Dispatch → Account → Military
sateru armed forces pog
Motto: " "
Status: Active or Inactive
Recruitment Policy: Choose from Conscription, Hybrid and Volunteer.
You can list the types of personnel you have and then designate whether they are conscripted or volunteer. Note that pictures are optional.
Type of Personnel (Conscripts): $-insert amount here-
Type of Personnel (Volunteers): $-insert amount here-
You can list the types of personnel you have and then designate whether they are conscripted or volunteer. Note that pictures are optional.
Type of Personnel (Conscripts): -insert amount here-
Type of Personnel (Volunteers): -insert amount here-
Here you will rank the proficiency of your military in the following landscapes - Arctic Warfare, Desert Warfare, Jungle Warfare, Mountain Warfare, and Urban Warfare. 1 being the landscape they are most proficient in and 5 being the landscape they are less proficient in. Example ranking below. This is not required for special forces or special operations units, Navies, Air Forces, Guerilla Warfare organizations, assassins, and mercenaries to an extent. If you wish to change the order you already made, you will have to spend 1/4 of your remaining budget and inform the RP moderator.
1. Jungle/Forest Warfare
2. Desert/Open Warfare
3. Mountain Warfare
4. Arctic Warfare
5. Urban Warfare
Here you will rank the proficiency of your military in the following types of combat operations - Symmetric Warfare, Counter-Insurgency/FID, WMD-induced Warfare, Insurgency, Guerilla Warfare, and Humanitarian Operations. Example ranking below. Please note that you can only include insurgency and insurgency only if your organization isn't a legitimate and/or conventional one. Note that you can only include Guerilla Warfare and Guerilla Warfare only if your organization is a Paramilitary one. This is not required for special forces or special operations units, assassins, navy, air force, and mercenaries to an extent. If you wish to change the order you already made, you will have to spend 1/4 of your remaining budget and inform the RP moderator
1. Symmetric Warfare
2. Counter-Insurgency/FID
3. Humanitarian Operations
4. WMD Induced Warfare
List the firearms (include mortars) used by your forces. Start with the smallest caliber then continue up. Nano-drones are also placed here.-
name of equipment - the price of each (quantity bought)
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used by X type of personnel."
List the weapon attachments used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up. Please note that some weapons already come with attachments (ie. M2010 ESR)
name of equipment - the price of each (quantity bought)
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used by X type of weapon"
List the utility vehicles (jeeps, armored cars trucks, MRAPs, etc.) used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used by X type of personnel."
List the artillery used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in combination with X type of vehicle."
List the Armored Vehicles used by your forces. Start with Main Battle Tanks then Tank Destroyers then Infantry Fighting Vehicles then Armored Personnel Carriers then Recon Vehicles and continue down.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what can you insert is "Used in combination with X type of vehicle."
List the Air Defense Equipment used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in combination with X type of vehicle."
List the UGCVs (ground drones) used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in combination with X type of personnel/vehicle."
List the UCAVs (Armed drones) used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in X type of situation."
List the UAVs (unarmed drones) used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used by with X type of role."
List the attack helicopters used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in mainly for X type of mission."
List the helicopters (should lack combat capabilities or is multi-purpose) used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in mainly for X type of mission."
List the combat aircraft used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in mainly for X type of mission."
List the aircraft (should lack combat capabilities) used by your forces. Start with the smallest then continue up.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used in mainly for X type of mission."
List the combat ships used by your forces. Start with the biggest then continue down.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used for X role."
List the ships (should lack combat capabilities) used by your forces. Start with the biggest then continue down.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used for X role."
List the ballistic missiles used by your forces. Start with the biggest then continue down.-
name of equipment - the price of each
-Insert additional details. (This is optional. An example of what you can insert is "Used for X targets."
List the Space-Related used by your forces. Start with the biggest then continue down.-
name of equipment - the price of each
name of equipment - the price of each
Mission: -insert mission here (optional)
Headquarters: -insert state/province here
Commander: -insert name of the commander for this unit.
Type of Personnel (Conscripts): -insert amount here-
Type of Personnel (Volunteers): -insert amount here-
List equipment deployed in this location. Must follow the order as above. This is also where the quantity of equipment above will be shown. Small Arms and weapon attachments are not needed to be included here. No need to list sailor and pilot/airmen numbers in locations.