
by The Free Bears of Bears Armed. . 423 reads.

Regional Anti-Zombie Policy (updated 2016)

1. If the game gives you ‘cure missiles’ then use them: if it only gives you ‘zombie extermination teams’ (or whatever they’re calling those now) then you could use them to help reduce the spread, but that would also reduce the number of potentially-curable survivors so is probably best saved for nations that need really urgent action to prevent total collapse (or for your own puppets, if that’s how you want to play it, of course…) and nations that are actively “exporting” zombies.
2. If the game gives you ‘zombie hordes’ to “export” to the rest of the region then please do not use these: Any nation seen deliberately spreading the plague could be subject to expulsion if & when anybody with Founder access — or the regional Officers, if they can find enough Influence for this — finds out, and although they’d be allowed to return once the crisis is passed they could be put on trial (with the possibility of being banned from the region, if found guilty) afterwards.
Any nations that are seen deliberately spreading the plague, and that do not cease doing so when asked, are legitimate targets for ‘zombie elimination squads’.
3. Based on strategies that have been seen to work before, I suggest that _
A/ When you come online during the outbreak, and once you are able to start launching cure missiles, announce these facts in the RMB.
B/ Do not target nations that have said they themselves are launching missiles, unless they post again specifically to request this help, because doing so would block them [temporarily] from continuing to launch.
C/ Multiple nations targeting their curative efforts at a single nation isn’t actually a problem, unless it means that weaker countries are left to be destroyed at that time: In fact, if the nation being targeted is one that itself is very useful to the curative efforts & research, concentrating on it for long enough to make a significant difference might actually be a good idea.
D/ If you see a nation that’s very close to collapse, post that fact in the RMB. If you join the effort to save a nation about which somebody else has made such a post then you could say so, if you have time, so that we don’t get too many people concentrating on the effort to save that one at the expense of others that might also be endangered.
E/ If you see a nation that’s actually spreading the plague, post that fact in the RMB – and if they haven’t been involved in our discussion so far then send them a TG asking them to stop, and point them to this post’s explanation of regional policy.
F/ If you see that a nation has been completely cleared, post that fact in the RMB… and copy-&-paste any existing list of already-cleared nations into those posts, too, so that we can see more easily where help is still needed.
G/ However, check “cleared” nations now & then, especially after the game updates, in case the problem has resurfaced there.
H/ When you have to drop out of the campaign, post that fact in the RMB so that other people don’t count on further help that isn’t coming…
I/ Large nations are more effective at curing zombies in other large nations than smaller nations are, and large nations targeting smaller ones (or ones with only a few zombies left) may find their efforts having relatively small effects, so if there are enough people helping then it might be a good idea to concentrate on nations of about your own size first unless somebody else is calling desperately for help. Remember, though, that small nations might be at greater risk of quick collapse, and should require less clearing than larger ones, so if they’re willing to help in the campaign once cleared then giving them priority might be useful.
(There was also a possibly-useful dispatch posted in TNP last year: page=dispatch/id=505793.)
