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The Arovian Revolutionary Union of Ci Arovannea

The People's Republic of SanSierra

Ci Arovannea wrote:astolfo is the best, fight me

nah I agree

The Island Kingdom of Great Slatos

We need an international alliance or group of island nations.

The Constitutional Dictatorship of Peatiktist

Ci Arovannea wrote:astolfo is the best, fight me

No one is gonna fight you over that.

The Loint-Chan of Lointland

Ci Arovannea wrote:astolfo is the best, fight me

I raise you Cuddle Team Leader. Ifykyk.

The Arovian Revolutionary Union of Ci Arovannea

Peatiktist wrote:No one is gonna fight you over that.

Based and reasonpilled.

SanSierra wrote:nah I agree

I always loved the San Sierrans

The Arovian Revolutionary Union of Ci Arovannea

Lointland wrote:I raise you Cuddle Team Leader. Ifykyk.


The Laïkó Krátos of Aversaria Aautokrata

Order of the Saint Dumas wrote:


Official Symbol of the Crucifistian religion


Founding : 1460

1400 -1460, the Coming of Saint Dumas, the Birth of Crucifistianism:
Despite progress in the spread of Christianity, religious and tribal conflicts continued to pose challenges to stability in the region. The establishment of Christian communities and churches in former pagan territories represented significant milestones in the ongoing conversion efforts. However, uprisings and resistance movements persisted.

Born on the Germanic grounds, Adam Dumas, the son of a Crusader general and a local Germanic healing woman, emerged as a major figure in the coming events. Dumas joined the Crusader Order of Saint Elizabeth and remarkably ascended to the rank of Crusader general at the young age of 20, a rarity in the order. He reportedly shared teachings on theology during his free time, often referring to himself as the son of God, which unsettled many of his fellow members, who considered him a fanatic.

Adam Dumas faced little trouble within the order due to his father's prominent position as a general in the Crusader army. However, when his father perished in the conquest of the Mekelen tribes, Dumas demonstrated exceptional bravery, leading his forces to a miraculous victory despite being vastly outnumbered. Charging into battle with seemingly suicidal fervor, Dumas's courage inspired the Crusader forces, who zealously followed him to victory with minimal casualties.

After the battle, blood-soaked but unharmed, Dumas spoke to his commanding officer in a trance-like state, proclaiming, "My father, God Almighty, sent us to this earth for one purpose: to cleanse the wicked. Can you deny what you saw today? I heard His voice as I charged into battle. I did not see the enemy but the Archangel of Death. I became its scythe, cutting down our foes effortlessly. Do you deny that this is His work?" Moved by Dumas's conviction, his commanding general knelt and praised the heavens.

Subsequent battles mirrored the conquest of the Mekelen tribes, with Dumas leading his forces to miraculous victories. Over time, he garnered a cult following within the order. After each battle, Dumas demonstrated remarkable healing abilities, not only tending to his fellow knights but also extending his care to wounded enemies on the battlefield. His reputation for embracing enemies into his heart and converting them earned him the moniker "Adam the Bloody Missionary."

Around this time, the Pope completely abandoned the Crusader Order after receiving reports of heretical activities by some of its members. In the subsequent years, Dumas oversaw the complete conquest of the region, even expanding beyond the established modern-day borders. In his final battle at the age of 55,Now Grandmaster Adam Dumas was fatally wounded by an arrow. Miraculously, he rose from what many perceived as his deathbed, charged the enemy, and slew his assailant. Kneeling on the blood-soaked battlefield, Dumas proclaimed that God had released him from his mortal body and that his blood was the seal of approval. Passing his banner to his subordinates, Dumas declared, "God has bestowed upon you His banner and war cry. His will manifests here today. I have been called to stand by His side. I foresaw this event and anticipate a great coming of the Lord. You are my knights, my spiritual body and will. Follow my example, follow the great general, our patron Azraël, and you will witness this world transformed into paradise."

Around this time, a subsect of Christianity, divorced from the Pope, emerged as the spiritual leaders of the Crusader state. The spiritual leader proclaimed Adam Dumas to be a saint. In later years, Dumas's legend and teachings were officially adopted by this subsect, leading to the creation of Crucifistianism.

Important beings :
God, The Holy Ghost, Archangel of Death Azraël, Lord Adam Dumas, Archangel Michael, Archangel Ludociël, Archangel Samaël, Saint Jana, Saint Robrecht, Eripir Christus, Saint Vincentious and The Grand Confessor.

Holy site : St. Valarius cathedral, tomb of the new day Saints, St.Robrecht bedevaartplaats.

Gay Marriages:

Priest marriages:

Female religion Position Status:
all positions are allowed to be filled by females

Non-human humanoids:
Abominations with the exception of Alcati and variants

Freedom of religion:
Not allowed

Freedom of Christianity:
Not allowed

Marrying a non-Christian status:
not Allowed

not Allowed

not Allowed

Not allowed

Very Limited, Allowed

Human sacrifices:
Infidel only

not Allowed

Drug use :
Not Allowed

Alcohol consumption:
Allowed, limited

Unclean food:
concept non-existant

Religious Icons:

Worship of Angels:

Transitioning gender:
not Allowed

Image of devoted Crucifistian monks on a sunday

Image of Crucifistian missionaries spreading the word of Dumas

Image of Crucifistians on pilgrimage in St.Valarius bedvaartplaats

Image of Crucifistians in the Maesian military performing their duty.

Image of St.Valarius bedevaart plaats (pilgrimage location)

Image of Crucifixes used as tools to enact devine punishment by the Crucifistian State

Image of a Painting made by St.Pinxten after apparantly interacting with Archangel Azraël.


Is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based mostly on the life and teachings of Adam Dumas with a strong practical worship of Angelic beings. Its adherents are known as Crucifistians. They believe that Erpir is the Son of God, whose coming as the Messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament in Christianity) and chronicled in the New Testament (called the Middle Testament in Crucifistianism). They also believe that Adam Dumas was the second Son of God who was send as an emissary of God's wrath, a reaction towards contineud sinning after Erpir's sacrifice which is chronicled in the Final Testament. Upon his fortold battle enduced death, Dumas was canonised by the historical subsect of christianity as Saint. Crucifistianism Is lead by A Grand Confessor (spiritual leader) / Current Grand Confessor Pieter Vermant, the church is similairly stuctured as the Sainguis church only being referd to the Confesorium instead of the Papacy

Adam Dumas:

Commonly referred to as Saint Dumas, The Second Son, The Left Hand of God and several other names and titles was a Military leader, preacher , healer and religious leader. He is the central figure of Crucifistianism. Most Crucifistians believe Saint Dumas to be the second incarnation of God the second Son and the awaited deliverer. Saint Dumas was Maesian born who was baptized by Exiled priest Jean-Pierre Delcroix, Who's legacy was turned into a religion by A subsect of christianity that was formed when the pope abandoned the Order Of Saint Elizabeth due to reports of heretical activities. Dumas preached to fellow Crusaders and non-believers on how to follow God and his new plan, engaged in healings and gathered followers. Dumas earned the moniker "The Bloody Missionary" as he performed healing after wars on the battlefield to knights and enemies alike an inturn converted most to christianity out of the kindness of his heart. It is believed that Dumas like Christus was born from a spotless maiden and the holy spirit and that he performed many miracles. The performing of miracles and ability to mass convert is stated to have been divine proof of his divinity, as is written in the final testament: -After a personal lead conquest of Arasotic pagans Dumas took it upon himself to invite the former enemy into his heart. When Dumas learn't medical practices from his mother he would outperformed his knowledge of the medical field in his later life after wars on the battlefield reportedly miracilously healing lethal injuries-. It is believed that the miracle work of Dumas lead to the creation of the modern day Crucifistian state.

Most important Teachings and encouragements:

Dumas like Erpir calls people to repent their sins and to devote themselves completely to God. He tells his followers to adhere to Divine Justice. He calls his followers to spread the faith by any means necessary to combat the devil's influences on mortal grounds to which he points to; (Psalm 18:2 - my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold). And (Tomas 6:12 - Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses) as keen points as well as his divine authority and the subsequent abondonment of the pope as proof that Sanguis catholocism has been preaching the wrong message and that he has the authority as the coming of God overturn those lying messages . Dumas encourages his followers to correct the behavious of lost lams as he points to (Matthew 21:12–13 when Erpir went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.)Dumas also encourages A clean lifstyle as he himself said (Dumas 16:2 - Thy devotion of God must be absolute and with no room for Sin and vice for clarity is when the lord directs ye.) Dumas on his deathbed also proclaimed that it is God's will by his own blood as a seal of aproval that sin and infidelity needs be combated in order to preserve the power of the forces of light, one must in his lifetime fight and spill blood if the call to action is made by archangel Azrael to cleanse a little bit evil from the mortal realm. Dumas proclaimed that Follow my example, follow the great general, our patron Azraël, and you will witness this world transformed into paradise."


Crucifistians perceive angels as supernatural spiritual beings who serve God, acting as celestial intermediaries between Heaven and humanity. These divine beings fulfill various roles, including protection and guidance for individuals, states, churches, and hosts of prayers. In Crucifistian practice, angels are prayed to alongside God and, to a lesser extent, saints, for different types of supplications. Angels are believed to possess a limited essence of God, granting them their own sets of divine powers. Crucifistians acknowledge the individuality of angels, allowing for the concept of fallen angels who, despite being born without sin, can succumb to sin due to their autonomy.

Angels are categorized into various forms, each with distinct responsibilities within the celestial hierarchy. Seraphs, the highest-ranking angels, are tasked with carrying God's throne and maintaining order within the physical realms. Virtues, the second highest rank, control the elements and assist in governing nature, while also encouraging humans to strengthen their faith through miracles. Principalities guide and protect nations, groups of people, and institutions such as the Church, overseeing bands of angels to fulfill divine ministries.

Archangels, although the fourth lowest rank, hold significant influence over the mortal realm, performing diverse tasks. Among Crucifistians, the notable good archangels include Michael, Gabriël, Ludociël, Azraël, Raphaël, Uriel, Camael, Metatron, Raguel, Maël, Raziel, Qaspiel, Zoniël, Eremiel, Zophiel, Saraqael, Selathiel, Abaddon Ariël and lailah each contributing to different aspects of divine governance and guidance

Archangel Azraël:

Crucifistians hold Azraël in high esteem as a benevolent figure to them within God's heavenly council, viewing him as the angel of death responsible for guiding souls to the afterlife after their earthly demise. Azraël is believed to possess a sacred scroll containing the destiny of mortals, recording and erasing their names upon birth and death. Additionally, Crucifistians perceive Azraël as an angel of justice, avenging those wronged during their lifetimes.

In Crucifistian theology, Azraël ranks among the most significant angels, often considered the guardian angel of their religion. His existence is interpreted as evidence of God's intention to redress injustices. Crucifistians regard Azraël as their commander-in-chief in religious conflicts and matters of justice, attributing paramount importance to his role in their faith.

Contrary to other depictions of the grim reaper in certain cultures, Crucifistians believe Azraël casts judgment upon how individuals lived their lives, ensuring they find their rightful place in the afterlife. In contrast, Samaël, known as the great accuser, is believed to judge those who have committed evil deeds.

Archangel Abaddon:

Abaddon, also known as the Archangel of Righteous Destruction and the Angel of the Abyss, is a formidable figure in the faith. As the destroyer of empires, Abaddon is closely linked to Azraël, both being angels of the realm of death. While Azraël serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Church, Abaddon leads Crucifistians into religious battles as general, embodying God’s will to combat evil.

Abaddon is a dualistic angel, often referred to as the Angel of the Bottomless Pit. He is both a servant of God and an emissary of destruction, an angel who operates in Hell but serves divine purposes. Abaddon’s existence, alongside his demonic counterpart Apollyon, teaches that destruction itself is not inherently evil but can become so due to circumstances.

Abaddon is pure destruction, created for this purpose. As the Archangel of Righteous Destruction, he executes divine judgment and purifies the world through necessary destruction. However, as Apollyon, he represents unjust destruction. This duality emphasizes that Abaddon is a pure angelic being, untapped by good or evil, fulfilling his role on either side of the moral spectrum. While Gabriël will anounce the day of judgement, Abaddon will anouce the war between good and evil and will serve and observant role as. At that point Abaddon will be strongest Archangel because of the state of war but he will unable to carry out his power as he is neither good or evil. Abaddon is the angel of the end, heralding the end of all mortal fighting.

The Devil/ Archangel Samael/ Lucifer - The Trinity of Evil:

Crucifistianism holds the belief in the Trinity of Evil, comprising three malevolent entities:

The Devil, also known as Satan, is depicted as evil incarnate and the ruler of Hell. Representing one-third of the Trinity, Satan is believed to terrorize the world through malevolence and will stand as God's final adversary on the Day of Judgment.

Archangel Samael, also known as the Poison of God, the Left Hand of God, and the Serpent, is revered as the great accuser within Crucifistian belief. He is famously known as the canonical seducer of Eve in the Garden of Eden. Initially tasked with accusing God's enemies, Samael fell from grace when he tempted Eve into consuming the forbidden fruit. Banished from Heaven, he assumed the role of an Archangel of Hell, embodying seductive evil and serving as the Angel of Death who administers judgment upon evildoers.

Crucifistians hold a unique perspective on Archangel Samael, believing that he is the only part of the trinity of evil capable of redemption after Judgment Day. Despite his fall from grace, Crucifistians acknowledge that Samael faithfully performs his duties, recognizing him as a necessary figure in the realm of life and death.

Lucifer, also known as the Morning Star and the Dawn Bringer, is viewed as the great destroyer and the former leader of all angels, responsible for the downfall of large empires. Lucifer represents the third part of the Trinity of Evil, perceived as the incarnation of necessary evil. As God's destroyer of significant evils, Lucifer's actions resulted in collateral damage, earning him the role of bearing necessary evil. Initially an Archangel, Lucifer was expelled from Heaven due to feelings of pride and self-deification. It is believed that Lucifer and Samael, essentially the same being split into three parts, will stand as the final opponents of Archangel Michael on the Day of Judgment.

Battle of Good and Evil

Crucifistians believe in a perpetual cosmic struggle between Good and Evil, Light and Dark, shaping the universe. They adhere to the concept of a delicate balance of power that determines the influence of these forces. According to Crucifistian belief, on the Day of Judgment, the armies of Good and Evil will clash, comprising pure souls and wicked ones, alongside the heavenly host and the demonic dragon, respectively.

Crucifistians anticipate that those whose punishment is deemed excessively severe will emerge as their greatest adversaries on Judgment Day. Therefore, they consider it their earthly duty to diminish the power of Evil. They assert that non-Christian individuals and nations weaken the forces of Light on Earth, leading to chaos manifested in injustices such as wars, genocides, and corruption.

Furthermore, Crucifistians interpret the existence of certain creatures, such as talking rats, dragons, and recently, Alcati, as manifestations of the Devil's corrupting influence, distorting beings into forms that defy the divine order established by God.

Central believes and Requirements:

Nature of God:

The Crucifistian Church holds the believe that there is one eternal almighty God who exists as a perichoresis ("mutual indwelling") of three forms of being : God as the father, God as the Sons and God as the holy spirit which together are called the "Holy Trinity". Crucifistians believe that Erpir Christus and Adam Dumas are the "Second form of being" of the Trinity, God as the Sons. becomes as human being in an event known as the Incarnation, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God became united with human nature through the conception. it is understood as a being both fully divine and fully human, including possessing a human soul.
he Crucifistian Church teaches dogmatically that the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Sons, not as from two principles but as from one single principle. It holds that the Father, as the "principle without principle", is the first origin of the Spirit, but also that he, as Father of the only Sons, is with the Sons the single principle from which the Spirit proceeds.

Nature of Mankind:

The Crucifistian Church holds the belief that mankind is created in the image of God and was intended to be the rulers of Valsora, as stated in Gen 1:16: "Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself.'" Crucifistians believe that Samaël corrupted mankind into sinning and, as a result, humanity was banished to Valsora.

According to Crucifistian belief, humanity was cleansed of the original sin when Erpir died for their sins. However, they believe that humanity was cursed again upon the birth of Saint Dumas as a retaliation from God for continued sinning long after the death of Erpir Christus. Crucifistians assert that a life devoted to God and seeking vengeance for Erpir Christus can cleanse the soul of sin.

Moreover, Crucifistians believe that humanity was once part of God's divine court and resided in the Garden of Eden. They maintain that if the world unites under the Christian faith, it will be terraformed back into a glorious paradise, and humanity's divinity will be restored.

Nature of Erpir Christus and Adam Dumas:

Crucifistians believe that Erpir Christus is the Son of God, whose coming as the Messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (referred to as the Old Testament in Christianity) and documented in the New Testament (referred to as the Middle Testament in Crucifistianism). Additionally, they hold the belief that Adam Dumas was the second Son of God, sent as an emissary of God's wrath in response to continued sinning after Erpir's sacrifice, which is chronicled in the Final Testament. Crucifistians affirm that both Erpir and Dumas are fully divine and fully human, thus making them part of the Holy Trinity.

In Crucifistian theology, Erpir is regarded as the right hand of God, symbolizing compassion and love, while Dumas is considered the left hand of God, representing wrath and judgment. This dual aspect of God, exemplified through Erpir and Dumas, reflects the duality of God's nature, as portrayed in the Old Testament and the Christian New Testament.

Hell, Oblivion, Tartarus

Crucifistians believe that hell is a location or state in the afterlife where souls endure punitive suffering, often through torture, as eternal punishment after death, corresponding to the sins committed during life. In Crucifistian theology, hell is perceived as a kingdom with multiple distinct areas, each differing in landscape and climate, designed for various forms of punishment based on the severity of sins. These areas are envisioned as separate realms within hell, each tailored to administer appropriate punishments. Furthermore, hell is viewed as the military base of the damned, anticipated to be filled with the devil's army upon the arrival of Judgment Day

The greater plan

The concept of The Greater Plan is central to Crucifistian belief, emphasizing the transcendence of individual importance in service to a divine purpose. Sacrifice and martyrdom are revered as the most purifying acts, actively encouraged by the church. Tragedies are seen as acceptable but regrettable losses in service to The Greater Plan, highlighting self-sacrifice as a natural imperative.

Crucifistians consider cultural and national identity insignificant compared to serving God, viewing their existence mostly as a means to fulfill The Greater Plan. Brotherhood is esteemed as a virtue among Crucifistians, uniting them in their endeavor to realize God's plan. They believe shedding the blood of infidels is necessary to fulfill the plan, justifying taking matters into their own hands as essential to accomplishing divine work.

Their worth lies in service to God and family, whether through devout life dedication or combating infidels, whom they derogatorily term "Degenerates" and more.

The Greater Plan envisions a world united under one banner, governed by the one true faith. It envisions a theocratic world order led by a grand council of religious figures. Once the planet worships God and Saint Dumas, it is believed the world will transform into the Garden of Eden, restoring humanity's divinity. Humanity will reside in God's court, protecting the realm and living in peace.

For this, Judgment Day must arrive to begin the final war of light and darkness. The heavenly host will lead the pious to victory against the dragon of demons led by the trinity of Evil, accompanied by a vast army of damned souls. The battle is fought in every moment by our actions and worship of the right God. Thus, Crucifistians believe in combating evil to bring about world order and prepare for Judgment Day, even if it requires oceans of blood to cleanse the world.

Judgement day

Judgment Day, also known as the Reckoning, is an event detailed in all three testaments. Particularly in Crucifistianism, Judgment Day is also the event where the battle of the end between the forces of Good and Evil will occur, also known as Armageddon. On the Day of Judgment, both sons of God will experience the second coming of their lives. The event itself will detail the resurrection of the dead, upon which Azraël will cast judgment on those he previously sent to heaven or hell. He will dictate who will partake on which side of the conflict. According to the punishment cast before, some who partook in sin will have paid their price and find themselves with the option of joining the side of Goodness. When Judgment Day nears its end, Armageddon will start, a final holy war between the heavenly host and the army of light, and the Dragon of demons and the army of Darkness will commence. God and his heavenly soldiers will finally take the fight to the trinity of Evil. Crucifistianism believes that the outcome of the battle is uncertain, as the constant fight between goodness and evil takes place in everyday life and influences the delicate balance of power. It is why it is believed on must fight the power of darkness in their own lives to tip the balance of power to the Good side.

Divine Punishment:

In Crucifistianism, divine punishment is believed to be a byproduct of committing sin and thus the consequence of sinning or committing acts of infidelity. Without sin, there is no need for divine punishment. These punishments are sentences carried out by executioners under the orders of the Grand Confessor, aimed at punishing the mortal body for its attempts to corrupt the spirit.

The most renowned form of divine punishment is the Crucifixion, considered the most sacred of all punishments. It is viewed as an avenging tool, with the belief that, just as Erpir Christus suffered on the cross, those punished must undergo similar physical pain to comprehend the error of their ways. This punishment serves as a means of conversion through physical suffering, aiming to make individuals understand the consequences of their rejection of Christus through their continuous sinning.

It is believed that upon accepting God, the punished will be liberated from their mortal bodies and find themselves as servants to God in the event of Armageddon. It is also believed that if one dies rejecting God, their pain will haunt them in hell due to the sacred nature of the punishment. Another form of divine punishment with lesser rates of mortality is Self-Flagellation. Self-flagellation is the disciplinary and devotional practice of flogging oneself with whips or other instruments that inflict pain. In Christianity, self-flagellation is practiced in the context of the doctrine of the mortification of the flesh and is seen as a spiritual discipline. It is often used as a form of penance and is intended to allow the flagellant to share in the sufferings of Jesus, bringing his or her focus to God, thus making it a lighter version of Crucifixion.


In Crucifistianism homosexuality was accepted from it's inception. Its origins of acceptances comes from the offspring of Saint Dumas. As God the man who was fully divine and human, Dumas procreated with the believed spotless maiden Kiara. This action resulted in the birth of twins, one male and one female. The twins Robrecht and Jana were both influencial members of the crusader state within their life times . They often emulated the works of their father. The twins both were homosexuals. ending the direct line of Saint Dumas. It is believed that God the heavenly father created them that way with the sole purpouse of ending his divine human bloodline. This fact without doubt is believed to be the heavenly truth that being of homosexual nature is apart of God's creation. Adam Dumas and his direct family are considered the to be the heavenly valsoran family. All members are considered saints of the crucifistian church, legitimatly canonised by the clergy upon their individual deathes. Homosexuality is seen as the will of God, not a curse.

In recent times the church has adopted a stance of homosexual acceptance with procreation, the church believes that one's homosexual nature is natural and that the ability to make children is of equal natural nature. The church believes that a person with the ability to have children should procreate as the ability to is still availible. While the church encourages the procreation of children it isn't enforced by force only heavily encouraged by their influece upon society.

Nature of St. Jana and St. Robrecht:

St. Jana and St.Robrecht, the God decended ofspring of St.Dumas and St.Kiara were born from the the holy union of their heavenly love. God the Human as St.Dumas being fully human and fully divine consumated his love with the spotless maiden Kiara. This consumation resulted in the creation of twins. It's believed as Dumas is fully human and fully divine his human nature to procreate and his divine nature to create were the drive to perform God's last hand sculpted creations. Together they all belong to the heavenly valsoran household of God. St.Jana and St.Robrecht were regared as prophets from their birth being believed to be the heirs of Dumas' work on earth. Both seen as intruments to ensure the succes of the crusader state after the Death of Dumas. Both born without Sin due to the nature of their parrents they would live their lives working to better living conditions, help the poor and build up the nation. St. Jana In particular would be seen as an important figure due to the fact she was the first and only Female Grandmaster of the order of St. Elizabeth, a role she was given to her as an exception due to the connection to Dumas as Woman weren't allowed to reach said office. Her effords inspired the state to pass on equality laws that would see woman able to run for offices and equality in the cleregy making it possible for female Grand confessors to be appointed. This fact lead to the capital of T'hartland being named after her. She is considered a rolemodel to every female crucifistian.

The twins both were homosexuals. ending the direct line of Saint Dumas. It is believed that God the heavenly father created them that way with the sole purpouse of ending his divine human bloodline. This fact without doubt is believed to be the heavenly truth that being of homosexual nature is apart of God's creation.

Divine conversion:

Divine conversion is a theory based upon the idea of connection through suffering and pain. It believes one can only truly understand one another if they have felt the same pain. A linked connection rooted in deep emotions. This idea is adopted in the Crucifistian conversion method often inflicting pain to emulate the suffering of Erpir Christus thus creating a connection by preaching salvation, this pain and suffering is believed to be the foundation upon which the great truth of Dumas' teaching shall transform the pain and suffering into a thought of avenging christus' sacrifice; which is believed to have been ignored due to continued sinning. Divine conversion aims to strengthen the bond between those who suffer, a bond between them and christus but also between themselves. The idea is to create a sense of brotherhood through shared pain and religious believes. The method is used to indoctrinate individuals on a large scale, presenting a form of enlightenment through interconnected suffering and shared pain.

Rituals such as crucifixion, flagellation, and other punishments are carried out within a religious context, emphasizing the emulation of Christus' agony. These practices are believed to bring about a revelation, transforming personal pain into a collective spiritual awakening and reinforcing the communal religious identity.

The Church's doctrine of Divine Purity :


Nonites are often seen as humanoid species or beings that display a level of consciousness near or equal to that of a homo-sapien. Crucifistians believe that when God created humanity he made them masters of the skies, the lands and the oceans. Humanity was given a distinct shepherd role, a role that see them at the top of the foodchain. Crucifistians believe God created mankind with soul intact, a vital piece of their being that allows mankind to reach salvation. It is the church's believe that those creatures who mimic human like behavior and consciousness are a direct violation of God's will. They believe that their existente is a mistake. They believe nonites are a direct consequence of humanities continues sinning. The result of continued sinning is believed to have tipped the balance of good and evil in favor of the devil resulting in evil's influence corrupting beings into the nonite that exist today. Because of this, nonites are considered abomination by the church. The church believes all kinds of abomination should be destroyed and wiped from existence justified by it's strict guidelines of what is created by God and as such divinely pure.

Alcati and Alcynus:

Within the doctrine of divine purity, the Homo Felis and Homo Canis are seen as exceptions to the church's opinions on nonites. Homo Felis and Homo Canis are believe by church to be a result of human experimentation. The crossing of Human and animal DNA. By all means does the church count them among the list of abominable creatures. The Church argues the exception lies within their Human DNA. As the church believes only homo-sapiens are beings that contain a soul, this creates the question of if the Homo Felis and Homo Canis have souls. Since the soul is a spiritual construct it is believed to be impossible to construct an investigation into the matter. The Church does believe that if there is a possibility of the creatures containing a soul that it is humanities moral obligation as the creators of the species to lead them to salvation. The church argues that if the creatures contain a soul that they have the capacity to achieve salvation and fight with army of light in the final day of judgement. It is believed that as such the faithful cannot risk staining their mortal soul by harming the creatures.


Witchcraft, the manipulation of the natural forces of the world is seen as a disturbing act to commit. The church believes witchcraft and it's apologetic name, Magic is a forbidden art taught by the fallen angel Turiël. It believes that in the early days of mankind, Fallen Angels tried to corrupt mankind against God. Their influences are still notabel today. The usage of witchcraft differ between tool enchantment magic, combative magic and magic used for entertaining purposes. The church believes magic is evil's power manifest. With the believe that magic is heavily tied into Turiël, The church believes that usage of magic in all it's forms enhances the power of Turiël on the mortal realm. The church also believes that if one were to dabble in the usage of magic that their soul is tied to Turiël for eternity, condemning the user to hell.

Read factbook

The Church's doctrine of Divine Purity :


Nonites are often seen as humanoid species or beings that display a level of consciousness near or equal to that of a homo-sapien. Crucifistians believe that when God created humanity he made them masters of the skies, the lands and the oceans. Humanity was given a distinct shepherd role, a role that see them at the top of the foodchain. Crucifistians believe God created mankind with soul intact, a vital piece of their being that allows mankind to reach salvation. It is the church's believe that those creatures who mimic human like behavior and consciousness are a direct violation of God's will. They believe that their existente is a mistake. They believe nonites are a direct consequence of humanities continues sinning. The result of continued sinning is believed to have tipped the balance of good and evil in favor of the devil resulting in evil's influence corrupting beings into the nonite that exist today. Because of this, nonites are considered abomination by the church. The church believes all kinds of abomination should be destroyed and wiped from existence justified by it's strict guidelines of what is created by God and as such divinely pure.

Alcati and Alcynus:

Within the doctrine of divine purity, the Homo Felis and Homo Canis are seen as exceptions to the church's opinions on nonites. Homo Felis and Homo Canis are believe by church to be a result of human experimentation. The crossing of Human and animal DNA. By all means does the church count them among the list of abominable creatures. The Church argues the exception lies within their Human DNA. As the church believes only homo-sapiens are beings that contain a soul, this creates the question of if the Homo Felis and Homo Canis have souls. Since the soul is a spiritual construct it is believed to be impossible to construct an investigation into the matter. The Church does believe that if there is a possibility of the creatures containing a soul that it is humanities moral obligation as the creators of the species to lead them to salvation. The church argues that if the creatures contain a soul that they have the capacity to achieve salvation and fight with army of light in the final day of judgement. It is believed that as such the faithful cannot risk staining their mortal soul by harming the creatures.


More will be added to the doctrine in the future.

[nation]Love Peace and Friendship[nation]
[nation]Ci Arovannea[nation]
[nation]Aversaria Aautokrata[nation]
[nation]New Westmore[nation]

Oh yeah, Now this is epic.

The United Greater of Garfield Republics

Great Slatos wrote:We need an international alliance or group of island nations.



The Rogue Nation of Federal Salvation Front

Garfield Republics wrote:Would be a shame if drugs started to appear in your streets...

You wouldn't dare.

The United Greater of Garfield Republics

Federal Salvation Front wrote:You wouldn't dare.

Lets see

I staged a revolution just because the pre-Garfieldist leader threw a lasagna in the trash

I think I would dare

The Razdor is handsome of Rajyam

British Calradia wrote:After the siege of Bourcan, Rebel forces with the aid of Atrocha and her allies, were brutally crushed on the border regions near old Atrochan territory with much of the rebel support disappearing in the coming weeks and months following the Rebel's defeat. While this was happening, the Royalist Forces were able to make advances deep into Rebel held territory and were able to recapture the capital of the Remnant nation. With better organisation and now increased moral support from the residents within the Remnant lands, Royalist forces were soon to advance deep into Rebel territory and in some cases, link up with Atrochan and Allied forces.

With this, the newly victorious Royalists agreed to the Axenground Armistice and then the Treaty of Tumcao which saw great support from the more Irredentist sympathisers, which brought upon massive morale and popular support blows to the Rebels, who quickly lost many, many men from their ranks. Desertions within the Rebel forces were up to their highest level, which was not helped with a general amnesty to Rebel forces given by the Royalists and the already heavy losses suffered by the Rebels. Soon up to 90% of original Remnant land was now under Royalist control.

With the Civil War nearly over, massive celebrations were held in both Atrochan and Royalist cities. The Rule of the House of Florence was quickly re-established and a new constitution was established, quickly softening the powers of the once powerful Oligarchs and establishing a system similar to the original Westminster system of semi-democracy and feudalism. With the disruption now over, many areas saw rapid reconstruction with infrastructure being rebuilt in a rapid and more efficient manner. Demographic losses however, were simply too great to recover from quickly. From an original population of over 35 Million, it has now been reduced to 28 Million and with lasting impacts on the birth rates, due to high deaths among young men.

With that, and the vast expanses of the land and the new shortages of labour, the House of Florence decided to publicly declare a policy of Mass Immigration, primarily of descendants of former British Settlers and Atrochan Migrants to settle Remnant lands. Though fears of xenophobia were high, the trauma and political climate were too much for such fears to actually materialise. Coupled with the new, optimistic and progressive outlook, many laws and policies were quickly passed in the new "House of Valsora" and enacted in a heartbeat with much of it gearing towards greater civil liberties to Remnant citizens and a more modern outlook to appear in public life.

One of the areas hit by the new laws, were the dynamics of the old regime. Prior, the Oligarchs who controlled entire provinces of the Remnant lands as if they were Medieval Kings, in a rather ethno-religious way, are no defeated. With the remaining Nobility being gifted representation in the Upper House of the new Parliament and having a semi-head of state status within Local Government. Another crucial change, was the pivot from Conservative Christian outlook to a more Classical Liberal and Progressive outlook. The Germanic Protestant and other Irredentist Churches had their privileges stripped by the state and system respecting the liberties and rights of individuals took its place.

While this brought major dissatisfaction to many citizens of the Remnant Lands, this saw praise among the greater Valsoran Community who saw the previous Remnant system and to a lesser degree, the British Colonial system, to be outdated and archaic. Now, with greater ties to the wider Valsoran community established, the search of the disappeared Clementine Florence now begins, who by the reports of the captured rebels, is said to have been kidnapped by a shadowey mafia.....

OOC: Big apologies for taking so long due to family and other IRL things I needed to take care off, but at least it's somewhat cleared things up lol.
Atrocha, are you now off the Eastern most island of Solitas according to the last map and those lands now belong to me? If so, lets sort of RP things out a bit more. I just hope the Cartos now what's going on lol

very nice

wanna trade?

States of Arenenge wrote:Who wants to be friends with the great States of Arenenge? the first 2 people get zero tariff

I was your first homie in Valsora

The Republic of Aresetia

The No law but the Law of Love Peace and Friendship

Ci Arovannea wrote:astolfo is the best, fight me


The Constitutional Dictatorship of Peatiktist

The No law but the Law of Love Peace and Friendship

Peatiktist wrote:Astolfo.

Ooh a Paladin of Charlamange. I don’t read medieval legends too often but when I do read them I love them. I’ve always been interested in armored men righteous in cause doing battle with the wicked and corrupt. Truly lovely.

The Terrorstate of Mahagura and Vajrastan

Ci Arovannea wrote:astolfo is the best, fight me

not the femboys again...

The United Greater of Garfield Republics

Mahagura and Vajrastan wrote:not the femboys again...

Arm the femboys, the time for revolution is now

Post self-deleted by Trazhana.

The Laïkó Krátos of Aversaria Aautokrata

The Terrorstate of Mahagura and Vajrastan

Garfield Republics wrote:Arm the femboys, the time for revolution is now

The Terrorstate of Mahagura and Vajrastan

The Republic of Aresetia

Trazhana wrote:Ah, I see. We'll stick with you buying our iron ore, I'm afraid. Economic protectionism is still in vogue here.

We may consider it in the future.

Why not have some cooperation between neighbours, eh?

The Rogue Nation of Federal Salvation Front

Garfield Republics wrote:Lets see

I staged a revolution just because the pre-Garfieldist leader threw a lasagna in the trash

I think I would dare

What's lasagna?

I only know our heavily processed Packed Noodles and Sauce.

The Terrorstate of Mahagura and Vajrastan

Aresetia wrote:Why not have some cooperation between neighbours, eh?

how do you go from "tear them off the map" to "cooperation between neighbors"

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