Dispatch → Meta → Reference
Census Name | Value Details |
Civil Rights | 50.56 Martin Luther King, Jr. Units |
Economy | 99.76 Krugman-Greenspan Business Outlook Index |
Political Freedom | 44.19 Diebold Election Inking Scale |
Population | 3,525,000,000 capita |
Wealth Gaps | 672.11 Rich To Poor Income Ratio |
Death Rate | 76.48 Bus Surprisal Index |
Compassion | 15.03 Kitten Softness Rating |
Eco-Friendliness | -12.65 Dolphin Recycling Awareness Index |
Social Conservatism | 55.08 Bush-Santorum Dawning Terror Index |
Nudity | 169.25 cheeks per square mile |
Industry: Automobile Manufacturing | 4,944.10 Henry Ford Productivity Index |
Industry: Cheese Exports | 2,671.10 Mozzarella Productivity Index |
Industry: Basket Weaving | 539.36 Hickory Productivity Index |
Industry: Information Technology | 1,810.70 Fann-Boi Productivity Index |
Industry: Pizza Delivery | 2,484.89 Pepperoni Propulsion Productivity Index |
Industry: Trout Fishing | -19.43 Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index |
Industry: Arms Manufacturing | -5.67 Charon Conveyancy Index |
Sector: Agriculture | 577.88 Mu-Bah-Daggs Productivity Index |
Industry: Beverage Sales | 1,797.85 Addison-Fukk Productivity Rating |
Industry: Timber Woodchipping | 12,649.19 Tasmanian Pulp Environmental Export Index |
Industry: Mining | 11,043.97 Blue Sky Asbestos Index |
Industry: Insurance | 13,939.80 Risk Expulsion Effectiveness Rating |
Industry: Furniture Restoration | 5,586.19 Spitz-Pollish Productivity Index |
Industry: Retail | 3,820.44 Shrinkwrap Consignment Productivity Index |
Industry: Book Publishing | 2,422.61 Bella Potter Productivity e-Index |
Industry: Gambling | 13,462.34 Kelly Criterion Productivity Index |
Sector: Manufacturing | 5,483.46 Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index |
Government Size | 12.65 Bureaucratic Comprehensiveness Rating Scale Index |
Welfare | 0.00 Safety Net Mesh Density Rating |
Public Healthcare | 1,364.44 Theresa-Nightingale Rating |
Law Enforcement | 1,524.97 Orwell Orderliness Index |
Business Subsidization | 5,698.56 Gilded Widget Scale |
Religiousness | 4.41 prayers per hour |
Income Equality | 0.15 Marx-Engels Emancipation Scale |
Niceness | 0.48 average smiles per day |
Rudeness | 86.96 insults per minute |
Intelligence | 1.10 quips per hour |
Ignorance | 37.29 missed references per hour |
Political Apathy | 55.36 Whatever |
Health | 0.76 bananas ingested per day |
Cheerfulness | 34.19 Percentage Of Water Glasses Perceived Half-Full |
Weather | -16.00 meters of sunlight |
Compliance | 11.66 law-abiding acts per hour |
Safety | 4.32 Bubble-Rapp Safety Rating |
Lifespan | 62.26 years |
Ideological Radicality | 16.05 Paul-Nader Subjective Decentrality Index |
Defense Forces | 1,043.40 Total War Preparedness Rating |
Pacifism | 6.90 cheeks turned per day |
Economic Freedom | 81.22 Rand Index |
Taxation | 8.94 Effective Tax Rate |
Freedom From Taxation | 104.51 Hayek Index |
Corruption | 122.40 kickbacks per hour |
Integrity | 45.37 percentage of bribes refused |
Authoritarianism | 485.04 milliStalins |
Youth Rebelliousness | -8.00 Stark-Dean Displacement Index |
Culture | 21.00 Snufflebottom-Wiggendum Pentatonic Scale |
Employment | 68.92 Workforce Participation Rate |
Public Transport | 722.35 Societal Mobility Rating |
Tourism | 13.87 tourists per hour |
Weaponization | 6.34 weapons per person |
Recreational Drug Use | 7.97 Pineapple Fondness Rating |
Obesity | 9.11 Obesity Rate |
Secularism | 71.24 Atheism Rate |
Environmental Beauty | 3.96 pounds of wildlife per square mile |
Charmlessness | 390.64 Kardashian Reflex Score |
Influence | 39.00 Soft Power Disbursement Rating |
World Assembly Endorsements | 0.00 valid endorsements |
Averageness | 38.95 Average Standardized Normality Scale |
Human Development Index | 66.39 Human Development Index |
Primitiveness | 6.68 Scary Big Number Scale |
Scientific Advancement | 34.24 Kurzweil Singularity Index |
Inclusiveness | 112.37 Mandela-Wollstonecraft Non-Discrimination Index |
Average Income | 103,017.98 Standard Monetary Units |
Average Income of Poor | 1,383.82 Standard Monetary Units |
Average Income of Rich | 930,081 Standard Monetary Units |
Public Education | -3.16 Edu-tellignce® Test Score |
Economic Output | 363,138,000,000,000 Standard Monetary Units |
Crime | 33.11 crimes per hour |
Foreign Aid | -10.00 Clooney Contribution Index |
Black Market | 19,841,300,000,000 Standard Monetary Units |
Residency | 19.98 days |
Average Disposable Income | 93,849.38 Standard Monetary Units |
International Artwork | 8,184.83 Bank |
Patriotism | 16.15 flags saluted per person per day |
Food Quality | 5.20 Meeshlin-Starr Index |