”And for crimes against the Illyrian people, you are sentenced to be put to death via firing squad” the executioner announced, next thing she knew, she was tied to the pole, and a sack placed over her head.
It felt as if she had no mouth…
And yet she just had…
To Scream.
Posa, New Illyricum, LAF-occupied terr. 08:00, 6th January 2025
And scream she very much did, waking up cold and sweaty from a nightmare to ringing ears and an unfamiliar room, her chest slowly rose and backed down from each weighted breath.
Her eyes dotted around to try and discern whether her nightmare was prophetic or nonsense, seeing her comrades there, it proved to be the latter.
“Woah woah relax there, it’s alright… nothing happened… you’re alive…” one of them tries to reassure her
“Yes… Alive…” she says, shaking, calming little by little slowly but surely
“You did get a nasty hit in the head though, aside from that, I’m pretty sure god loves you, commander.”
“Sure he does… ugh can I get some coffee?”
“Right away”
“Thank you, in the meantime, situation?”
Getting up and out of the sickbed to look at the mirror, same dusty uniform, shame she lost the hat
“The northern flank is getting increasingly hard to defend by the hour, the rest continue to hold.”
“And the situation at large?”
“Coalition forces have arrived, oh, and KC launched their assault.” The adjutant states
“By mannerism I suppose the south is for the most part contained?”
“But now… what do we do with those pesky libshites…”
As her coffee was ready she took a sip, ah, the same old garbage juice.
“And let’s step back a moment… who’s in charge here now?”
“You’re the only commander that-”
“Don’t tell me…”
“I can shut up but it doesn’t change that.”
“That… changes things… evacuate the city.”
“You heard me, leave a few teams behind to harass the incoming forces, but withdraw the main ones to a better position, it’s still not Ferunia proper on which we are fighting, we have our depth”
“Understood, anything else?”
“Evacuation will only take place in the dark, the trucks will drive back in the day to maintain the illusion we are reinforcing our positions to buy more time, an elaborate bluff.”
Hello and welcome to The League! We hope you're enjoying NationStates so far and are happy to welcome you to our community. Below are some tips to get you off to a strong start in our region. First, click the below spoiler for an important explanation on endorsing the Delegate to help make the region stronger.
Go to: page=un, select apply to join, then go to your email to and use the confirmation link to join the World Assembly!
Then, visit my nation's page (Gagium), scroll down, and select the button labelled "Endorse". Feel free to do the same for our vice-delegate (nation=creeperopolis).
After that, pop by our Discord server if you can! We're a large community with a lot of active members and can help you get settled in. If you want to join our roleplay, learn how to add articles to our wiki, or join our regional military, our discord is the place to start! The link is here: https://discord.gg/jrpFunX
We hope you enjoy your time here, and feel free to respond to this post with any questions, or just to chat with us!
This will be my last address as a Consul of The League & Concord.
On March 16th, 2018, the Office of the Consulate was established as part of a complete overhaul of our region’s governing structure to combat inactivity and decline after two uncontested Presidential elections. Long ago it was evidence that this leap of faith, uprooting and rebuilding our institutions from the ground up, was a success. Since then, I have served on the Consulate in some capacity for all 2,490 days of the Consulate’s existence.
Our community has existed for nearly nine years, a milestone achieved by very few regions, let alone at the size or with the activity consistency of ours. That said, final stage of regional success - the only one not yet achieved by our community in my mind, is success beyond the direct involvement of the Founder. Regions like Europeia and 10000 Islands are the most prominent examples of this, and that longevity is only achieved with an incredible combination of skill, dedication, and frankly fortune by certain regional communities. We’ve hit everything else I could ask for: incredible population, military power, roleplay enrichment, WA engagement and recognition, and stopping short of that final rubicon of success is not how we’ve governed this community before.
The next Consulate, of Anjan Kloss, Spode Humbled Minions / Mechanocracy, and my successor is the best suited team to confront this challenge. Spode has been an unwaveringly loyal member of this community since 2016 - a steady hand of simple competence, and as one of our strongest remaining veterans he has a critical part to play in this next Consulate. Anjan Kloss has been my chosen successor for years. There’s little to say that hasn’t already been said, he has the best slate of leadership qualities anyone could ask for and he is most suited to carry on our legacy of service, patriotism, and compassion in our regions. My successor has my full confidence, and I look forward to watching the progress of this Consulate as a team, and providing my guidance when it is sought.
The successor to my seat on the Consulate will be announced by Chief Consul Anjan Kloss on Saturday, January 11th. They were selected some time ago and have been added to Consulate spaces, functioning as a Consul-in-training to this point. The gap in time being so we can celebrate their appointment uniquely, as they well deserve. I ask everyone in the region, from residents to high executive officials, to give this new Consulate the support they need and deserve to lead you all.
As my final act as Consul of the Republic, I announce that we’ve amended the Constitution of the Republic, adding Article Five to ensure this change in status is clean.
I. The Founder of the regions is Quebecshire, equally known as Fort Concord.
II. Due to mechanical convenience and necessity, the Founder should be considered a permanent advisor to the Consulate.
III. The Founder will be the Governor of The League. Should Concord ever forfeit Frontier status the Founder is to be designated Governor of Concord. The Founder will maintain a regional officer post in Concord for administrative needs, with all available permissions.
IV. The Founder has a series of responsibilities to the region, including,
a. Maintenance of the regional officers in regions where they hold Executive authority,
b. Appoint a minimum of one Successor in the regions they are Governor,
c. Properly maintaining the master copy of this document in dispatch,
d. Coordinate smooth replacements to any lapsing critical infrastructure in the regions,
V. The Founder should exercise their mechanical authorities at the behest of the Consulate.
Thank you for a wonderful 6 years and 10 months of service.
Quebecshire / Fort Concord
Founder Chief Consul Emeritus (x2) Consul Emeritus Citizen
Chairman of the National Committee on Reconstruction President (x3) Vice President Chief Justice Secretary of Defense Secretary of Public Relations Director of Homeland Security General of the Armed Forces LDF Honors (x22)
Have you ever found yourself deep in thought, staring out your window, wondering, “Why is it that in this great nation, we can’t just have free healthcare, universal income, and a government that tells us exactly when to pray… AND also solve the national sock shortage?” Well, wonder no more. With North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism, not only will we distribute wealth equitably and keep religion and state on the same page, but we’ll finally get to the bottom of the world’s most pressing problem: the alarming and unjust imbalance in llama populations.
Let’s first focus on the important stuff—like how, in our glorious society, the working class will finally get what it deserves. We’re talking about the kind of economic equality that doesn’t just give everyone a fair share and insists that all citizens have access to free dental work (because oral health is a human right, obviously) and a mandatory weekly snack of artisanal cheese from local farms. But don’t be fooled—this is not your run-of-the-mill, second-rate socialism. Oh no. This is Theocratic Communism. The best of both worlds served with a side of righteousness. What better way to achieve utopia than with equal wealth distribution and weekly prayer sessions in the national religion- Jehovah’s Witness Islamic Buddhism, led by our Pasimam Lama?
Some of you might be wondering, “What does faith have to do with running a country, especially when we still don’t know why no one has solved the problem of socks mysteriously disappearing in the laundry?” Fear not. We’ve got you covered. Not only will our government tackle the greatest social injustices of our time, but we will also enact an executive order requiring the nationwide distribution of sock-pairing kits. You can thank us later. And don’t even get us started on the chicken nugget deficit—we will end it in our first 100 days.
North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism perfectly fuses divine wisdom and practical economics. Even the Arlandian Mutiny planning to take over the government supports North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism! Do you want to abolish the scourge of wealth inequality while ensuring every citizen has access to affordable potato salad? You got it. Need the government to provide a blueprint for social justice while also delivering a national solution to the crisis of potholes on every street corner? Absolutely. We’re a political ideology that cares about the big things (like universal basic income) and the little things (like ensuring every mailbox is equipped with its own SPIT container).
In our society, no one will ever have to choose between a job and spiritual enlightenment, because we’ll make sure both are mandatory! That’s right, folks. Not only will every citizen have a stable job, but they will also spend a mandatory 15 minutes a day in silent prayer with their coworkers, as guided by the Holy Office of Labor and Divine Intervention. To ensure that you’re working with a clear conscience, our state-sponsored prayer breaks will be paired with a brief 3-minute meditation on the crucial need for global hammock distribution.
But that’s not all. Our society doesn’t just work for you; it works with you—like a giant, anarchist potluck where everyone brings something to the table. Your contributions to society (in the form of tax revenue and moral righteousness) will be reflected in your Social ‘security’ number, which you can use to vote on national issues like whether “Everyone is Petea Week” should be a federally recognized holiday, or if the Department of Transportation should focus more on roundabouts and fewer on ‘traffic light accidents.’
Don’t think we’re ignoring the big, cosmic questions either. What happens when a nation’s prosperity is intertwined with the Divine Will? Easy. No more traffic jams. That’s right, folks. As part of our long-term infrastructure plan, we’ll introduce “Blessed Highways” that operate on a mystical principle we like to call Graceful Flow, which is a combination of actual engineering and divine favor. Expect .02 millisecond commutes, everywhere. And if you're stuck in traffic? Well, it's a sign that you need a deeper connection with the Universe, and we’re happy to provide the spiritual guidance.
Under North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism, we believe that everyone should be free to pursue their dreams, whether that dream involves creating a utopia or finally solving the South Pacific-wide issue of cake vs pie, Everyone will have access to top-notch education, unlimited access to cheese at government-funded Cheese Bars, and, of course, the unalienable right to adopt as many ankle haters as they can care for. Each family will be required to take part in the Great Llama Exchange Program, to help promote inter-species understanding and Llama-based solidarity.
So, if you’re tired of the same old political systems that only address half of your needs (like basic healthcare, or affordable housing), then it’s time to join the revolution. Come for the universal basic income, stay for the mandatory prayer breaks, and never leave because your socks will finally be paired. North American Progressive Third Way Theocratic Communism is here, and we’re finally making the world— a better place. If you want to, please like this dispatch I need clout
The Oceanic explorer: Today at 5:15 two hikers were lost in Grey National Forest a four hour drive from the nearest town with a hospital. The two hikers were Jacob harble and his wife Kate harble who had 3 kids together, the kids are now with family as the army searches for the hikers. is there something down there? we do not know, now the hikers were last seen walking of trail to the closed off area of ************** and this apparently where the government placed ************ after the raid of the capital tower if you have any information of where they may be pls contact the OSPA national guard at.................-1424.
The MV Oceanic Exploiter, was Kwazulan flagged, but the Kwazulan owner was only a shell company. The ship was owned by a conglomerate between Yingtai, Koman, and Paleocacherian startup TKM Marine, one of a number of undersea mining ships that are currently operating. Three such ships now tore up the bottom of the Southern Ocean between Sur and Ostlandet, extracting cobalt and nickel from the ocean floor.
"Isn't it marvelous Captain? Ten thousand tons of nickel and cobalt per voyage, it is fantastic. No regulations, no patrol boats, the Creeperians are sticking inshore and the Quebecshirites are in the Vernier," gushed Mr. Ryan, the mining company rep. The captain grunted, he didn't like the greedy executive, especially when he forced him to risk the crew to get extra loads of minerals.
It was a bright day, summer was in full swing in the Southern Hemisphere, and the weather was fine, for once. The atmospherics provided excellent working conditions for radar, but there were no ships for fifty miles, so why bother looking too closely? A lax watch led to the approaching contact getting within fifteen miles before anyone took much notice.
By the time the watch officer sent for the captain, the approaching radar contact was twelve miles away. Attempts to make radio contact on general use and emergency channels yielded no results. Still, no one really got concerned until visual contact was made, and the approaching ship was not a commercial vessel. The frantic officers and miners started to retract the Seafloor Mining Equipment and the captain ordered the engines started, but it was too late to get away when the terrorists closed to a mile's range, and began shooting.
Eight hours later, aboard a life raft with the EPIRB beeping, watching as the 150 meter long Oceanic Exploiter vanished over the horizon, heading northwest, the captain looked at the mining executive and asked "Isn't this marvelous?"
DPRK Labor News The Korean Central News Agency reported in Pyongyang on Jan 5th. 1. On January 2 and 3, the 101st Hakone Ekiden Running Match was held in Japan, which was televised live by KNTS (Korean National Television Service) and STV (Southern Television), with a viewership of 8%. President Kim Jong UN is also highly concerned, saying that North Korea can hold similar college sports events. The Office of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education held a teleconference with representatives of teachers and students from more than 30 universities, including National Pyongyang University, Kim Il Sung Comprehensive University and Southern Sports University. After an hour of discussion, it was decided to hold a similar campaign on a semi-commercial basis, starting with Pyongyang and Pyeongsong. The full round trip is 100KM, divided into 5 sections, including mountains, urban roads, highways and other terrain, which fully tests the ability of players. Guiding cars will use police vehicles. 2. In recent days, natural disasters have occurred frequently. On January 7, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Tibet, China. On January 8, the Los Angeles wildfires in the United States had a tendency to expand and approach the urban area. The CPG convened a joint meeting of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Emergency Management and the Interior to discuss relevant humanitarian relief measures. The meeting decided to send Air Force IL-76 transport planes to Shijiazhuang carrying 150 tons of relief supplies (including mineral water, self-heating food, thermal fur blankets and tents). It was decided to send DPRK National Air A330N cargo planes to the United States with 60 tons of relief supplies (including tents, sleeping bags and 24h emergency ration packs). At the same time, the DPRK embassies in China and the United States have purchased supplies to send to the disaster area, and President Kim Jong Un has also spoken with the two heads of state to express condolences.