?" He says.

In front of him tied in a golden rope are 13 people. "Yea, why?" The stupid one asks. "So you tried to stop my trading of oranges with the TSP people?!" He yells kindly.

"The punishment for that is death, how do you wish to die?" Reantreet asks kindly. "Uh....can we be boiled in oil."

Reantreet claps his hands. "Of course! Now, here is 12180928201821098209218 TSP coins for each person in your family, now let the boiling commence." So they all scream and die.

As the corpses are removed. He looks at a photo of his kid Tyrigan and smiles. Tyrigan is now a part of the SPSF.

Ammmericaaaa has now gotten to work at the unhinged factory. Here unhinged stable geniuses will interrogate enemies of the state and make them confess if they committed one of many crimes.

-child abuse
-acts of terrorism
-low quality cheese
-liking pie

As he tramples innocent children on his llama. He gets to work. However the other vampires are all dancing.

“HART H??” Ammmericaaaa yells when he sees the mobster rapping.

“"Reantreet wanna strike a chord,
It's gonna be A-Minor,
He creating random discord,
Hart H is the king, you gotta learn. Hart H in the game,muffins on my mind
Dealin' with the heat,grindin' all the time
Makin' dough, stackin' up the cash
In the streets, they know I'm the man with the stash. Hart H in the game,muffins on my mind
Dealin' with the heat,grindin' all the time
Makin' dough, stackin' up the cash
In the streets, they know I'm the man with the stash, When it comes to muffins, I'm the kingpin of the trade
But don't get it twisted, I'm not afraid.”

The vampires cheered crazily.

“WOO! This slaps harder than the belt!”
“He ate!”
“F*ck oranges! Muffins are supreme!”

Ammmericaaaa mutters annoyed and goes up to Hart H. “Your the muffin drug dude?” He bites hart h on the neck. Petea swoops in. “I can’t find my son so…”

He takes Hart H into the cage and sets above it some lava.

Ammmericaaaa laughs as he eats some cake. In the distance Virifortis is running the culinary contest as Drystar bans an idiot.

As Petea leaves, Reantreets henchmen laugh. “We’ll kill him for the boss!” One of them says.

And so they go to Federal Eagle Colony looking to buy nuclear arsenal.

Act 3

In the safehouse hidden behind the Madonna poster. Volaworand is deep at work in creating a key lime pie. Suddenly, the door opens. TSP Therapist walks in.

"What are you doing here?" Volaworand asks the TSP Therapist. He slyly smiles, "I have something you'd like." He tosses a book onto the corner.

The title is how to make a piecaken. "A 3 layer desert, with spice cake on the top, apple pie on the bottom and pecan pie in the middle. We will fool Ebonhand that its pure cake, and he will have tasted Pie."
Volaworand starts laughing manically as TSP Therapist smiles.

Now on the other side of town, Reantreets henchmen knock on a door for 8 hours. After 8 hours. Federal Eagle Colony opens the door. "What do you b*stards want?" He asks as he strokes his thick mustache.

"Do you have nukes?" One of Reantreets henchmen asks. FEC sighs "Come in Bruvs." They walk inside, inside is a variety of nukes, from *Stalins Nuke, great for getting rid of those pesky inlaws* to the tsar bomb.

"Which one do you want?" FEC asks them. the lead henchman looks at one, "Aha! This one! The Arlandian bomb, great for getting rid of muffin overlords bitten by vampires and are now being held in a cage.

FEC smiles, "Now I'll need you to pay me 2 coins." They hand the 2 coins over and take the bomb.

Now they take a maglev to the volcano owned by Petea who is in his house deciding if he should traumatize people or drop the smartest words.

“Wakey wakey hart h.” They say gleefully. He wakes up, "YOU!" He yells.

"How is being a vampire?" The lead henchman says, "Now, you can never be a muffin overlord again. You'll melt in the sun."

Suddenly, the cage explodes. Hart H's wings form and he flies towards them. He grabs one henchman and throws him into the lava. He bites the others and they all pass away instantly.

With the nuke in his hand, he laughs. "I will now wage war on reantreet as a vampire!" Then a big head comes in the sky, "UHm actually." he never finishes his sentence as the nuke hits him.

"Fine, I'll wage war on Reantreet as a half-vampire! THANK YOU AMMMERICAAAA!"
Hart H screams as he flies towards his house.

In the distance, Aina Kuokoa watches. "Damn, hmm....I'll have to do something." He dissolves into birds.

Meanwhile, Sarkovitz is at his training center. "To say a badass quote, it needs to be spontaneous." He tells his students.
"For example, someone says, I've been doing this since before you were born, say, your still bad at it! Muahahahahahah!"

"So get into groups and practice." He says. The students do just that.

Okay kids, In order to learn badass quotes, You need creativity and imagination for it to work, imagine yourself, winning a great battle to ensure the victory of your nation, What will you say that will mark the words of a new era?”

The students had no idea, until one brave soul shouted out “The fall of the Russians will mark the Rise of the Germans, All hail to the Kaiserreich”, he said proudly

Sarkovitz was surprised to hear this, and yelled out “Who shouted that magnificent quote?”, It was none other than Psundar, Sarkovitz’s little brother, With one strike, he raised his hand proudly and said “I did, Big bro”

Sarkovitz was proud that his stupid little brother can learn something for once, He then changed his demeanor to his regular strict and bold personality as he moves on to the next lesson.

Meanwhile. Ammmericaaaa is helping ebonhand by beating up 2 pieists.


He bites them so hard his teeth break, and they fly up in the air and knock down Aina Kuokoas door. A robber smiles “Thank you! Thank you!”

He runs in and starts grabbing everything. Suddenly Aina Kuokoa runs in. “Stop!” He yells. The robber smirks, he lifts his gun, and yells "In the name of Auphelia and Curlyhoward." He fires. It hits Aina Kuokoa who explodes into birds. An ethereal voice says "THOU SHALL NOT DISGRACE THE PATRONS OF TSP!"

The birds start pecking the robber, up his nose, up his ass, up his head, every sensitive area. Birds are pissing and farting and crapping in every area of his body. Its utter hell, the birds cover him using him as a host for Aina Kuokoa who then flies out of the house and the birds separate over the ocean and the robber falls in.

The birds reform into Aina Kuokoa as he smirks.

ACT 4!

Over TSP, the death star flies. Suddenly it falls and crashes into the stadium. The door opens, and everyone goes inside.

Inside is Kuzco, the pilot. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!" He yells, "PAGANAN BOSS!" He screams as he is jumped. Paganan comes out with a rifle and starts shooting.

"Um, you can't just shoot them! IT BREAKS A LAW!" The free romanians yells. He then sees 2 kids playing outside, "Stupid kids, always playing, they don't know anything!" So he controls the death star laser to destroy the kids soccer ball and the kids.

After the conflict, surviving people get on the Death Star and it leaves the planet.

Now across town, NAD stops fights and spammers while Drystar is on vacation. Now, Aflar with a 80s afro and a long beard and a thriller jacket comes.

"You..your the ankle hater right?" Aflar asks him. NAD nods, "whats it to you?" Aflar smirks, "I have some....cronies, who've shown me a secret building full of ankles."

NAD snarls in anger, "Off to FEC's store we go!" FEC smiles. "A genocide for the right reasons, take all these nukes, with 10 times the power of the tsar bomb, and specifically modified for ankles. And take these rifles too, they have jet ammunition and it's on the house."

Laughing, NAD and Aflar go to the building. NAD knocks on the door, a Ankle opens it.

Aflar shoots him, NAD drops a nuke. No ankle survives as Aflar fires round after round after round after round after round after round. 1000 nuclear mushrooms cover the building as NAD burns ankles. Ankle lovers chase Aflar, and he starts shooting them too.

"NOW! I WILL SHOOT THE NUKE!" Aflar yells, NAD drops it and Aflar fires, the resulting explosion eradicates all the ankles and ankle lovers and creates a new bay in TSP.

Ammmericaaaa sighs as he sees this. "Damn it." He mutters. He flies over and begins collecting all the blood.

Meanwhile, for the past 5 days, Reantreets been yelling. He finally stops, "Hart H thinks he can kill my men! THIS IS WAR!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! YOU! PLAY ME A SONG THAT CAPTURES RAGE!" The person frowns "But I'm the custodian, ok fine, sticking out your-" He gets shot by Reantreeet.

"Hmm, definitely they don't care about us." He smiles as he plays the Michael Jackson classic.

Act 4 part 2:

Virifortis sighs "Yea, sure whatever, take the tank, but make sure you tell people to vote in the culinary contest."

Now, the day starts off with Kami0 discussing football tournament deals with anyone that will listen, and Petea is strangling another dude. Pretty normal, suddenly the building next to them explodes.

This wakes up Hart H from his bloodbath (quite literally) "WHAT THE F*CK!!" He screams. He looks outside.

Laughing Hysterically, Hart H is firing round after round as the tank bombs buildings. He fires the gun everywhere. "HART H! THIS IS WAR!" He screams hysterically. "YOU WILL RUE PAIN!" He screeches.

Hart H rolls his eyes and throws a explosive muffin out the window. "Defense Forces. CHARGE!" He screams. Within minutes, the muffinists have the Orange Cartel surrounded as they fire in, while the Orange Cartels backup forces try to sneak behind the Muffinists and attack.

Meanwhile, people are panicking in the TSP Government Headquarters.

"Ebonhand! What do we do!" Ammmericaaaa asked. The wise delegate sighed, "I'm gonna need to think as a delegate, not as a cakeist for this moment. Bring in the regional security council." And so, Kringalia, Tepertopia and Amerion walk in.

"What do we do." Ebonhand asked, "Drystar, Konsa and NAD are already there and FEC is preparing nukes for it." Kringalia sighed "Send in the SPSF!" Ebonhand shrugged. "ok." And so, over TSP, the SPSF's special helicopters fly to the war zone as Ammmericaaaas vampires swoop in and start biting people.

Suddenly, people everywhere start getting dragged by birds. Aina Kuokoa laughs, "This war is between me, Hart H and Reantreet! Muahahahah!" Ammmericaaaa screeches. "IM THE LEADER OF THE SUPERIOR FLYING CREATURES OF TSP! YAAAAA!" He flies towards Aina Kuokoa.

Aina Kuokoa sends a flurry of birds, but Ammmmericaaaa's vampire abilities make him able to dodge and bite them. Infecting them to become HIS birds instead.

Act 4 Part 3:

From his room covered in Madonna wall papers, madonna bed covers, madonna posters, madonna windows and Madonna's perfume brands. Volaworand watches the explosions and nuclear bombs as FEC screams. "IM GONNA BE RICH!" What is he watching?

The war between the Muffinists and Orange Cartels. TSP Therapist falls into the room, "Propoganda time?" Volaworand laughs, "Yes, but first." He takes out his phone and dials a number.

Konsa sighs "Thats another rule violation!" as he suppresses someone, literally...He picks up his phone. "Yes?"

"Konsa, I'm coming to spread pie propaganda, help me." Konsa smiles, "I like the way you think."
In the madonnamobile, Volaworand comes to the war zone. He stops by a family hiding as oranges, muffins, cannons and body parts fly over their heads.

"Oranges and Muffins have destroyed your lives!" Volaworand says. Konsa adds "And the cakeists have done nothing to help you, but us Pieists? We will! Join pie!"

The family joins them as they continue to regale people with the prophecy of Pie. Meanwhile, Ammmericaaaaa and Aina Kuokoa are still fighting.

"Take that, and that!" Ammmericaaa screams as he spits blood onto the birds. Aina Kuokoa smiles, and creates a bird monster. Ammmericaaaa flies down and gets a nuke and blows the monster up. Aina Kuokoa sighs,

"Why wreak havoc on each other when we can wreak havoc on the Pieists?" Ammmericaaaa smiles.

"PIE! F*CK CAKE! F*CK ORANGES! F*CK MUFFINS! F*CK THAT ICE CREAM STORE!" The growing pie crowd screams. Suddenly, from above, birds and vampires begin to strike, pecking anything they can grab.

The crowd disperses quickly, while Volaworand pulls out a weapon. He starts firing pies everywhere. Aina Kuokoas birds grab and start throwing it at Ammmericaaaa.

Act 5
Meanwhile, across the street. 2 cops are there. "Murder on the dance floor." One of them says looking at the dead person. Monaque, the blueberry dealer.

"Somebody had killer moves." The 2nd cop says. Suddenly Monaque rises to the air and shoots the 2nd cop with a nuclear blueberry weapon.

"WHAT THE F*CK?!" The first cop yells pulling out his gun. However, Monaque raises his hand and the cop turns into blueberry's.

Just then, Aflar who happened to be passing by comes. "Oh hey Monaque. Did you hear that Hart H and reantreet are fighting. We should put a end to this."

Monaque shrugs. "What do you have in mind?"

Aflar smirks. "Genoci-actually, maybe peace would be good. I suggest, we convince them to stop. I have this new device that NAD uses to torture the ankles."

Monaque nods. "Lets get to it."

Meanwhile Ammmericaaaa's fellow Vampires are attacking Aina Kuokoa with Virifortis's tanks assisting.

Monaque and Aflar fly into the residence of Hart H.

"HART H! CEASE THIS!" Aflar yells. Hart H scoffs. "No way! We must defeat the orange cartel!"

Aflar sighs. "Your ruining the impression on muffins! And if you refuse..." He shows the video of a feral street urchin.

"OH GOD NO!" Hart H screams. "STOP! GAH! THE TROLLS ARE TOO STRONG! OK OK! I'll agree to a peace treaty with the TSP Government."

"Phew." Aflar smiles. "Now..for reantreet.." Monaque shrugs. "My children are talking to him." Aflar frowns "You have children?" Monaque nods. "Blueberries, I grew them in the TSP farms."

Aflar shrugs. "Eh whatever."

The day ends with Petea seducing the neighbors to make him supreme ruler of the street.

The next day Ebonhand sits at his desk. He is waiting for the 2 to arrive. Drystar is now throwing everyone who violated a rule out.

Hart H and Reantreet walk in. Ebonhand sighs. "Sit." They sit. Ebonhand starts, a bit of annoyance in his voice. "You have ruined that neighborhood!"

Hart H sighs. "He insulted muffins!" Ebonhand sighs. "SHUT UP! Heres the deal. Deal, trade muffins and oranges, whatever, but don't fight. Otherwise Drystar will be tailing you."

That causes a shudder and they sign a peace treaty. Meanwhile....

Ammmericaaaa flies through the air shooting teeth as more of Volaworands supporters turn into Vampires. Aina Kuokoa is chasing Ammmericaaaa with Konsas help, but Virifortis sends cannon after cannon.

Meanwhile, a racoon is watching the battle. He scurries to a tree, here is where all the raccoons live.

"My lord." The Racoon says. "They're still fighting." The half racoon half human leader of the raccoon scowls. "They're ruining our chances of finding frogs to eat!" Their name is Valiraisia. They grin. "I have a beautiful idea. Bring out the prisoner." 2 buff raccoons bring out a very old raccoon, who was accused of trying to spread a facist ideal.

"You...go to the battle and yell...this..."

Meanwhile. Ammmericaaaa is yelling. "CEASE YOUR IMMORAL PIE OPERATIONS!" Volaworand yells. "NEVER!" Then the raccoon climbs onto a pedastal and yells. "MADONNA SUCKS!"

Suddenly all fighting stops. Ammmericaaaa turns towards the raccoon. "Everyone....." Volaworand scowls. "Attack!" The pieists and cakeists work together to kill the raccoon in a very gory scene.

After that Ammmericaaaa sighs. "Fine, this fight is over. But only for today." Volaworand nods. "Deal." They walk away.

Act 6
TSP has returned to peace.

Meanwhile above the place. The free romanians and Paganan are there. "the death star weapons have been destroyed!" TFR yells. Paganan frowns. "Hmm...what do we do?"

They walk over to sarkovitz quote training center. "So, to be a badass quote poster, you need to-wait a minute." Sarkovitz walks over. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks.

Tfr says "Our death star stopped working." Sarkovitz shrugs, "Go ask FEC." So the duo saunter over to FEC.

Once they get to FEC's NUCLEAR STORE! FOR ALL YOUR NUCLEAR NEEDS!, they open the door. In line is Ammmericaaaa, Volaworand, NAD and Drystar.

"Ah yes, one hydrogen bomb for drystar, here you go!" FEC hands the device in a bag to Drystar who takes it out. "and don't forget NAD I have your weekly order of Ankle removing nuclear weapons." He hands a bag, "Ah yes Volaworand, the bombs that shoot out pie odor and once blasted plays Madonna music. Here you go. And don't worry, this one plays from the ray of light album!" FEC smiles.

Ammmericaaaa steps up. "AH!" FEC says. "This one specifically targets Pieists with its radioactive material." Ammmericaaaa pays and takes it. FEC sighs once TFR and Paganan walk up. "How can I help you?"

Paganan smiles. "We need to fix our Death Star weapons." FEC nods. "Where is it?" TFR smiles widely. "Now, I was seeing your stores brochure, and you have a premium membership, as we own your biggest nuke, are we entitled to discounts on any repairs?"

FEC sighs. "Your warranty still has 10,000 years to go!" "Oh ok then." TFR says. Fec mutters something about cheapskates and puts his cake powered boots on.

"So it appears the problem is you have a jammed button." FEC says 12 hours later. TFR nods. "Will it work now?"

"WHAT NO-" Fec is cut off as the death star fires on the nuclear weapons shop. Everything explodes and a new lake is formed as a massive explosion rips through the island.

"Phew." Ammmericaaaa says as his house isn't destroyed by 7 trees Maglevs, it gets destroyed by the nukes. "FU-!" He screams.

Just then, seeing this. Hart H smiles. "lobotomy!" Meanwhile, FEC is stunned. "ALl that scamming for what?! MY SHOP IS GONE!" Suddenly a thought crosses his brain. "....muahahaha...MUAHAHAAA! TIME TO PONZI SCHEME!"

TFR and Paganan glance at him concerned. "Uh FEC? you good?" FEC's eye twitches. "Absolutely, I will take enough money to make a better nuke shop!"

"Pray to the ankle hater god and to Auphelia and to the concrete slab and to the cake lord." Paganan says as FEC begins to do a menacing evil walk.

In the TSP Square, most of TSP's residents are waiting. Drystar is watching over occasionally shooting someone with his pirate gun. Then the TSP national anthem plays and Monaque passes out.

"oh my god! He's dead!" Aflar yells. "Will he dissolve into blueberries?" Ammmericaaaa wonders. "Dissolving into blueberries, what a wonderful-" Sarkovitz is then shot by Hart H's men. "Oh look, GRIFFINDOR!" Petea's sorting hat yells. The WA delegate walks onto the stage.

"Following the recent wars, we have decided to punish some people. I introduce to you, one of Drystars inventions..THE WOODCHIPPER!" He removes the cloth, but it gets stuck in the woodchipper which tears it to shreds.

Unimpressed, Volaworand coughs. "It already existed."

"I KNOW THAT!" Griffindor yells. "I'm introducing it to the new nations!" A collective "OH" rises from the crowd. Griff reads through a list, "Hmm Old, Old, Old, too many alts, too many dispatches, they're a cakeist. AHA!"

"Aurorastan, could you kindly come on stage?" Griff asks. Aurorastan walks on stage. "I'm rather new to TSP." Aurorastan says. NAD growls as he reads through the list. "Too many rule breakings! SENTENCE HIM TO WATCH TERATOMA TUMORS!"
Drystar looks at him. "No." NAD pouts then scowls and proceeds to shoot a man engaged in intimate activities with a ankle. (Massaging it)
"All right, we'll just need a strand of your hair." Griff tells Aurorastan, then proceeds to remove all his hair.

"All right TOSS HIM IN! TOSS HIM IN!" The crowd yells, but Aurorastan jumps into the woodchipper and bones, blood, clothing ears, eyeballs all fly out of the woodchipper. "I'm hungry" Ammmericaaaa whispers to Petea and Paganan, and the 3 go up and grab the body parts and munch on it.

Ebonhand sighs annoyed and tosses aurorastans hair into the revive o matic.

"Ooh!" He rips away the envelope and takes the letter. "NAD is resigning as Moderator and Volaworand is taking his place. Please come to TSP town square in 2 minutes otherwise your family, your loved ones, your friends and Bruce Willis will be thrown into the woodchipper."

"Damn." Ammmericaaa mutters, he flies. Everyone is there in TSP town square.
"Hello" FEE says. Ammmericaaaa frowns "What did you do with FEC?"

"I killed him and dumped his body in the lake, bless the enclave." FEE responds. Amme shrugs, "What do you do now?"

"Now? I just scam people and teach them pyramid schemes while making weapons to give to capitalist communists."
Ammme literally explodes in horror. "Cleanup on aisle 7!" A random voice yells. "Seriously?!." FEE mutters.

Just then, several nukes launch in the air destroying the homes of imperial cecilia and jakalaka. "WHAT DID WE DO?!" They yell.
"nothing. I just like to play with the button." Ebonhand says.

He then clears his throat for 123456789101112131415161718192021323232 minutes before speaking. "Today, our moderator NAD resigned. We will commence the traditional passing of moderator powers." NAD steps on stage, everyone bows.

"Here is the mess." NAD says holding up a globe with screaming trolls, chronic rule breakers and redditors. "HAVE FUN!" He throws it at vola who catches it.
"HOLD IT!" A voice yells. Ammmericaaa's body has literally become a bunch of bats. THey start pecking everyone. For 1000 minutes everyone screams.

(OOC. Time to become literally every fantasy novel where the protagonist is female, and her killer is her lover)
Suddenly...He stepped in. If you were tall, he was taller. He was taller than tall. His hair was as blonde as the contents of taco bell bathrooms. His skin was like a cup of Starbucks coffee. He wore a thick leather jacket that was so thin that the wind ripped through it. He wore no shoes showing off his awesome shoes. He was having a chocolate muffin that had no chocolate.
His eyes were so bright they were not bright at all. They were a mixture of red and...more red. He was literally perfect.

Petea had arrived. (You said you wanted a mary sue so..)
"I'll stop him!" He yells. Petea pulls out a literal machine gun and slaps his thigh. Suddenly, all the bats drop. Because he's just that strong. His shoe falls off his foot and goes around and slaps all the bats silly.

He then sticks them all together with glue, and shoots the rioting birds. But it fails because he doesn't have a gun.

"wait...he had a machine gun though." FEE says utterly bewildered. "Yea, but remember it vanished for plot purposes." NAD says. ominously staring at you.

Suddenly, a giant Minecraft slime monster comes, who is she? Sklorpgorbs.

Read factbook

How would I do that?

The Sklorpgorbs hot spouse of Ammmericaaaa

Satanaeterra wrote:How would I do that?

Just tell me what you want your character to do,

(For example their personality, job and a unhinged storyline for them)

The Grand Weirdom of The Weirdo

The start of this page was 3 hours ago

What yall doing that’s so important that you have to be away from ns

The Bloody Mary Husband of Arlandias

The Weirdo wrote:The start of this page was 3 hours ago

What yall doing that’s has you to be away from ns


The Grand Weirdom of The Weirdo

Arlandias wrote:Education

Just download the mathy things into your Brian problem solved

The Sklorpgorbs hot spouse of Ammmericaaaa

The Weirdo wrote:The start of this page was 3 hours ago

What yall doing that’s so important that you have to be away from ns

Making kids cry

The Sklorpgorbs hot spouse of Ammmericaaaa

The Weirdo wrote:Just download the mathy things into your Brian problem solved

I'd need a brian for that first.

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