Volaworand's bureaucrats judge the national policies of other governments by five core values. The Antarctic Dominion draws on British parliamentary traditions and has strong
liberal democratic values. It greatly values
openness as it is a nation of immigrants, with one quarter of the populating having arrived as refugees. Volaworand is a highly
secular nation and finds any enforced religious practice abhorrent. The population places a high value on
human life, and is especially offended by the taking of life by the state. The nation is highly reliant on international goods and tourism and so values
trade openness.
Department of External Affairs bureaucrats attempt to apply these values when noting policy concerns when rating national relationships with other nations. The government does not always follow public opinion as it seeks smooth diplomatic relationships and realpolitik.
AutocracyThe nation does not hold democratic elections.
This is seen as a major negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends liberal values.
DevolutionGovernment power is substantially delegated to local authorities.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
FeudalismThe nation practices a feudal system of lords and serfs.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
MonarchyThe special status of a royal family is enshrined in law.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Native RepresentationOnly native-born citizens may hold elected office.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a minor negative concern the government. Offends openness values.
No DissentPublic protests are illegal.
This is seen as a major negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends liberal values.
Pledge of AllegianceThe daily singing of an anthem or reciting of a pledge is compulsory in schools.
This is seen as an internal matter by both the populace and the government.
Proportional RepresentationVotes translate linearly to elected representation, with no seats or electoral college.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Public ProtestThe right to public protest is considered to be essential.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
SortitionParliamentarians are randomly selected.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and a major negative concern the government. Offends liberal values.
State PressOnly state-controlled media is permitted.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Term LimitsElected representatives must leave office after a legally mandated amount of time.
This is seen as an internal matter by the populace and a minor negative concernthe government.
TheocracyWorship of the official state religion is mandatory.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a minor negative concern by the government. Offends secular values.
AI PersonhoodArtificial beings are legally recognized citizens.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
AtheismReligious worship is prohibited.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Body IntegrityCitizens may not pierce their bodies nor circumcize their children.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
CannibalismConsuming the flesh of fellow humans is legal.
This is seen as a major negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends human values.
Child Self-RearingChildren are left in the wilderness to raise themselves.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Compulsory Organ HarvestingCitizens have no say in the medical use of their bodies after death.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
EuthanasiaCitizens are legally entitled to end their lives.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
GeronticideCitizens are not permitted to reach old age.
This is seen as a major negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends human values.
HeterosexualitySame-sex relationships are illegal.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a minor negative concern the government. Offends secular values.
Marriage EqualityCitizens of the same sex may marry.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No AbortionAbortion is illegal.
This is seen as a negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends secular values.
No AdulteryAdultery is prohibited by law.
This is seen as a negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No ContraceptionContraception is illegal.
This is seen as a negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No MarriageMarriage is prohibited.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No SmokingSmoking is prohibited, even in private.
This is seen as an internal matter by both the populace and the government.
No SportsPhysical contact sports are prohibited.
This is seen as an internal matter by both the populace the government.
No ZoosExhibiting confined animals is prohibited.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
NudismClothing is forbidden.
This is seen as a negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Parental LicensingCitizens must acquire a license in order to have children.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Permanent MarriageDivorce is illegal.
This is seen as a negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
PolygamyCitizens may have multiple spouses.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
PrudismStrict modesty laws govern how citizens may dress.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a minor negative concern by the government. Offends secular values.
Sex EducationSchool-age children receive mandatory sex education.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
Vat-Produced InfantsChildren are mass-produced from artificial wombs.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
VegetarianismVegetarianism is compulsory.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Law & Order
Capital PunishmentCitizens may be executed for crimes.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a minor negative concern by the government. Offends human values.
ConscriptionA period of military service is compulsory for all citizens.
This is seen as a negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Corporal PunishmentCriminals may be ordered to undergo physical punishment.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
CurfewThe nation enforces a national curfew.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
DNA HarvestingCitizen DNA must be submitted to the state.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Gun ControlCitizens are forbidden from owning firearms.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Gun OwnershipAll citizens are required to own a firearm.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Human SacrificeReligious sacrifice of human beings is legal.
This is seen as a major negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends secular and human values.
ID ChipsCitizens are administered an under-the-skin ID chip.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No JudiciaryThe nation has abolished the court system.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No PrisonJails and prisons are not employed.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
AI PlanningThe nation runs an AI-backed planned economy.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by both the populace and the government.
Affirmative ActionOrganizations are required to meet demographic quotas.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
AutarkyThe nation pursues a policy of economic self-sufficiency.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and a major negative concern by the government. Offends trade values.
CannabisCannabis may be legally purchased.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
CapitalismPrivate industry is permitted within a market-based economy.
This is seen as a major positive by both the populace and the government.
Child LaborChildren may be legally employed as workers and contractors.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
Maternity LeaveNew mothers receive paid leave from employment.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
MetricismThe state mandates the use of the metric system.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
No AircraftAircraft are banned.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No AutomobilesCars are banned.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No ComputersComputers are banned.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No DrugsAll recreational drugs are prohibited.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No GamblingGambling is illegal.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No InternetCitizens may not connect to the Internet.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
No Nuclear PowerNuclear power generation is prohibited.
This is seen as an internal matter by the populace and the government.
No Video GamesComputer games are banned.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Nuclear PowerThe nation is nuclear powered.
This is seen as an internal matter by the populace and a positive by the government.
ProhibitionAlcohol is banned.
This is seen as a minor negative concern by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
SlaverySlavery is legal.
This is seen as a major negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends human values.
SocialismIndustry is owned and run by the government in a centrally planned economy.
This is seen as a major negative concern by both the populace and the government. Offends trade values.
Space ProgramThe nation runs a space program.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
Universal Health CareThe state provides health care to all citizens.
This is seen as a positive by the populace and an internal matter by the government.
Climate TreatyThe nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.
This is seen as a major positive by both the populace and the government.
No EmigrationCitizens are not permitted to leave.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a minor negative concern by the government. Offends openness values.
No ImmigrationForeigners cannot become residents.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a minor negative concern by the government. Offends openness values.
No WMDsThe nation opposes the use of WMDs.
This is seen as a positive by both the populace and the government.
Weapons of Mass DestructionThe nation claims the legal right to use WMDs.
This is seen as a major negative concern by the populace and a negative concern by the government. Offends human values.
See Also: Foreign Relations Of Volaworand
- Volaworand Newswire