
by The Dragon Empress's Domain of Yangchenia. . 10 reads.

RWOT Constitution - in Baby Language

Regionaw meshshage board
1. Communicathion:

• adminishthrathorsh shhouwd, whenever poshshibwe, warn ushersh before shuppreshshing meshshagesh. Warningsh can be by thewegram or on thhe rmb, depending on thhe sheverithy of thhe infracthion.

• impershonathion of othher membersh or regionsh ash a whowe shhouwd be threathed thhe shame ash bypashshing reshthricthionsh and bansh and penawthiesh.

2. Meshshage suppreshshion:

• afther a warning, meshshagesh thhath conthinue tho viowathe thhe ruwesh wiww be shuppreshshed. In cashesh of sherioush infracthionsh (e.g. thhreathsh of viowence, hathe shpeech), shuppreshshion may occur withhouth prior warning.

3. Permanenth ban:

ushersh can be ejecthed or banned for:

• ushersh who repeath infracthionsh afther muwthipwe warningsh and shuppreshshionsh, or who commith sherioush infracthionsh, may be ejecth or permanenthwy banned.

• vothing fraud, which ish hereby defined ash:
frauduwenth ushe of powwsh tho shway an ewecthion or shurvey in a nathion’sh favor. Simpwy, a usher may onwy ever vothe once per poww, regardweshsh of whath reshidenth nathion ish ushed.

• viowathion of a usher’sh pershonaw informathion, whethher correcth or noth, even if enthirewy made up. Thish shpecificawwy refersh tho thhe intherneth prothocow addreshsh of thheir nethworw-acceshshibwe device, thhe home addreshsh, thown/viwwage/cithy of reshidence, thheir counthy of reshidence, or thheir province or shthathe of reshidence, thheir age (more sherioush conshequence if thheir age < 18 yearsh), or any ewaborathe physhicaw deshcripthion of thhe usher. Thish ish tho prothecth thhem outhshide of thhe conthexth of thhe webshithe.

• dishcwoshure of pershonaw or shenshithive informathion of othher ushersh withhouth conshenth, shuch ash home addreshshesh (parthicuwarwy when thhe shubjecth ish rewathing tho a minor (under 18).


fwaming/inshuwthing peopwe

4. Appeawsh:

• ushersh have thhe righth tho appeaw bansh. Appeawsh mushth be shenth in writhing tho thhe wa dewegathe, or a gowden officer withhin 7 daysh of thhe acthion. The adminishthrathion hash unthiw sheven more daysh tho reshpond.

5. Decishion review:

• appeawsh wiww be reviewed by thhe wa dewegathe or thhe gowden officersh. Decishionsh can be revershed if thhey are conshidered unfair or bashed on mishundershthandingsh.

6. Suppreshshion:

meshshagesh can be shuppreshshed by adminishthrathorsh by:

harashshmenth and inthimidathion.

• threathsh of viowence, hathefuw acthsh directhed thoward anyone, or inthimidathion of anyone, anywhere, in any region or officiaw roshesh withhouth thornsh environmenth.

inappropriathe conthenth:
