
by Aussandries. . 13 reads.

Early Release of Cabinet Act 01/07/20

Early Release of Cabinet Act 01/07/20
    1. Need for Early Release
      a) Acknowledges the need for democracy within our Triumvirate System
      b) Understands that due to limitations on the website voting for a party is significantly less time consuming
      c) Notes that not all parties release a trial cabinet before the election
      d) Believes that this misleads the voters as they do not know who they are voting for
      e) Hereby notes the Need for Early Release

    2. Specifics

      a) Henceforth all hopeful parties MUST release a full cabinet choice at a minimum one(1) day (24hours) before the election
      b) If a nation on that potential Cabinet ceases to exist before the end of the election that nation is out of the race and must be replaced and the region notified before the end of the election or that party can not claim victory

Hereby passes the Early Release of Cabinet Act

