
by The Sunset City of Picairn. . 111 reads.

Operation Solar Storm II: Return of the Northern Lights, 2 June 2024


Operation Solar Storm II
Return of the Northern Lights
2 June 2024

Haven't you heard? LinkThe Northern lights are predicted to return this week as solar activity flares up once again, which I took as a good omen to continue with Operation Solar Storm. At this major update on June 2nd, I led our NPA soldiers on another attack run against some of BoM's trophy regions and colonies. Our tanks crashed through the gates of eight BoM-owned regions with complete surprise, captured their Delegacies, and made off with plenty of valuable loot (some being antique Roman eagles and priceless technological equipment). The name of this operation is also carved into the history of these regions with the help of five updaters present.

Soldiers who participated:
Minister of Defense Picairn (lead)
General Palutenia
Lieutenant Bobberino
Corporal United States of Dictators
Private First Class Dotopolis

Malice regions capped and looted:
The Shadows
Special Military Intelligence Service
The Rose Meadows

In addition, there is one soldier among us who has ably demonstrated their skill and competence on the field of battle. This soldier has regularly participated in both Libcord and NPA operations at update, and now they are fully qualified for a promotion. I'm proud to promote Private First Class Dotopolis to Corporal for their contributions to the NPA! Congratulations!
