
by The Evergreen Island of Stormaen. . 66 reads.

Demographics of Stormaen

This article is about the demographic features of the population of Stormaen, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

Most Stormaeners are descendants of settlers from the English-Scottish Border regions and some Irish. The Stormaen population today is remarkably homogeneous. According to government statistics, 85% of the nation's inhabitants live in urban areas (localities with populations greater than 500) and 60% live in the eastern coastal belt known as the Lowlands. Because of its small size and relative homogeneity, Stormaen holds all the characteristics of a very close-knit society.

About 85% of the population belong to the 'national church', the Anglican Church in Stormaen. Although the Anglican Church is recognised as Stormaen's 'national church', it is not the state church. Furthermore, Stormaen has complete religious liberty, and other Protestant and Roman Catholic congregations are present (about 3.5%), along with small communities of major world religions.

Most Stormaen surnames are from the Anglo-Scottish borders.
