
by The Auphelia Loving Kleptocracy of Volaworand. . 467 reads.

Volaworand's Views on Every National Policy

[floatleft][box][b][center][img][/img]Foreign Affairs[/center][/b]
[url=]Notable Diplomatic Relationships[/url]
[url=]Consular Offices[/url]
[url=]Ways to engage us[/url]
[url=]Values and Policy Concerns[/url]
[url=]Knowhere Tourism Board[/url]
[url=]Past Foreign Relations[/url][/box][/floatleft]
[box]Volaworand's bureaucrats judge the national policies of other governments by five core values.  The Antarctic Dominion draws on British parliamentary traditions and has strong [b]liberal[/b] democratic values.  It greatly values [b]openness[/b] as it is a nation of immigrants, with one quarter of the populating having arrived as refugees. Volaworand is a highly [b]secular[/b] nation and finds any enforced religious practice abhorrent.  The population places a high value on [b]human[/b] life, and is especially offended by the taking of life by the state.  The nation is highly reliant on international goods and tourism and so values [b]trade[/b] openness.

Department of External Affairs bureaucrats attempt to apply these values when noting policy concerns when [url=]rating national relationships[/url] with other nations.  The government does not always follow  public opinion as it seeks smooth diplomatic relationships and realpolitik.[center][url=#gov]Government[/url] | [url=#soc]Society[/url] | [url=#law]Law & Order[/url] | [url=#eco]Economy[/url] | [url=#int]International[/url][/center][/box]



[i]The nation does not hold democratic elections.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends liberal values.[/color][/box]


[i]Government power is substantially delegated to local authorities.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]


[i]The nation practices a feudal system of lords and serfs.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]The special status of a royal family is enshrined in law.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Native Representation[/b][/size]

[i]Only native-born citizens may hold elected office.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] the government.  [color=red]Offends openness values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Dissent[/b][/size]

[i]Public protests are illegal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends liberal values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Pledge of Allegiance[/b][/size]

[i]The daily singing of an anthem or reciting of a pledge is compulsory in schools.[/i]

This is seen as an internal matter by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Proportional Representation[/b][/size]

[i]Votes translate linearly to elected representation, with no seats or electoral college.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Public Protest[/b][/size]

[i]The right to public protest is considered to be essential.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]


[i]Parliamentarians are randomly selected.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] the government.  [color=red]Offends liberal values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]State Press[/b][/size]

[i]Only state-controlled media is permitted.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Term Limits[/b][/size]

[i]Elected representatives must leave office after a legally mandated amount of time.[/i]

This is seen as an internal matter by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color]the government.[/box]


[i]Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the government.  [color=red]Offends secular values.[/color][/box]
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[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]AI Personhood[/b][/size]

[i]Artificial beings are legally recognized citizens.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Religious worship is prohibited.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Body Integrity[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens may not pierce their bodies nor circumcize their children.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Consuming the flesh of fellow humans is legal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends human values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Child Self-Rearing[/b][/size]

[i]Children are left in the wilderness to raise themselves.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Compulsory Organ Harvesting[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens have no say in the medical use of their bodies after death.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Citizens are legally entitled to end their lives.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Citizens are not permitted to reach old age.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends human values.[/color][/box]


[i]Same-sex relationships are illegal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] the government.  [color=red]Offends secular values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Marriage Equality[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens of the same sex may marry.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Abortion[/b][/size]

[i]Abortion is illegal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends secular values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Adultery[/b][/size]

[i]Adultery is prohibited by law.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Contraception[/b][/size]

[i]Contraception is illegal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Marriage[/b][/size]

[i]Marriage is prohibited.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Smoking[/b][/size]

[i]Smoking is prohibited, even in private.[/i]

This is seen as an internal matter by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Sports[/b][/size]

[i]Physical contact sports are prohibited.[/i]

This is seen as an internal matter by both the populace the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Zoos[/b][/size]

[i]Exhibiting confined animals is prohibited.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Clothing is forbidden.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Parental Licensing[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens must acquire a license in order to have children.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Permanent Marriage[/b][/size]

[i]Divorce is illegal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Citizens may have multiple spouses.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]


[i]Strict modesty laws govern how citizens may dress.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the government.  [color=red]Offends secular values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Sex Education[/b][/size]

[i]School-age children receive mandatory sex education.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Vat-Produced Infants[/b][/size]

[i]Children are mass-produced from artificial wombs.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Vegetarianism is compulsory.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]
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[size=160][anchor=law]Law & Order[/anchor][/size]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Capital Punishment[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens may be executed for crimes.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the government.  [color=red]Offends human values.[/color][/box]


[i]A period of military service is compulsory for all citizens.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Corporal Punishment[/b][/size]

[i]Criminals may be ordered to undergo physical punishment.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]The nation enforces a national curfew.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]DNA Harvesting[/b][/size]

[i]Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Gun Control[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens are forbidden from owning firearms.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Gun Ownership[/b][/size]

[i]All citizens are required to own a firearm.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Human Sacrifice[/b][/size]

[i]Religious sacrifice of human beings is legal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends secular and human values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]ID Chips[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens are administered an under-the-skin ID chip.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Judiciary[/b][/size]

[i]The nation has abolished the court system.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Prison[/b][/size]

[i]Jails and prisons are not employed.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]
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[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]AI Planning[/b][/size]

[i]The nation runs an AI-backed planned economy.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Affirmative Action[/b][/size]

[i]Organizations are required to meet demographic quotas.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]


[i]The nation pursues a policy of economic self-sufficiency.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the government.  [color=red]Offends trade values.[/color][/box]


[i]Cannabis may be legally purchased.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Private industry is permitted within a market-based economy.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]major positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Child Labor[/b][/size]

[i]Children may be legally employed as workers and contractors.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Maternity Leave[/b][/size]

[i]New mothers receive paid leave from employment.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]The state mandates the use of the metric system.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Aircraft[/b][/size]

[i]Aircraft are banned.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Automobiles[/b][/size]

[i]Cars are banned.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Computers[/b][/size]

[i]Computers are banned.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Drugs[/b][/size]

[i]All recreational drugs are prohibited.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Gambling[/b][/size]

[i]Gambling is illegal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Internet[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens may not connect to the Internet.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Nuclear Power[/b][/size]

[i]Nuclear power generation is prohibited.[/i]

This is seen as an internal matter by the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Video Games[/b][/size]

[i]Computer games are banned.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Nuclear Power[/b][/size]

[i]The nation is nuclear powered.[/i]

This is seen as an internal matter by the populace and a [color=green]positive[/color] by the government.[/box]


[i]Alcohol is banned.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]


[i]Slavery is legal.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends human values.[/color][/box]


[i]Industry is owned and run by the government in a centrally planned economy.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by both the populace and the government.  [color=red]Offends trade values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Space Program[/b][/size]

[i]The nation runs a space program.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Universal Health Care[/b][/size]

[i]The state provides health care to all citizens.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by the populace and an internal matter by the government.[/box]
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[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Climate Treaty[/b][/size]

[i]The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]major positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Emigration[/b][/size]

[i]Citizens are not permitted to leave.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the government.  [color=red]Offends openness values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No Immigration[/b][/size]

[i]Foreigners cannot become residents.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=orange]minor negative concern[/color] by the government.  [color=red]Offends openness values.[/color][/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]No WMDs[/b][/size]

[i]The nation opposes the use of WMDs.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=green]positive[/color] by both the populace and the government.[/box]

[box][floatleft][img][/img][/floatleft][size=120][b]Weapons of Mass Destruction[/b][/size]

[i]The nation claims the legal right to use WMDs.[/i]

This is seen as a [color=red]major negative concern[/color] by the populace and a [color=red]negative concern[/color] by the government.  [color=red]Offends human values.[/color][/box]
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See Also:  [url=]Foreign Relations Of Volaworand[/url]

- [url=]Volaworand Newswire[/url]
