
by The Second Best of Noahs Second Country. . 2,413 reads.

Macros in factbooks! All the codes!

[u][align=center][b][size=300]A few days ago, there was a suggestion for nation-based macros in factbooks, as seen [url=]here[/url][/b][/size][/align][/u]
[box][b][size=200]The running list of the macros I have discovered[/b]
Important: I have replaced all colons with a semi-colon to show you the code. To use the macros, you MUST replace the semicolon with a colon[/size]
[font=times new roman][u]Population[/u]
Type: [data;population]
Becomes: [data:population], a number that updates daily.
Type: [data;GDP]
Becomes: [data:GDP]
Type: [data;region]
Becomes: [data:region]
Type: [data;tax]
Becomes: [data:tax]
[u]Regional Influence[/u]
Type: [data;influence]
Becomes: [data:influence]
[u]Average Income[/u]
Type: [data;income]
Becomes: [data:income]
[u]National Animal[/u]
Type: [data;animal]
Becomes: [data:animal]
Type: [data;capital]
Becomes: [data:capital]
[u]Census Scores[/u]
Type: [data;census-score-86]
Becomes: [data:census-score-86]
[u]Census Rank[/u]
Type: [data;census-rank-86]
Becomes: [data:census-rank-86]
[u]Regional Census Rank[/u]
Type: [data;census-regionrank-86]
Becomes: [data:census-regionrank-86]
Type: [data;currency]
Becomes: [data:currency][/font][/box]
[size=200]If you found this useful, upvote!
TG me if you found any more![/size]

The Second Best of Noahs Second Country

