
by The Empire of Platlore. . 7 reads.

the gods

the panthon of platorian gods are known as the tempesia there are many gods:
zepher: god of winds
thoros: god of thunder, king of the tempesia
astraia: goddess of stars
tempestia: goddess of storms and vengance
aurora: goddess of dawn and rebirth
nimbus: god of the rains
cyclonda: goddess of tornados
eurus: god of the east winds
boreas: god of the north wind
notus: god of the south wind
anrei: god of the west wind
rajin: god of speed and moentum
thalassa: goddess of the seas
ullr: god of winter
aiolia: goddess of war and expantion
the relgious texts of the platorian nation is know as the: codex aieris and is the only required reading in schools
