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Since everyone here enjoys playing a board game ever once in a while, I came across a trailer for a documentary on board games that y'all should check out. http://vimeo.com/10392498 |
Will check link soon...must...survive exams! |
"World Census staff loitered innocuously in various public areas and recorded the length of time that passed before they were approached by dark-suited officials." Adazarn is ranked first. Not even remotely surprised. And Cylea is the least authoritarian of nations that have operating central governments, so I'm ok with that too. :-) P.S. I like the video, Rock. |
For the time being I think I now have the best motto in the region. :) |
This is the best light saber dual I've seen in a long time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLofEA_BvGY&feature=player_embedded |
I approve. Also enjoyed the top-listed comment on the video: "and so Grevious was built..." |
Even though the semester is now offer, it appears that the nation of Cylea and myself are the only ones that check nationstates of a semi frequent basis. Congrats to everyone for completing another semester congrats to Kearoka for graduating. |
I didn't realize the semester was "offer" Rock87. :) |
The Sacred Realm of The Happyland If The Happyland gets any more Top _% in the World achievements, they're gonna spill over onto a second line. Unrelated: The next IoLS get-together should be a geocaching party. I have an iPhone now. It'd be fun. |
A little late for a spelling correction, since I was very oblivious to not notice the error, but none the less: over* |
The Sacred Realm of The Happyland I think one of my favorite things about checking the Region page is Rock's ever-changing motto. |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T819usZLQtE#at=51 |
The Sacred Realm of The Happyland ^ Lol. I think the best part was that Jedi A-Hole #2 was wearing a Brawndo t-shirt. Y'all familiar with the movie Idiocracy? |
Didn't I see that movie? I enjoyed the youtube video, but that reference is totally escaping me... |
I've heard of the movie, but I haven't seen it yet. Soo.... Who's getting a Wii U (Wii 2)? :P |
Somehow I failed to hear anything about the PS Vita? What is it? (and yes, I know I could just do a google search. but where's the fun in that?) |
PS Vita is the PSP 2 that's hardware is capable of running a ps3 game, but with a slightly lower graphics resolutions. The software on the Vita is running of a Android based OS infrastructure which allows for Android software to run on it besides just PS Vita only games/apps. The PS Vita is has a touch screen, two analog sticks, bumper buttons, d-pad, and a touch sensitive pad on the back of the device. Also has a camera built in on the front and back. Wifi only version will be $250, Wifi/3G version will be $300 ( no information on data plan pricing). |
I found this today: http://i.imgur.com/RxWxc.gif I think Cylea would find it interesting |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuSCErmoYpY&feature=player_embedded |
You know, I kinda felt like the robot in defense-mode was the most impressive part of the video. |
So I remember Cylea showing me a minecraft video of the Starship Enterprise, I think this one beats it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhksNvUwaRc&feature=player_embedded#at=2120 |
No one else posts messages anymore? |
Sorry comrade. I admit I was a bit sluggish with getting around to watching that video. I'm SUPER impressed now though! The Mines of Moria in particular were literally jaw-dropping! |
My new theory is that Brightside just likes taking vacations to Lazarus once a month. :-) |