
by Ga president. . 49 reads.

General Assembly Resolution #41: Assembly Committee Reform

G.A.R. 41
Assembly Committee Reform

Authors: New sistonia, Karteria

Sponsors: Reno sheriffs department, Achipel

Category: Domestic Affairs

Affects: General Assembly

Section 1: Statement of Policy

  1. Through this resolution, the General Assembly shall:

    1. Clarify electoral oversight for Committee Chairs;

    2. Increase flexibility for electoral timeframes;

    3. Clarify membership for the General Assembly Committees;

    4. Clarify rights for the General Assembly Committees;

    5. Introduce requirements for Committee Chair eligibility; and

    6. Create a better set of Committee procedures.

Section 2: Amendments to GAR36

  1. § 4(I) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):

    "A Committee Chair shall be elected by the General Assembly upon the formation of a committee, or the termination of a term, for a term of two months beginning on the 20th of each month described in § 4(I)(A). Should a vacancy arise in a Chairship mid-term, a special election shall be held to designate a Chair to serve the remainder of the term, unless the normal election cycle provides for an election within the following 14 days.

    1. Each Chair shall be elected (under normal circumstances) every January, March, May, July, September, and November.

    2. For said elections, a poll shall run for 48 hours for each Chair beginning on the 12th day of every month no earlier than the 4th and no later than the 16th for of each month in which they are elected (barring sub-clause (ii) below). The first poll shall be conducted 5 days after passage of this resolution. A new Chair may not officially attain the position until termination of the poll and the results are confirmed.

        The President of the General Assembly shall oversee all Chair elections validate or invalidate their votes as necessary.
      1. If a Chair is elected upon the formation of a committee, a former Chair's midterm abdication, or they are one of the first Chairs (described in clause (A)), they shall serve until – whichever comes first – January, March, May, July, September, or November, barring the dissolution of the committee. Then, a new Chair shall be elected within normal procedure."

  2. § 4(II) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):

    "A Committee Chair shall may set the agenda for their committee, [...]"

  3. § 4(IV) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):

    "A Committee Chair may grant and revoke Speaking Rights on their committee to any person who is not a current member of said committee."

  4. § 4(V) shall be added:

    "A Chair shall act as a tie-breaking vote in cases where there is a tie in any vote conducted by their respective Committee, even if that tie includes their initial vote."

  5. § 4(VI) shall be added:

    "A candidate that wishes to chair a committee must meet the following eligibility requirements:

    1. Maintains New West Indies citizenship;

    2. Has not been convicted of a Felony or High Crime, nor has been convicted of any crime within two months of running for Chair; and

    3. Has joined the Discord server dedicated to General Assembly Committees in order to facilitate the happening of the committees and to ensure transparency of the committee.

  6. § 4(VII) shall be added:

    "Should a candidate run for the Chair of a Committee and later be found to have falsified their eligibility, the candidate has committed General Fraud."

  7. § 5(I) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):

    1. "It shall be the responsibility of the Chairs of each committee to accept or reject applications for membership in their committee and inform the President of the General Assembly when an application is rejected."

  8. § 5(II) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):

    "No citizen shall serve on a committee wherein they assist in the oversight of a role that they serve or when there is a substantial conflict of interest. [...]”

  9. § 5(IV) shall be amended as follows:

    "The President shall maintain speaking rights in all committees where they are not a member."

  10. § 6(I) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):


    F. A committee may assist impeachment efforts, or decree repeals, or resolution drafting as necessary. However, no committee shall, under any circumstances, preclude a citizen from participating in one of those activities."

  11. § 6(IV) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):


    D. During a confirmation hearing, all members of the committee undertaking the confirmation shall be entitled to question the nominee on their suitability to the office, their views on policy and legal questions surrounding the office, and other relevant questions.

    1. If no question is extended to a nominee within one week of the nomination (beginning upon notification to the relevant Committee) – whether in a hearing setting or not – and the nominee is not rejected, then the nominee shall be considered confirmed.


    H. If a nominee fails to gather a majority approval (excluding tie-breakers), the nomination shall be deemed rejected, and the Secretary-General shall propose a new nominee."

  12. § 7(I) shall be amended as follows (with changes in bold):

    "A simple majority of votes shall be necessary for all significant committee decisions excluding those under the express unilateral authority of the Chair."

Section 3: Enactment

  1. Upon passage of this resolution, the current Chairs shall serve the remainder of their respective terms until the 20th.

  2. Upon passage of this resolution, the new options for election dates shall be available.

  3. Eligibility requirements shall not retroactively apply to the current Chairs who were already elected.

  4. Changes to the confirmation process shall not retroactively apply to officials already confirmed or already under consideration for confirmation.

Ga president

