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The Potentially Great Country of South Austral

Concordant wrote:help I have a serious unemployment crisis.

can i have them?? plese

The Most Serene Republic of New San Antonio

The League & Concord Question of the Day #61: What has surprised you with how good it was compared to how you thought it'd be?

Marvel Rivals was a pleasant surprise for the fun I had with it compared to what I thought it'd be like. Also I'd never heard of Jeff the Landshark before, but now he might just be my favorite Marvel character.

If you have any ideas for a QoTD please TG New San Antonio or DM me on Discord!
Department of Internal Affairs

The Democratic Republic of Concordant

South Austral wrote:can i have them?? plese


The Republic of DragonBorn Clan

Almost to 7 billion population

Post by Pamesar suppressed by Gagium.

The Passep of Pamesar

can anyone join
for everyone


Fellow nations of The League, I am pleased to announce that after months of planning, construction, under-the-table payments to contractors and unions to prevent excessive corner-cutting, countless headaches and arguments, two coup attempts and a pregnancy scandal involving the leader of the Opposition Party's daughter, Belkura's official capitol city, Dyrevol, is officially fully completed and incorporated.

The Republic of DragonBorn Clan

Belkura wrote:Fellow nations of The League, I am pleased to announce that after months of planning, construction, under-the-table payments to contractors and unions to prevent excessive corner-cutting, countless headaches and arguments, two coup attempts and a pregnancy scandal involving the leader of the Opposition Party's daughter, Belkura's official capitol city, Dyrevol, is officially fully completed and incorporated.



The United Socialist States of Feirden

The United Socialist States of Feirden

Lavensder wrote:hello

you're new? im not in the league, but I would be pleased to help you!

The Potentially Great Country of South Austral

Concordant wrote:what

May* i have the unemployed ppl?

The Potentially Great Country of South Austral

DragonBorn Clan wrote:Almost to 7 billion population

me too :)

The United Socialist States of Feirden

DragonBorn Clan wrote:Almost to 7 billion population

bro got dat wordl population of 2022

The Holy Empire of Germany and Austria and hungary

how do you know how much people there are in you coutry?????

The Nomadic Peoples of Anovia

Germany and Austria and hungary wrote:how do you know how much people there are in you coutry?????

If you open your nation tab, and look on the right side of the page, there should be a small infobox that details your currency, leader, capital, etc. It also includes population, so you can see how many people there are.

The asanese

The Democratic Republic of Concordant

South Austral wrote:May* i have the unemployed ppl?


Grande inglaterra

Hello! I'm going to drop atomic bombs on all nations! ☺️ (Just kidding!)

The United Socialist States of New Illyricum

Neuadd Wen, Daesdain: 8:01

Thousands of Daesdic citizens have flocked to the streets of Neuadd Wen, all hoping to catch a glance at the Archduchess-to-be Eifionwy II. As Eifionwy passes by, en route to her coronation at Palas Gwyn, each person takes up a shout, praising the young Archduchess. At just eighteen years of age, Eifionwy is the youngest sovereign in Daesdic history, after succeeding her father, Idnerth, on August 4 after his death.

Neuadd Wen, Daesdain: 10:14

Eifionwy approaches in the archducal carriage, trailed by Prime Minister Fflewyn Morgan, Leader of the Opposition Siôn ap Llawfrodedd, and her mother Conwy ferch Serfil. As she emerges from the carriage, at the steps leading to the grand façade of Palas Gwyn, cheers erupt from all sides and Daesdic flags run high once again.

Palas Gwyn, Daesdain: 10:33

The coronation hall is almost ready, the throne has been placed, the crown garnished. All that is left to do, is to open the grand windows. As the light shafts through the stained glass, which reaches almost 200 feet, all are taken in awe. Foreign dignitaries gasp at the beauty, members of the Senedd are bathed in the glorious light, clearly the coronation has been blessed.

Palas Gwyn, Daesdain: 10:45

Eifionwy, alone, enters the hall. Clothed in archducal vestments worn by her predecessors, including a restored coronation dress worn by Eifionwy I in 1851, she takes the first step into the great hall. In front of the young archduchess lies the unknown, uncertainty, danger, and intrigue. However she must step forward, the burden of the crown is for one alone to bear. Statues of her predecessors line the hall, including her own father, staring down in a strict face, unlike that of his life. Only five months ago, this hall was where Idnerth's funeral was held, and now his daughter has taken the new spotlight.

Palas Gwyn, Daesdain: 10:47

The presider, Cardinal Cyhelyn ap Glast, stands before the throne, flanked by an aid holding the crook, sword, and orb, and by a papal envoy from Pope Francisco I himself. Eifionwy reaches the throne and kneels, preparing her head for the oils and chrisms.

"In the name of the Lord and the Trinity, I anoint you, Eifionwy ferch Idnerth, with the oils of the sovereigns. May your predecessors serve as aides and guides to your glorious reign, and may the Lord guide and protect all of Daesdain through your image."

The oils are poured out on her head, slicking her long hair and dampening the old dress.

Cardinal Cyhelyn then takes the sword, personally created by Archduke Disgyfdawd ap Caen in 1557, and reaches the silver blade out to touch Eifionwy's forehead.

"Now be marked by the Sword of Disgyfdawd, the great weapon of our ancestors."

Cardinal Cyhelyn lightly slices along Eifionwy's forehead, forming a cross. The blood drips down her eyelids, mixing with sweat and a tear before falling to the Great Hall's floor. Eifionwy then prostrates herself across the steps to the throne.

"Eifionwy ferch Idnerth, you have been anointed, you have been marked, now you shall be crowned, you may rise in the faith of the Lord."

Eifionwy rises and approaches Cardinal Cyhelyn. The Cardinal places out the crook and orb, placing them in her palms. He then raises the archducal crown of Aelwyn ap Manogan, made in 1534, and encrusted with great jewels and shining gold. He lays the crown on her bowed head, the heavy crown is now hers, and hers alone.

"I crown you, Archduchess Eifonwy II ferch Idnerth, protectoress of Daesdain, leader of the Flock, the Great Savior, and the Restorer of Catholics"

Eifionwy sits on the throne, looking out in her archducal majesty. A new age has now begun in Daesdain, for good or for bad.

The Most Serene Republic of New San Antonio

The League & Concord Question of the Day #62: Do you like or dislike winter?

It never gets super cold where I live, which is nice because that means you'll never get snowed in or something like that, the cold kills everything though and without snow plants look really ugly. The various holidays of winter are always fun though.

If you have any ideas for a QoTD please TG New San Antonio or DM me on Discord!
Department of Internal Affairs

The Potentially Great Country of South Austral

New San Antonio wrote:The League & Concord Question of the Day #62: Do you like or dislike winter?

It never gets super cold where I live, which is nice because that means you'll never get snowed in or something like that, the cold kills everything though and without snow plants look really ugly. The various holidays of winter are always fun though.

If you have any ideas for a QoTD please TG New San Antonio or DM me on Discord!
Department of Internal Affairs

i yearn for the winter months, then i want summer back

The asanese

New San Antonio wrote:The League & Concord Question of the Day #62: Do you like or dislike winter?

It never gets super cold where I live, which is nice because that means you'll never get snowed in or something like that, the cold kills everything though and without snow plants look really ugly. The various holidays of winter are always fun though.

If you have any ideas for a QoTD please TG New San Antonio or DM me on Discord!
Department of Internal Affairs

C O L D. W A R M? C O L D. C O L D.

The Democratic Republic of Concordant

New San Antonio wrote:The League & Concord Question of the Day #62: Do you like or dislike winter?

It never gets super cold where I live, which is nice because that means you'll never get snowed in or something like that, the cold kills everything though and without snow plants look really ugly. The various holidays of winter are always fun though.

If you have any ideas for a QoTD please TG New San Antonio or DM me on Discord!
Department of Internal Affairs

Where I live is the opposite, its really cold.

The asanese

Alright, let's do a vote. Who has the BEST flag in Concord and The League. You MAY vote for yourself, but please be honest. RULES:
It can be from Concord OR The League. NOWHERE ELSE.
If it's inappropriate, disqualified.
Must be a Custom Flag.
Be HONEST. Even if no one agrees with you.

The Democratic Republic of Concordant

The asanese wrote:Alright, let's do a vote. Who has the BEST flag in Concord and The League. You MAY vote for yourself, but please be honest. RULES:
It can be from Concord OR The League. NOWHERE ELSE.
If it's inappropriate, disqualified.
Must be a Custom Flag.
Be HONEST. Even if no one agrees with you.

This is somewhat of an unpopular opinion but I feel that I may have one of the nicest flags. I mean the colors look great and the Eagle in the center also looks great but I do have problems with it. Number 1: its very average, Number 2: practically netherlands/Luxembourg but with a eagle.

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