
by The Defender WASC Bloc of Partnership for Sovereignty. . 1 reads.

Partnership for Sovereignty: Vote FOR "Commend Spode Humbled Minions"


[box][font=Avenir, Avenir Next, Segoe UI][img][/img] [size=170][b][color=0075a9]Commend Spode Humbled Minions[/color][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Avenir, Avenir Next, Segoe UI][size=130][b][color=3cb4e5]Voting Recommendation:[/color] [color=green]FOR[/color][/b][/size][/font]

[font=Avenir, Avenir Next, Segoe UI][size=130][b][color=3cb4e5]Reasoning:[/color][/b][/size] [size=110]The Partnership for Sovereignty recommends voting [b]FOR[/b] "Commend [nation]Spode Humbled Minions[/nation]". Spode is a long-time leader and comrade of [region]The League[/region], one of the Partnership's member regions, having played a formative role in the region's early years as well as its modern entry into the defendersphere. Spode's efforts in defeating the forces of the United Conservative Nations, followed by their assisting with building The League's diplomatic network, including treaties with Partnership members [region]The Free Nations Region[/region] and [region]The Union of Democratic States[/region], all make for a hearty resume even before their superb leadership over [region]Concord[/region], which is undeniably among the most successful Frontiers in the early stages of the Frontier/Stronghold update. Taken together, these contributions to region-building and foreign affairs merit a commendation.[/size][/font][/box]
