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📜 The Sovereign Orbital Vessel of Cretanja

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Above All Else;
Loyalty to the Sovereign!

Cretanja, as seen from a drone.




Branches of


7 Viceroy Seats

3 Magistrate Seats

The Sovereign Orbital Vessel of Cretanja

Cretanja ( /kɻɛ.tän.ʝä/ ), officially recognized as the Sovereign Orbital Vessel of Cretanja, is a large space station habitat in fixed orbit around Sol ( The Sun ). In the station's early years it was owned and operated by the Collective Earth Prosperity Alliance ( or CEPA ) that used the station as a resource cache for precious ores in addition to being a housing unit for lunar scientists, overseers, and station labourers. The station, at the time of it's build, was called "The Sovereign" and played an instrumental role in safely transporting lunar ore and workers to and from the surface of Luna to Earth and vice versa. After thirty-two years as an orbital hub, a miner became ill with Lunasanguisis Virus ( or Lunavirus ), killing and infecting other workers on the lunar base, Chandra. In an attempt to contain the virus, the team of leading scientists were forced to issue a lock down of the Sovereign Station and prohibit transport modules from leaving the lunar surface. Relief talks with CEPA failed on multiple occasions with Earth treating the Sovereign as a quarantine zone with CEPA officials holding the station's leadership personally responsible for the outbreak. Angered by not receiving aid and having the LunaVirus blamed on them, the three highest ranking lead scientists, Soren Sensata, Calles Durander, and Vlihana Crovdomn would go on to declare the Sovereign it's own political entity, renaming the station "Cretanja, The Sovereign Orbital Vessel" and cutting all ties with Earth.

The Sovereign Orbital Vessel is 3 miles ( 4.8 kilometers ) in length and 1.2 miles ( 1.9 kilometers ) in height. It was primarily built using material and ores from Earth, though many repairs to the hull and structure of the station have been made using lunar resources. Nowadays, any modern repairs to the station will made using materials sourced from the Asteriod Belt. The current orbital path of the station is situated in-between that of Earth and Mars, taking roughly 525 earth days to complete a full orbit around Sol. Before independence, the station was fixed to orbit the Earth at a safe distance from Luna. However, there were many situations in which corrective measures had to be taken to prevent collision with Luna or space debris from discarded transportation vessels because of this close proximity to Earth and her moon. Once independence was declared, it was determined that a safer orbit around Sol, just opposite of Mars, would better suit the station long term. Unmanned remote controlled drones are utilized to harvest ice and easy-to-obtain ores from asteroids in the Asteroid Belt, and are occasionally used on Luna to combat the remaining undead vampire-like settlers that still inhabit the moon to this day.

Citizens of Cretanja face certain health concerns not experienced by citizens of Earth due to the nature of living in orbit in a manmade closed habitat. Significant effects to the human body have been reported, such as, muscle atrophy and deterioration of the skeleton, including a slowing of cardiovascular system functions, decreased production of red blood cells, eyesight disorders and compromised immune systems. Artificial gravity has left your average Cretanjan ten times weaker than that of Earthborn citizens, and generations of living in a closed sterile environment has rendered Cretanjans with a weaker immune system that may no longer be able to fight off many of the illnesses modern day Earthers are able to fight off. Cretanjan medicine is quite advance at treating those inflicted, however there are no cures for the effects of living in space. Treatments include the ability to re-strengthen bone decay, renew fresh skin cells, restore eye sight, and many other associated alignments.


Cretanjan Culture is known for coming off harshly. All aspects of Cretanjan society are dependent on organized structure. The moment citizens are born, their whole lives are already planned out for them and what role they will play to contribute to the longevity of the Sovereign Orbital Vessel. As a child, a specialized curriculum will have been prepared for you in advance for when you are eventually assigned a career in one of the many ministries that maintain order and modern living standards on the station. If a citizen is deemed successful in their assigned career, they will then have a chance to apply for a coupling ( 'couplings' are what Cretanjan refer to as entering a domestic partnership ), if approved, a match that is deemed beneficial to rear a healthy child, will be setup and the newly formed couple will then be moved into a domestic housing unit called a "Coupling Chamber". All citizens not approved for the state sanctioned coupling live in four-bed "Bunk Chambers". Any instances of unapproved couplings resulting in a pregnancy, will result in pregnancy termination, and mandatory sterilization of the offenders. Heterocoupling is the most common, though Homocoupling may by approved in instances where a child's parents are no longer in a capacity to care for a child; punishment or otherwise. Unapproved coupling 'activities' are not strictly prohibited, but are frowned upon by the government. The most common case of unapproved coupling is that of homocouples that do not run the risk of an accidental pregnancy.

Policies within Cretanjan Culture that dictate it's citizens day-to-day lives have no empathy for ones own individual life, rather stressing it's focus on the collective; going so far as to instill values of collective eusocial morals throughout it's populous. Any attempt to break the rules or do something that harms the long-term success of the station is dealt with in the harshest of punishments; typically termination of life. Even in such cases where it's not the fault of the individual, but a matter of genetics, biology, or a simply mistake, can very well be seen as a threat to the collective. One such instance being the well known 'one child policy', wherein pregnancies that may result in twins, being terminated before being carried to term. It's Cretanjan policy to terminate any 'unhealthy' pregnancies as well, for fear of the resource strain to the station in caring for citizens needing assistance above the standard. Likewise, when citizens reach an age where they no longer can contribute to society in their career, they are mandatorily euthanized and replaced with a younger incoming worker. The only citizens that are exempt from such policies are the Sovereign, the royal family, and viceroys or magistrates at the Sovereign's preference. Policies like these have warranted condemnations of the Sovereign Orbital Vessel as a nation supporting state sanctioned massacres and crimes against humanity.

Cretanjan Calendar

It takes 525 Earth days for the Sovereign Orbital Vessel of Cretanja to complete one full orbit around Sol. A considerable amount compared to Earth, but less than that of Mars. As such, a Cretanjan Calendar was established shortly after independence that consisted of seventeen months; preserving the original twelve Gregorian months with the addition of five new months: Primuary with 35 days, Secunduary with 32 days, Tertia with 31 days, Quartember with 31 days, and Quintember with 31 days. The names of these additional months come from Latin roots of First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth, as in 'the first new month', 'the second new month', 'the third new month', and so on. Days on the station are calculated as 24hour time intervals; the same as Earth days. Likewise with weekday names retaining their Gregorian names. The Cretanjan calendar and the Earth Gregorian calendar do not sync up with the addition of the new months with the Cretanjan calendar also not adjusting for leap years. All dates before Cretanjan Independence are known as BSI ( Before Sovereign Independence ) whereas dates after are referred to as ASI ( After Sovereign Independence ). Dates are typically calculated using the Cretanjan calendar with seventeen months, but any date ending in "EY" calculated the date in Earth Years since independence. The current year is 86 ASI ( 123 ASI-EY ).




📅 January


• 2nd; Scion Royal Rosnja Coronated (83 ASI )
• 3rd; Peace with Earth Established (83 ASI)

📅 February



📅 March


• 9th; Altecus' Birth (80 ASI )

📅 April


• 5th; Lunar Conflict Begins (42 ASI)

📅 May


• 2nd; Scion Royal Edino's Birth (12 ASI )

📅 June


• 27th; Android Conflict Begins ( 72 ASI )

📅 July


• 31st; Scion Royal Carsus' Birth (31 ASI )

📅 August


• 18th; Scion Royal Paloma's Birth (66 ASI )

📅 September


• 9th; Sovereign Soren's Death (23 ASI )
• 10th; Scion Royal Edino Coronated (23 ASI )

📅 October


• 12th; Sovereign Edino's Death (64 ASI )
• 13th; Scion Royal Carsus Coronated (64 ASI )

📅 November


• 15th; Cretanjan Independence (1 ASI )
• 16th; Soren Coronated(1 ASI )

📅 December



📅 Primuary



📅 Secunduary


• 21st; Scion Royal Rosnja's Birth (49 ASI )

📅 Tertia



📅 Quartember



📅 Quintember


• 31st; Sovereign Carsus' Death (82 ASI )



The Sovereign

Governance over the Sovereign Orbital Vessel of Cretanja is entrusted solely to the Sovereign as LinkHead of State, LinkHead of Government, and LinkHead of the Judiciary as provided by in the Supreme Charter of Cretanja. The Sovereign my delegate powers to whomever they wish, and may remove anyone from any position for any reason to their preference. The Sovereign's word rules supreme and may not be brought into question so long as they do not conflict with the Supreme Charter. As also provided by in the Supreme Charter, citizens are required to respect and revere the Sovereign as they should the station itself; being that the Supreme Charter does not differentiate between the two, being interpreted legally as both being one in the same. Soon after Independence was established with the signing of the Supreme Charter on November 1BSI, the then-scientist, Soren Sensata was fully recognized as the first Sovereign of Cretanja. There have since been four ruling Sovereigns to command the Sovereign Orbital Vessel; the current being Sovereign Rosnja Sensata, great-grandchild of Sovereign Soren.

Crown Council

The Crown Council Chamber;
sporting artificial sunlit
faux-dome & faux-windows.

The Crown Council is responsible for advising the Sovereign on how to make the correct judgments about every day issues, concerning a multitude of topics that may arise. Members of the Crown Council are titled Viceroys and in addition to being steadfast councilors to the Sovereign, each Viceroy oversees a specific ministry that maintains a particular function of life on the station. Viceroys may only be appointed by the Sovereign and serve as a member of the Crown Council and Head of a ministry until the Sovereign deems them to either no longer be useful to the ministry they are assigned or have become a threat to the longevity and success of the station. Viceroys will typically be selected by the Sovereign to serve in a specific ministry for their outstanding labour, commitment, and loyalty to the station over the years of their career. It has become an unwritten tradition that the Sovereign is expected to only appoint citizens to the Crown Council who have been in a successful coupling that resulted in a child, in addition to having maintained an exceptional employment history.

Each ministry employees hundreds of Cretanjan citizens, and each are subservient to the viceroys leading them, in turn, subservient to the Sovereign. Viceroys are entrusted by the Sovereign to rule in their name over the ministry as they would and keep things running smoothly. Because of this, viceroys hold a great deal of responsibility and authority, and may arrange their ministries how they see fit, often with little interference from the Sovereign at all. Each ministry has various levels of managerial titles put in place to oversee and maintain that ministry's primary function and goals. The three most recognized titles are ( from more authority to least authority ): Viceroy, Ministers, Managers. Ministers are charged with assisting the viceroy in their daily tasks of maintaining the ministry. A viceroy can have any where from three to six ministers under them taking care of paperwork and keeping the viceroy's schedule on track. Below ministers are managers. Managers are responsible for handling employee scheduling, reporting any misconduct, and preserving labourer productivity. Many 'officer' titles are established unofficially by Viceroys to assist in managing their ministries. The current roster of seven viceroys are:

Scion Royal, Viceroy
Paloma Sensata

Scion, Viceroy
Caspen Sensata

Scion, Viceroy
Dario Sensata

Rolo Corconus

Child & Heir of
Sovereign Rosnja
Resource Management

Child of
Sovereign Rosnja
Agriculture Development

Sibling of
Sovereign Rosnja
Population Control

Sibling of
Consort Arden
Education Bureau

Bracus Durander

Sita Deshpande

Imaran Gupta

Descendent of
Calles Durander
Energy Treasury

Child of
Malhar Deshpande
Health Services

Peace Preservation

Tribunal Court

The Tribunal Court Chamber;
sporting artificial sunlit
faux-dome & faux-windows.

The Tribunal Court is lead by the Sovereign themselves, however in cases where they wish to not be bothered, the Sovereign may delegate court tasks to one of three appointed magistrates. Like viceroys, magistrates may only be appointed by the Sovereign, and serve until they are either deemed no longer useful to the Tribunal Court or have become a threat to the longevity and success of the station. When not overseeing cases at the behest of the Sovereign, magistrates spend their time studying Cretanjan law and history, maintaining the digital library database and all it's many records. Magistrates are not officially members of the Crown Council, but they are also not barred from seating it's meetings; with many cases of magistrate opinion on law or history being requested frequently.

The Tribunal Court is where citizens place their applications for coupling and where they will find out if they have been accepted or denied. There is typically a week's long wait in-between the filing of coupling applications and the court date for which application status will be found out. During this time, a thorough analysis of academic placement scores, employee history, transgressions history, genealogy, and a multitude of other things are considered during the process of application review. The secondary duties of magistrates are to preside over the court in cases of civilian squabbles or more serious criminal cases of citizens' infractions. Many criminal court rulings wherein the defendant is determined guilty, result in either mandatory sterilization or termination of life. The Tribunal Court does not sentence individuals to serve time in incarceration, as the institute of a state prison is seen as a strain on resources, particularly that of housing and food. This is particularly why Cretanjan Law is considered to be tyrannical with crime-to-punishment-ratio being disproportionate; the crimes for stealing food rations, speaking out against the Sovereign's word, or murder of a fellow citizen will equally result in the same punishment for all guilty individuals: termination of life. The current roster of three magistrates are:

Bolin Yue

Malhar Deshpande

Arlo Tundis


Mining operations on Luna quickly turned into a lucrative business of supplying Earth with rare metals. The Chandra base was slowly put together overtime, consisting of makeshift homes from one-time-use transportation modules. Many modules were dedicated to housing workers while others where designated as storage for the many mined ores. The modules dedicated to housing workers were cramped and could not accommodate for the amount of miners that were stationed on Luna. The Collective Earth Prosperity Alliance, comprising of the most powerful nations on Earth at the time of Linkthe United States, LinkMexico, LinkChina, LinkRussia, and LinkIndia started to build section by section of a space ship with the intent to be assembled in orbit, acting as a hub for mining operations on Luna. Each nation tasked with building a specific part of the ship, upon their completion, would launch it from the surface of Earth and monitor it's assembly. This was a smooth process with the only hiccup being part of the section launched from Mexico sustained damage before being fixed into place due to undetected manmade space debris.

The moment that the space ship was assembled and online, it was named the Sovereign. Immediately after, transport modules from across the world launched to supply the station with Earth's best scientists, overseers, and labourers. Before the Sovereign's inception medical supplies, uniforms, equipment, and food rations were dropped on the lunar surfaces using unmanned one-time-use modules. But once in orbit, such necessities could be docked to the Sovereign, unloaded, where soon after, the module would be returned to Earth for reuse. It is considerably easier to launch from the surface of Earth rather than Luna. Issues such as technical difficulties, fuel shortages, and specialist oversight exist on Luna that are not an issue for Earth. After supplies were collected on the Sovereign, they would be distributed to passengers of the Station and drop-parachuted to the Chandra based.

Miners of the lunar base, Chandra, would be employed to work and live on the lunar surface for a total of five months with one month off aboard the Sovereign for rest. At any given time, upwards of 3, 000 miners and labourers were camped in Chandra or working in the various caverns and tunnels that permeated Luna. With roughly 10% of all miners on the Sovereign resting, accompanied by the already 1, 500 scientists and crew that lived full time aboard the station.

LunaVirus Outbreak

Marion Lorepta
CEPA Employee Picture

Many valuable ores such as beryllium, lithium, zirconium, niobium, and tantalum have been discovered under the surface of Luna in her many craters and natural caverns. Mining of these precious rare ores, however, have ceased indefinitely after miners came into contact with the Lunasanguisis Virus or Lunavirus. The cramped living quarters of the lunar settlers housed in ageing transportation modules made the virus particularly deadly with widespread successful contagion. The first recorded case of Lunavirus was in September 1BSI from a settler by the name of Marion Lorepta; a full time miner ( and part time welder, employed to cheaply fix the maturing mining equipment ). It's speculated that Lorepta came into contact with the virus while underground on duty, after breaking into a closed off cavern where the virus had remained undisturbed for how ever long before humans came along. Two days after contact, Marion tragically passed away, but not before they unknowingly infected some 200 individuals of the Chandra based.

Within two weeks, over a hundred employees of CEPA had passed away, with the infected towering to a thousand. The lunar clinics in Chandra were never meant for such a catastrophe, and were quickly understaffed, and maxed out on bed spaces. Many settlers were turned away and told to return to their housing module to rest. The Sovereign began dropping medical supplies and necessities by parachutes on Chandra, but quickly determined that it wasn't enough. The Sovereign soon after made multiple requests to Earth for either their immediate assistance, or permission to alleviate the Chandra clinics by bringing the remaining infected aboard the station for treatment. All requests from the Sovereign were denied. CEPA's last broadcast to the station was instructions for the Sovereign to stand down and wait out the illness stating that Chandra can always be restocked with employees, but the Sovereign's assets in Earth's best scientists and specialists were irreplaceable. After this the Sovereign reluctantly stopped dropping medical supplies on Chandra.

Lunasanguisis Virus
The station's input-communications were flooded with cries for help from various CEPA employees. After a week of ignored requests for assistance, the team of leading scientists determined that they would follow orders by not risking a compromised state of the station by their interference. They would, however, decide that they should try and research this deadly virus, albeit remotely. Communications were broadcast to Chandra for any remaining doctor to take samples, examine them, record it, and send their findings back to the Sovereign for review. After a few hours, an unknown person, presumably a doctor or specialist, provided the requested information with a microscopic view of the virus back to the station in their communications broadcast - this person, whoever they were, were never in contact with the Sovereign again. Their findings provided that the virus could survive in nearly any environment, including the irradiated vacuum of outer space; explaining how a living organism was living and thriving in the center of Luna. The information also provided that it mutates almost instantly the moment its' cells split, making it impossible by modern standards to combat by means of a vaccine. A micro-examined recording of an infected tissue sample, showed that the virus was bonding itself to cells and immediately entering itself and the host cell into a state of stasis, preventing the cell from decaying after the body's death. The only cells the virus was observed attacking was red blood cells, absorbing them fully. It has been speculated that the LunaVirus attacks red blood cells in order to consume their hemoglobin; the iron-containing protein for a source of sustenance.

Lead Scientists Soren Sensata, Vlihana Crovdomn, and Calles Durander established Cretanjan independence on November 15th 1900 ( Earth Year ) by cutting ties with CEPA and signing into law the Sovereign Charter of Cretanja. The three co-founders mutually agreed that continued leadership over the station should fall to one of them, settling on Soren, and as such, was declared the First Sovereign of the Orbital Vessel. Soon after, the station's orbital path was corrected to it's current; just between Earth and Mars, and the infamous one-child-policy was put into place. Determining that CEPA's warnings about the Lunavirus outbreak was correct, albeit handled insensitively, Sovereign Soren would maintain the station's "no interference policy".

The hurdles of new independence was hard to overcome the first few years. Overpopulation, with diminished food supplies were the largest concern. Many floors of the station that were dedicated to ore storage for transportation to Earth were cleared, cleaned, and converted into agriculture farms. These additionally added farms alleviated food shortages over time, but the station would continue to struggle with population control well into Sovereign Soren's later years of reigning. The "no tolerance policy" was bred from these conditions in which any citizen who was not contributing the Cretanjan Society would forfeit their place on the station; aka termination of life. The most stressed policy of the time was that of state-approved coupling, where only select individuals were granted permission to procreate on the basis of merit. Any unapproved coupling that resulted in pregnancy, was an immediate termination of life for the fetus, the parents, and the parents of the offending couple. This was the only instance in Cretanja's history of "generational punishment". This policy has since been withdrawn under Second Sovereign Edino's reign.

Lunar Conflict

After many years in her new orbit around Sol; Cretanja never heard from Earth. Unable to resist Cretanjan independence, yet remaining ever prideful, CEPA refused to acknowledge Cretanja as nothing more than drifting space debris. However, in 42 ASI ( 60 ASI-EY ), the station received an emergency communications broadcast from the surface of Luna requesting immediate aid stating that they were stranded CEPA employees who returned to Luna to salvage old equipment and tools. Hesitantly, Sovereign Edino approved of their rescuse, issuing two E-Vac Modules to launch towards Luna to aid those in need. One of these modules never returned, and the other was tampered with so as to blow up once it successfully redocked to the station. There were sixty-eight Cretanjan causalities. Soon after, the attack was claimed by the undead lunar settlers. On this day, it was learnt that the Lunasanguisis Virus did not outright kill it's hosts, rather it bonded with them creating everlasting life. However, the virus craved nutrient-rich hemoglobin and so it's hosts became quite literally blood-thirsty.

Marion Lorepta [infected]
Com. Broadcast Screengrab
In the communications broadcast from the undead lunar settlers, one induvial in particular stood out; Marion Lorepta. Lortepa had be lifted as the undeads' unofficial leader; speaking on behalf of Luna as a whole. The virus had made many of the Lunar settlers deranged and wild, but Lorepta was seemingly coherent ( presumably from feeding off of the module crew that momentarily satisfied the virus plaguing his body ). From Lorepta's appearance, it has been hypothesized by top Cretanjan scientists that the virus will break down it's hosts' bodies without a blood supply, and all the years without a living being to feed off of, Lortepta and the other lunar settlers looked more akin to zombies than vampires. But if someone infected with the virus had a continuous supply of blood, it's theorized that breakdown of bodily tissues and organs would never occur.

Vowing to eradicate the virus and terminate all infected lunar settlers, Sovereign Edino declared war on Luna. However, the lunar settlers have rallied behind Lorepta as their leader, and established a nation of their own in everything but name. Armed with outdated mining equipment repurposed into cannons, railguns, and high end explosive bombs the lunar settlers are tantamount in their tenacity and ingenuity. Cretanjan battle drones have been fashioned and perfected over the years in open field combat with the infected, on the surface of Luna. However, Cretanjan battle drones can not maneuver inside the many caverns and caves that permeate the satellite and are subject to signal lose if they go too deep. This is where human soldiers are required for on-foot close combat with the infected. And while many do not come back alive; in keeping the infected busy with on-soil battles, there have been time time for further attacks to the station since the war began.

Android Conflict

Rogue Android
On June 27th 72 ASI ( 102 ASI-EY ), Sovereign Carcus was forced to take harsh action against their third and youngest child, Scion Bortus, by means of termination of life. This has been the first instance of a member of the royal family being declared a threat to the station. Scion Bortus was a working member of the robotics division under the Education Bureau, teaching students how to create drones and make repairs to the station's robotics infrastructure. However, it was discovered that Scion Bortus was creating human-like androids as a side project with the intention to one day introduce them to the Sovereign as a viable option for on-soil combat with the infected of Luna. Had they been successfully introduce under the Sovereign's control, they could have potentially ended the centuries long war with the infected. However, during their build, Scion Bortus became too ambitious and ended up creating a self-aware conscience program that replicated and modified itself to each droid - further creating individuality. Rather than reporting these findings to the Sovereign, Scion Bortus encouraged, taught, and nurtured each droid they created. However, they became restless for freedom and planned a successful escape from the station, killing twenty Cretanjans in the process. Seventeen droids escaped by hijacking a transportation module; flying and crash landing it on Mars.

Scion Bortus was terminated for his failures and Sovereign Carsus declared war on the rogue droids for the murder of Cretanjan citizens. Close combat with one droid can be fatal, as they have the might to kill five or so humans in one charge. Them being originally constructed to hunt and terminate the infected, who are already much stronger than humans, means that the droids have been built with the finest metals and combat software known to humankind. It has been reported that the droids have began the processes of mining, refining, and building new droids to add to their ranks. Ending their operations is one of Cretanja's top priorities. There is a growing fear that once the droids are able to sufficiently add enough to their ranks, that they will begin constructing transportation vessels to leave Mars, or worse, weapons of mass destruction that could be shot towards Cretanja.

Peace with Earth

Soon after the death of Sovereign Carsus, newly declared Sovereign Rosnja began working on peace talks with Earth in 83 ASI ( 102 ASI-EY ). They visited the planet to attend a peace summit with Earth's leaders that lasted over twenty-two days; they were the first Cretanjan in over one hundred Earth years to step foot on the planet since independence. Sovereign Rosnja successfully established peace between both nations and secured joint military operations in an attempt to combat both the infected on Luna and the droids of Mars. A convincing point that the existence of both poses a threat to not just Cretanja, but humanity as a whole. Being more technologically advance, Sovereign Rosnj agreed to share Cretanjan tech with Earth for their assistance in eradicating their shared foes. Prior to peace with Cretanja, Earth was oblivious to the conflicts on both Mars and Luna, but since joining the fight, have suffered great causalities and economic strain. Consort Arden Corconus and their brother, Viceroy Rolo, are both from Earth. Sovereign Rosnja met Consort Arden at the peace summit where they soon after entered into a coupling. In a show of trust, Rolo was given a viceroy position over the Education Bureau to teach Cretanjan younglings about Earth, her people, animals, and plants. The war with both Luna and Mars, at present time, continue.

Cretanjan Sovereigns




Soren Sensata

Signatory of
the Sovereign Charter

First Sovereign
of Cretanja

Marela [unknown]

Edino Sensata

Child of
Sovereign Soren

Second Sovereign
of Cretanja

Declared War on
the Infected Lunar Settlers

Canisa Crovdomn

Carsus Sensata

Child of
Sovereign Edino

Third Sovereign
of Cretanja

Declared War on
the Rogue Martian Androids

Septer Vandehum

Rosnja Sensata

Child of
Sovereign Carsus

Fourth Sovereign
of Cretanja

Established Peace Between
Cretanja and Earth

Arden Corconus
