
by The MikesHope Essence of Mikeswill. . 586 reads.

NationStates and it's importance and the World Assembly and it's significance

A nation asks:
Hello there, so I am a couple months into the game and I want to start getting more in depth with my country and the community on here. Can you explain to me our region NationStates and it's importance. What exactly the World Assembly is and it's significance? Other things I should know.


The NationStates region was one of the first regions created in the game, hence its lack of a founder. When I arrived in late October 2003 the region was beginning to sprout after Invader/ Defender Wars which had decimated the population. Through my efforts we grew to become for a time one of the top two largest user-created regions along with 10,000 Islands. Over the years the region has seen its population move between 600 and 70 Nations so currently we are at a four year high.

Where we differ from other regions is that we are staunchly neutral and independent from the entanglements of Invaders and Defenders. This has cause cold relations with the defender community especially when it was determined that one of my puppets had portrayed itself as an Invader in order to gather information of potential raids. Whereas I considered the actions of this endeavor as spying, the Defender camp considered it hypocrisy.

Tied in with the perils of protecting a Founderless region were the changes in rules over the years in the form of the Security Council which were given the power to usurp the ability of a WA Delegate to password protect a region. As such Mikeswill and NationStates region has been a staunch opponent of the Security Council. Our Anti-Security Statement is as follows:

“For over eight years our Region has supported the WA (UN) as an essential community of Peace and International Society. Although, at times, We differ greatly with the World Assembly, We, as a Region, continue to believe in essence of this establishment. Relative to The Security Council We stand AGAINST this body for the following Reasons:

The bottom line is that when Defenders lose in the field of battle they result to cowardice and change the rules of play. I have kept my Region Raider free for 8 years by keen vigilance to the Game Play through out the JenGuv World. This has included Puppets and Spies and infiltration of Regions. Such is the way of the Rules which I accepted when I created my Nation on October 28, 2003. If a Region can not defend itself, too bad! The leadership should have been responsible. These SC Resolutions tilt the balance to Elitist who determine what is a Raid and what is Liberation by manipulating the Rules. It is like playing with a brat who takes away the toys when the outcome goes against his bias. The only security I have in my Region aside from Endorsements is the RIGHT as Delegate to Password my Region against any threat. If this RIGHT is at the whim of the SC then have the game makers remove all password abilities across the board thereby removing this continued farce of hypocrisy.

These Condemn & Commend Resolutions are mostly a popularity contest and a waste of the World Assembly’s time. It is not the Business of the World Assembly to Honour Nations. The WA is not a Beauty Contest. We would ignore these Resolutions were it not for the ridiculous precedent these Resolutions present.

As such we petitioned the Moderators and were successful in the creation of the TAG: Anti-Security Council.”
The Invader camp has always appreciated a vocal opponent to the rule manipulation. However, this appreciation did not dissuade them from attempting to crash the region with such force that Defenders actually came to our rescue. Following that invasion attempt the region came under an endorsement cap to add a greater layer of difficulty on future raids. With the revelation of my long time spy by Defender sympathizers our information from Invader camps have disappeared. Nevertheless, we remain vocal in support of neutrality and a level playing field.

Regarding the WA, the following link has the following information:

What's the World Assembly?

The World Assembly is the world's governing body. It's your chance to mold the world to your vision, by voting for resolutions you like and scuttling the rest. However, it's a double-edged sword, because your nation will be affected by any resolutions that pass. (Unfortunately you can't obey the resolutions you like and ignore the rest, like real nations.) In other words, it's a hot-bed of political intrigue and double-dealing.

Your nation can join the WA, but it's not compulsory. If you remain outside, you're unaffected by its decisions. If you're ready to mix it up in international politics, though, the WA is for you.

There are two main benefits to WA membership: you can vote on resolutions, and you can give and receive endorsements to and from other nations in your region, which detemines who is Delegate.

