
by The Propaganda Drake of The Word of the Dragon. . 557 reads.

Lair of the Dragon | Paths of Power


All for the hoard, the hoard for the lair!
The Greatwyrms protect, the kobolds provide.

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Artwork Hoarding Details Hunt for Prestige with the Lair

Mention the phrase "Papa Jotun says pay me" to the Silver Dragon for 1000 Gold Coins. Redeemable once per kobold.

» The Paths of the Lair «

» Kobolds «

The Kobolds make up the bulk of the Lair, causing chaos, chanting for stories and treats, and occasionally setting something on fire that really shouldn't be ablaze. They also can pursue the paths of Wealth and Prestige within the Lair. To be officially recognized as a Kobold, one must join the Linksub-realm 'Discord' and make your request within.

On the Path of Prestige, the Kobold strives to gather the Treasure of Prestige for both themselves and the Lair overall. They either take Treasures through Flights of Raids, earn Treasures through Diplomacy, or help the Claw Path generate Treasures through pushing policies favorable to The Lair in 'World Assembly'. The Kobold can also cultivate the Treasures of others within the Lair by encouraging Cultural Events, securing our borders from hostile Adventurers, or searching for new Townsfolk and Kobolds to join The Lair.

On the Path of Wealth, the Kobold has the choice of pursuing; the Treasure of Gold Coins by completing tasks and quests within the Linksub-realm 'Discord'; the Treasure of Artwork; or the Treasure of GDP, by raising their statistics in Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output

↑ Top of Dispatch ↑
↓ The Path of Wealth ↓

» Hatchlings «
Hatchlings are only found in the training grounds of the Lair's Raiders. Hatchlings are brand new to raiding with the Lair, and have yet to become fully fledged members of the Flights of Wyrms. Once they have shown they can fly on their own, the Hatchling will be granted the title of Fledgeling.

The Title of Hatchling can only be granted by Thunder Lords.

» Fledgelings «
Fledgelings are denizens who have are known by their fellows and contributed to the Lair's Prestige. A denizen may also be a Fledgeling if they have completed their training flights as a Hatchling.

The Title of Fledgeling can be granted by any Lord.

» Wyrmlings «
Wyrmlings are well known denizens of the Lair, and have contributed regularly to the Lair's Hoard. These denizens can also be granted a Title of Responsibility like serving as an Ambissador to a friendly Realm, or potentially as a Nest Lord.

The Title of Wyrmling can be granted by any Lord.

» Young Dragons «
Young Dragons have made notable contributions towards the Lair's Prestige and wellbeing, and have typically been a great contributor to a specific Mandate. They have also demonstrated they can lead efforts on a Mandate, in leading Raids on foreign realms, or in showing Hatchlings how to fly between realms.

The Title of Young Dragon is granted by the Conclave of Lords.

» Adult Dragons «
Adult Dragons are significant contributors to the Lair's Prestige, and can commonly be found in the realm's history. These beings are fonts of knowledge for new Kobolds and Fledgelings, and are often trusted with secrets and great responsibility. This rank can be considered a truly senior or veteran position within the Lair, and their word carries weight in the Lair.

The Title of Adult Dragon is granted by the Conclave of Lords.

» Ancient Dragons «
Ancient Dragons are paragons of Prestige within the Lair, having contributed significantly to the Lair over multiple Mandates. Second only to the Greatwyrms, Ancient Dragons command the Lair's resources with skill and precision, and are often Lair Lords over entire Mandates. When an Ancient Dragon speaks, they speak with the authority of the Lair as a whole.

The Title of Ancient Dragon is only granted by the Overlords of the Lair.

» The Silver Dragon & The Greatwyrms «

The Greatwyrms are the top of the hierarchy within the Lair. These entities have gone above and beyond in service to the Lair, and as such are immortalized for their efforts with the highest honor possible. The Silver Dragon leads The Great Hoards as the founder of the Lair, creating the space for all to flourish.

The Title of Greatwyrm is only granted by unanimous decision of the Overlords to ascend an Ancient Dragon or Draconic Archmage for exemplary leadership and service to the Lair.

↑ The Path of Prestige ↑
↓ The Titles of Responsibility ↓

» Draconic Novices «
Draconic Novices have a collection of Treasures large enough to no longer be able to carry it all in their hands at once. These denizens are taught the basic magics needed to transport and secure their hoards.

In order to become a Draconic Novice, a Kobold's hoard (resident nation) must consist of any one of the following:

» 500 - 2,499 Gold Coins «

» 500 - 2,499 Deck Value «

» Two Green badges in either Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

» Draconic Apprentices «
Draconic Novices have a notable hoard of Treasures, and may even have some rare items among their collection. They've mastered basic magics for security and have begun learning wards to ensnare would-be thieves.

In order to become a Draconic Apprentice, a Novice's hoard (resident nation) must consist of any one of the following:

» 2,500 - 9,999 Gold Coins «

» 2,500 - 9,999 Deck Value «

» All three Green badges in Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

» One Orange badge in either Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

» Draconic Conjurers «
Draconic Conjurers are able to use the very rare Treasures they have, as well as their own magical acumen, to summon forth Familiars of the Lair to protect their great wealth of Treasures. These denizens can occasionally be found funding schemes of the Conclave of Lords with the promise on a grand return on investment.

In order to become a Draconic Conjurer, an Apprentice's hoard (resident nation) must consist of any one of the following:

» 10,000 - 24,999 Gold Coins «

» 10,000 - 24,999 Deck Value «

» A minimum of two Orange badges in either Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

» Draconic Sorcerers «
Draconic Sorcerers have vast hoards of Treasures and wealth, and have a staff of Familiars dedicated to their collection's security. Their magical prowess is known enough to have caught the eyes of powerful foreign realms, and have been rumored to fund the toppling of foreign realms.

In order to become a Draconic Sorcerer, a Conjurer's hoard (resident nation) must consist of any one of the following:

» 25,000 - 49,999 Gold Coins «

» 25,000 - 49,999 Deck Value «

» All three Orange badges or higher in Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

» One Gold badge in either Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

» Draconic Archmages «
Draconic Archmages rival realms with the size of their hoard, and the sheer volume of treasures generates a fantastical amount of magical energies. These paragons of Wealth are found in the Conclave of Lords and conversing with the Greatwyrms on secretive matters.

In order to become a Draconic Archmage, a Sorcerer's hoard (resident nation) must consist of any one of the following:

» 50,000 - 99,999 Gold Coins «

» 50,000 - 99,999 Deck Value «

» At least two Gold badges in either Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

» The Silver Dragon & The Greatwyrms «

The Greatwyrms hold legendary hoards of treasure, with collections towering over the rest of the realms. When the vault of a Greatwyrm is opened to fund a project, it is not a matter of if it will succeed, but when.

The Title of Greatwyrm is only granted by unanimous decision of the Overlords to ascend an Ancient Dragon or Draconic Archmage for exemplary leadership and service to the Lair.

To be considered for promotion from the Path of Wealth, a Draconic Archmage's hoard (resident nation) must consist of any one of the following:

» 100,000+ Gold Coins «

» 100,000+ Deck Value «

» One #1 in the World badge in any statistic «

» All three Gold badges in Economy, Average Income, or Economic Output «

↑ The Path of Wealth ↑
» The Titles of Responsibility «

The Titles of Responsibility may be granted to any denizen of the Lair, and also grant power and rewards. Each Title has a mandate, or task, that is the source of both the responsibility and power.

» Ambissadors «

Denizens with this title act as the carrier of the Lair's Word to other realms. While sent to a foreign realm, they also act as the point of contact for questions regarding The Lair, and represent our interests whenever they can.

The Title of Ambissador is granted by either an Emissary Lord or Greatwyrm.

» Familiars «

Familiars are part of the Raiding force of the Lair. When summoned, they will help secure a target realm between Updates by piling on endorsements. Familiars earn 50 Gold Coins per week, plus additional coin for each operation.

The Title of Familiar can only be granted by a Thunder Lord.

» Wyrms «

Wyrms are the front line Raiding force of the Lair, flying along the currents between realms to seize them at the most opportune moment. When called upon to join, they will follow their Thunder Lord to a target realm or realms. Wyrms earn 50 Gold Coins per week, plus additional coin for each operation.

The Title of Wyrm can only be granted by a Thunder Lord.

» Clan Lords «

Clan Lords are responsible for ruling over their clan, setting its customs and laws, and formalizing the clan's lore. They are also an equal member of the Conclave of Lords. Clan Lords are unique in that they are responsible for determining how their successor is to be chosen. Clan Lords earn 100 Gold Coins per week.

The Title of Clan Lord is granted by the Inner Lair Overlord, at the behest of their predecessor's wishes.

» Nest Lords «

Nest Lords oversee specific parts of the Lair's Mandates, such as Kobold Integration, Lair Security, or Hoard Development. Often a Nest Lord will report to a Lair Lord as part of a coordinated effort, but are also an equal member of the Conclave of Lords. Nest Lords earn 200 Gold Coins per week.

The Title of Nest Lord is granted by the Conclave of Lords. A Denizen may petition the Conclave of Lords to be granted a particular Mandate.

» Lair Lords «

Lair Lords are responsible for the entirety of a Mandate, and can employ any of the Lair's resources to achieve success. They are an equal member of the Conclave of Lords, but wield considerable influence. Lair Lords earn 400 Gold Coins per week. They oversee one of the following Mandates:
Martial, as Thunder Lord | Foreign Relations, as Emissary Lord | Hoard Development, as Coin Lord | Kobold Integration, as Tradition Lord | World Assembly Priorities, as Assembly Lord

The Title of Lair Lord is granted by the Overlords.

» Overlords of The Great Hoards «

The Overlords rule over the Lair in its entirety. As a group, they are known as The Great Hoards, and lead the Conclave of Lords. Overlord is synonymous with Greatwyrm.

The Title of Overlord is granted by unanimous decision of the Overlords.

. Link
Layout inspiration from Bran Astor & Fujai and The South Pacific

