
by The Dominion of Kingdom of Saint Paul. . 48 reads.

Battle Hime of the Kingdom ─ "Brothers of Mine" || National Archives Pauline

National Archives Pauline
Joseph Xavier MacDonald, Bruce Willis, MDCCCLIX
Public Domain, by decree of HM Government

Key info
Name: Battle Hime of the Kingdom ─ "Brothers of Mine"
Composition: Joseph Xavier MacDonald, Bruce Willis
Year: 1859
Use: since 1863
Description: Official battle hime of the Kingdom, hime of the King's Stalwart Armed Forces (KSAF)

Battle Hime of the Kingdom ─ "Brothers of Mine"

Joseph Xavier MacDonald, musical composer

Bruce Willis, lyricist

Verse 1 ─ Introductory Verse

Across the skies, the clouds are black
Our Kingdom is under attack!
We built it ourselves ─ this very land
With th' Almighty's guiding hand!


Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
We shall fight and win each time

Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
From th' burghs to the farms

Verse 2

In battle, may we always be led
By those who for the Kingdom have bled!
And we'll only stop our fighting
At the orders of our King!


Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
We shall fight and win each time

Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
From th' burghs to the farms

Verse 3 ─ Closing Verse

Across the land, the skies are clear
We withheld our fear!
Our fight was brave, and we did win
Safeguarding our kin!


Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
We shall fight and win each time

Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
From th' burghs to the farms

And we'll sing it one more time!


Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
We shall fight and win each time

Brothers o' mine
Lift up your arms
From th' burghs to the farms

─ End of abridged version sung at sporting event and diplomatic confeers ─

Chorus is hummed

Ending (chant)

Lord Almighty, save us all
In my defens God me defend
Lord Almighty, save us all
May He save us 'til the end.
