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The Imperial Federation of Elysitopia

Quebecshire wrote:Too?

I’ll still be around :p

R.I.P Quebecshire, It's definitely a tragic loss indeed...

The Constitutional Theocracy of Iandrul

The Serene State of Quebecshire

Iandrul wrote:Howdy all

Long time no see

The Colony of The Space Federation of the NAS

Neo American States wrote:Hello I am new

well this is my first quote in the league, long way i have come

The Galactic Empire of Lumeris

The Republic of Eashavist

The Eternal Kingdom of Narkina

The End of an Era, and the Dawn of a New Chapter

On Wednesday, Chief Consul Emeritus Quebecshire announced his resignation from the Consulate, bringing a nearly seven-year tenure as a Consul to a close. Quebecshire will continue his exemplary service as the Republic’s first Founder and as an advisor to the Consulate. More information on this transition can be found here.

Quebecshire’s illustrious career with the Consulate began with its inception in 2018 and included two terms as Chief Consul. During his tenure, he played a pivotal role in guiding the Republic from the depths of scandals, chaos, and drama to the heights of success, prominence, and stability. Quebecshire retires as the longest-serving Consul and Chief Consul in the Republic’s history. It has been a tremendous honor and privilege to serve alongside him, I am extremely grateful to have been given the opportunity to serve on the Consulate alongside him.

I congratulate Quebecshire on his many achievements and accomplishments, as well as thank him for his extraordinary leadership and contributions to the Republic, made possible by his tireless dedication, determination, and commitment. In recognition of his outstanding service to the Republic, I award Quebecshire the Consulate Citation on the Consulate’s behalf.

Quebecshire’s resignation marks the end of an era—a closing chapter in the Republic’s history—but every ending paves the way for a new beginning. On that note, I am honored to announce that World Assembly Delegate of The League and Director of Culture, Gagium, has been selected to succeed Quebecshire as a Consul of the Republic. I had high expectations for Consul Gagium when he was selected, but during his time as Consul in-training, he exceeded my expectations. Gagium possesses the combination of experience, knowledge, and leadership needed to succeed as a consul. I look forward to working together with both Consul Spode and Consul Gagium, as we embark on the next chapter of the Republic’s story.

The Aureate Delegacy of Gagium

"Gagium Consulate time."

First, I would like to take the moment to reflect on Quebecshire's 2,490-day tenure as Consul of the Republic. Quebecshire, as founder of The League, assumed the role of Consul during a period of incredible political change that saw the region move from a democratic system to a system that initially combined democracy with a more permanent form of government. Largely designed by Quebecshire, the Consulate sought to elevate the community from one focused on the drama of the present to a community working together to build a better future. Over half a dozen people have served on the Consulate since its creation in March of 2018, many of whom helped the community reach new heights, but Quebecshire has been the lone Consul to retain his spot for roughly seven years.

One thing that always stood out to me about Quebecshire is his incredible resolve to stand up for what he believes in. During the early years of the Consulate, the region repeatedly stood face to face with adversity in the form of drama both from within and from outside. Internal drama and toxicity was eventually noticed by the wider gameplay community. However, the way this was handled by Quebecshire is nothing short of incredible. The result of Quebecshire's sheer determination to help The League & Concord be the best community it could be speaks for itself. Today, we are home to a storied defender military, numerous commended players, as well as a regional wiki quickly approaching 9,000 total articles from dozens of contributors. I have no shortage of confidence regarding Quebecshire's ability to continue contributing to the League & Concord, as well as his ability to continue making a name for himself by defying all odds on this site.

That being said, I am extremely honored to have been selected as Quebecshire's successor on the Consulate. My path of involvement in the community has been extremely unconventional, going from ally to rival to exile to WA Delegate of The League. Quite frankly, for the vast majority of the time I have been a member of the community, I never could've imagined assuming the role of Consul, much less as a result of Quebecshire retiring from the position. However, I am incredibly proud of the work that I have done for the community during the past ~2 years as Director of Culture and WA Delegate, and I would like to thank the Consulate for having faith in me to succeed Quebecshire.

I am officially resigning as Director of Culture of The League & Concord, and I humbly accept my selection as the newest Consul of the Grand Republic of The League and Concord. I look forward to working with the Consulate to select a new Director of Culture, and to continue our work in building the best community on the site. I believe that while Quebecshire's departure from the Consulate marks the end of an era, it also marks the start of a new era for both him and for the community. I look forward to serving with Anjan Kloss and Spode Humbled Minions on the Consulate.

The Ever-Expanding Belt of Pantso

Congrats Gagium on your appointment as Consul of the Republic!

The Most Serene Republic of New San Antonio

The League & Concord Question of the Day #71: What do you think Consul Gagium should do in his new position?

Invade Osiris and integrate it into the Consulate, creating TL/C/O.

If you have any ideas for a QoTD please TG New San Antonio or DM me on Discord!
Department of Internal Affairs

The Democratic Republic of Pavulturilor

5 clicks off west to Posa, LAF-occupied Terr.
10:00, 11th January 2025

“What do you mean, ‘They just charged in and took it’?! It doesn't work like that! did they just not see the trucks?!” A wail of agony followed by a heavy sigh as she sipped her coffee yet again, now emptying the 4th mug

“From the ones we left there as sleepers, what we managed to gather was that the Illyrian orders were ‘A toto costo, mese’, and in a language we can understand, that would be ‘At Any Cost’, Commander.” The adjutant stated, unphased

 And with a stroke of caffeine-induced brilliance… “Well… that must mean that they prepared heavily for this assault, right? they had to pull divisions from other places for this, right? that means- fax to command the following:” She instructed the adjutant, who would follow to the letter

“Posa has fallen to an unequally overwhelming force, one which size is so numerous, this unusually high concentration is highly likely to have resulted in weaknesses and perhaps even gaps along the front, it would be wise to initiate offensives along other fronts while calling for negotiations. Signed, cpt. V.” She then paused for a moment as she waited for him to finish typing “Got it all down?”

“Yes ma’am”

“Send it” She said, smiling smugly, then sitting on her chair corss-legged

And so, Another mug of coffee was consumed.

New Illyricum

The Potentially Great Country of South Austral

Quebecshire wrote:Too?

I’ll still be around :p

I mean like who else gonna leave like that

The Serene State of Quebecshire

South Austral wrote:I mean like who else gonna leave like that


The Democratic Republic of Pavulturilor

Black League PMC field HQ, somewhere within the Enjolan copperbelt
08:00, 11th January 2025.

The base really started to take a shape in the last couple months, the kindly donated container units were turned into not that bad living accommodations, an airstrip some good distance away and a dirt road connecting it to the base, now all sealed off with barbed wire and constantly manned guard posts.

In the middle of the living quarters area, there was big tent, and at its entrance, a black banner adorned by a white dual-headed eagle encircled by a golden halo.

“To raise the banner, all will stand in attention.”

And they all did, and so the banner was raised, now the day can begin.

“Good morning, I hope all of you slept well tonight, we have a mission. The town of Tasheba is under the control of the ESF, given that they hold the entire town as hostages, we will go at this quickly, once we are a good 5 kilometers away, encircle the town and then move in swiftly and at the same time, we cannot allow them the time to react.” The Battalion commander continues “This town is vital in its location for this region, controlling it means controlling a good chunk of the highway from it forward, we cannot let them control it any further, time to begin the end of their reign of terror here, am I clear gentlemen?”

“Yes sir!” They shout 

“Good good, onto the trucks, we’re going hunting.”

5 Clicks Southeast to the town of Tasheba, Enjolan Copperbelt
12:00, Same date

The trucks came to a halt

>>”Alright boys time to do some walking, each squad leader has their map and knows where to go, so move it, out.”<<

They all exit their trucks and begin their march. It will take some time, and the sun is not doing them any favors, so it was a good thing to bring water.

As they all got to their eventual positions it was a good hour or two since their disembarking, and after short checks and coordinations, the battle began, the assault was swift and began by taking out ATGM positions along the road entrance to the town to allow for vehicle support, then, house to house fighting, these veterans with a few wars under their belts were leagues beyond what separatist forces could allow themselves

By 17:00 they were shooting at the retreating strugglers and raised the banner over the highest point in the town, but this won’t be that easy.

They dig in and prepare, this was just the start.


The Serene State of Quebecshire

The Democratic Republic of Concordant

Quebecshire wrote:88% endorsement rate on Gagium!


The Imperial State of the Crown of Angvar

Quebecshire wrote:88% endorsement rate on Gagium!

Onward to 90% (and I am not even on the WA yet)!

The Federal Republic of Bundes Republic Deutschland

Deutsche News Today
1. The Bundestag voted on the Federal Government's 2025 budget on January 7. There are two important changes in the 2025 budget. President Osen said in his budget request speech that the government plans to further increase military spending (3 trillion euros) and increase the size of the army to maintain the German army's ability to respond effectively to external threats, especially in Eastern Europe. At the same time, the government plans to increase the aid allocation to MSF organizations to 5 million euros, and expand its office in Berlin to upgrade to a contact center. Currently, the Bundestag has passed the government's budget proposal, and the German Central bank is conducting an audit of the funds.
According to relevant officials, the Bundeswehr may reach its largest size since its establishment, with over 4.2 million personnel, and that's not including N.S.A.F. (National Security Armed Forces, under National Security Agency). Masseges from some top secrets shows N.S.A.F. also could have about 1 million soldiers. The General Staff and Central Straregy Command has dispatched reinforce garrison troops toward eastern border several times before.

The Democratic Republic of Pavulturilor

20 Clicks off north to the Rue de Khoebe, Ferunia
09:00, 12th January 2025

They left by the grace of the night, and probably god considering they had barely above 15 dead out of 300, and that in return they wiped out, what? More than a thousand? 

And now… they have to pull that off… tenfold… with less than a quarter of the time to prepare… great…

“So… what are our chances?”

“Not that good, they don’t care, they just throw bodies until they get the result”

“Should we have pulled westwards instead? We are effectively cut-off now”

“We… do… have a wildcard…”

“Are you suggesting the motherland gets involved? Aren't we here the entire point for them to stay out?”

“We are here to gauge the response, this entire conflict is an experiment.”

“I… I suppose…”

“Besides, that whole ‘coalition’ barely gives a rat’s ass about those commies, they did attack a hospital, did they not?”

“That is a good point.”

“I’m calling them on the sat-phone.”

But the test has failed, Unless you alter its description

New Illyricum
Super League

The Potentially Great Country of South Austral

Quebecshire wrote:Wdym?

I dont know what I'm talking about anymore

The Transcontinental Empire of United Nations of Asian Countries

Guys Tiernesia is dead... :(

The Night-Watchman State of Dapines

hello i return from colorado nobody knew i was there since i told nobody but nonetheless i am here

The United Socialist States of New Illyricum

Official Military Communique - 22:45 RST

Illyrian National Military Council: Marshall of the Aviation Force Marco Apeo:


It has become evident in Ferunicum that our previous ground campaigns have been far too costly and have made only small gains. Now it is imperative that all necessary measures be taken to ensure the capture of major objectives as quickly as possible, whether or not that should mean usage of excessive force. The bombing campaigns in Ferunia and Trurnia must not only continue, but expand to the entire region. All soldiers should prepared for widespread strikes on both civilian and military targets.

It has also become evident that Pavulturilor is becoming involved in Enjola, with the Enjolan Separatist Front. In order to preserve our relationship with the Enjolan government, this council has found it prudent to cut any official ties with the ESF. However we must continue to support them by other means in order to preserve New Illyrian interests in the region.

Remember, we are not only fighting to take back Ferunicum, but also to save ourselves from the scourge of fascism. Your families, your wives, your children, will be taken and tortured if we do not prevail with the greatest swiftness in ensuring Ferunia's defeat. Finally; new official orders, if found, capture ALIVE "Lieutenant Viperă" as well as any other Ferunian or Pavulturilori military commanders.


The Democratic Republic of Pavulturilor

ACR - WG-138

Minimum classification access: Confidential

Present key clearance: Confidential

Present Scenario: Code MN type generic - The motherland was attacked by a distant enemy, and naval response is unavailable

Stated goal: Within 24 hours of the given order, Zbir 2 missiles and launch vehicles of batteries “Sorata” and “Damnare” are to be fully ready and braced within the operational zone.

Units involved: Batteries Sorata and Damnare, and Ruşo unit

Wargame details: [CLASSIFIED - SECRET]

Wargame results: Success within mission and time parameters

Further notes: [CLASSIFIED - SECRET]

The Empire of Krutsia

The Government of The Federal Republic of Krutsia fears that the newest member of The Legion, The Federation of Yurzikstan is on the rise of becoming a dictatorship-led nation with a dark future that might threaten the purpose of The Legion's Creation. To ensure that the free world stays free from the terrors of fascism, tyranny, and communism. We must band together to stop this mutation from happening and keep watch of The struggling government that is The Federation of Yurzikstan.

From The Office of Foreign Affairs and The Office of The Krutsian Strategic Intelligence Service

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