
by The Federation of Gorvania. . 1 reads.

News flash August 18th — GorvInform

23:00 Money withdrawal limited to 5000 hroven from all banks inside Gorvania
22:06 Local Tv broadcast hacked in Tilnapol A pro-democratic slogan was played in loop for 30 minutes. Programming was not resumed after this incident.
19:59 new day of blackout in Gorna Vanika a giant campfire will take place in Central Plaza and Peremogi Majdan by protestors
19:09 Incident in nuclear plant of Chornalinsk Minor glitch in coolant systems, classified as level 2.
17:56 Blast in Plyanka street in Dolna Vanika no casualties, but several housing have been damaged
16:24 National internet proxy taken down Popular websites are blocked inside the country, leaving only access to government services to individuals.
15:32 Rumors about a taxcode rewrite to remove burden from taxpayers appeared on social networks
15:01 Protestor dead in self-immolation in Gdalinsk Crowd tried to extinguish fire, but failed to save life[/b]
14:06 Reports of starvation and gas shortage in Eastern rajony
12:53 Over 1 million protesters in the capital city, police reports
12:02 Crisis meeting in the Ministry of Ministries after the death of two important head of entities.
11:54 Head of the Sluzhba Bizpek Gorvanyy, Aleksey Udarivsky, is dead Investigators have found cyanide presence in his glass of wine.
10:26 Protests intensifies in Gorna Vanika and other major cities
09:33 Minister of Agroalimentary, Sasha Gorlyvkin, found dead in his home A suicide note has been found on his desk. He died from hanging.
09:02 Marketplaces stay closed GXAgro trading is suspended for an undetermined period.
07:23 Velikaya Rada approves a lift on poultry imports ban the current national output only covers 2% of its needs. The products will be imported from nations inside of the union of fascists
06:46 hidden tunnel used by emigrants hit by shelling in north of Chelinskovo At least 40,000 people have flee the country in the last 48 hours. No reports about casualties as of now.

The Federation of Gorvania

