
by The Grand United Republics of The Hellcatian Empire. . 1 reads.

Hellcatia’s Earth

Earth-12,077 or Hellcatia’s Earth

Hellcatia’s Earth is designated as Earth 12,077. Which means it’s 12,077 universes removed from what is considered Earth prime or OTL. Though this version of Earth is about 65% larger compared to OTL. As this version of Earth shown above has formed with 7 continents and 8 oceans. As of current day, there are about 20 nations spread across all 7 continents. All ranging in terrain and weather as explained below.
Ancorria is considered one massive continent in Hellcatia though depending on which nation you go to on Earth 12,077 it might be split into two continents called Maztica & Anchoria. Both continents are mostly hilly grasslands and forests with a mountain range called the Larrachia mountain range that runs down the west coast of both continents.

Korearea is very dry continent, experiencing very little rain fall throughout the years back in day before technology changed that. It also experienced crazy dust storms and tornadoes due to the temperate climate of the north mixing with the hot climate to the south. The continent is also home to Mt.Venai & Mt.Keness which are the tallest mountains in the western hemisphere.

Eurous is characterized by is west and inland areas being lowlands and some western parts being marsh lands due to extensive rivers and lakes. To north and some areas in the south lie the more hilly, mountainous regions of the continents. The continent has very intense weather cycles depending on the time of year, with intense winters, and autumn’s due to crazy rain storms, snow storms etc. Though spring and summer are very prosperous on the continent as it reaches a temperate climate allowing for life to thrive much more.

Zureia is a mostly a tropical, temperate continent due to the many rivers that run throughout the land. Its land is mostly sand and palm trees. The continents weather mostly stays stable year around except for during the early fall months when Hurricanes can travel up the western coast of the continent causing crazy flooding before heading up to Eurous.

Irva the biggest continent on Earth, ranges from high mountainous terrain to massive flat lands and plateaus. Along with some of the planets largest forests. Everything in Irva is exceptionally big in comparison to other continents. However, there are multiple faultlines across Irva that has been responsible for some of devastating Earthquakes ever. With one of them being out at sea, it makes sure both Irva and Mosèa experience the occasional flood and Tsunamis on their coastlines. Other than that Irva’s weather is the best out of all the continents, experiencing the least amount of storms and crazy weather patterns that our Earth is known for.

Mosèa much like Korearea is mostly a desert making it have the biggest desert on Earth. Though having the largest desert, Mosèa experiences crazy rain fall year around, with cool winds coming from the southern Arctic. Creating a somewhat temperate environment on the continent that made it livable for Humans. Due to this, the northern part of the continent became grasslands and somewhat dense forests.
