
by The Centurion states of Trima of Porymonia. . 56 reads.

The Failed State

The Failed state of Faalun

    Founded: 2881


  • official name: The dark theocracy of Faalun

  • demonym: C'faal

  • primary language: Porian

  • secundary language: Throb speak, Rat speak, Facean, ancient Porian and braintongue


  • leader: The Unsaint of Sao

  • ideology: Shamed Gregnockism

  • religion: Perfect Image

  • government system: Federal


  • population: 5,9 billion

  • population density: 43/square km

  • Capital city/largest city: Fular Capir


  • classification: Hollow World Moon

  • host planet: Luhman-16B

  • host system: Luhman-16


  • diameter: 3.304 km

  • circumfrence: 20.759 km

  • surface area: 137.180.000 km^2


  • pressure: 7x earth

  • composition:











  • average temperature: 50 degrees celcius

  • surface water: present

  • gravity: 2,1 m/s


The Failed state of Faalun, or the theocracy of Faalun, is a large isolated nation. It’s a country which covers the entirety of the moon of Faalun, holding no territories other than that. The nation supports a large population of around 5,9 billion citizens, although there are multiple hundreds of millions of people living inside it which do not have a recognised citizenship.

Faalun is an oppressive dictatorship. It is led by a single patriarch known as the Unsaint of Sao. Although to call it a dictatorship would be a big oversimplification, as there are multiple other powers who influence the nation. A big role is played by the Porian Soul, which are the religious leaders of Faalun. As the Unsaint of Sao is recognised as a religious figure, the state is classified as a theocracy. Apart from that the nation is too big to be ruled by a single government, for that reason the Failed State has a federal government. The nation is divided into over 100 Dark Duchies, which are ruled by Gravá and have semi-autonomy. They make up what is known as the Porian Conscious.

Faalun has a long history, it was originally used as a mining planet by the fallen nation known as the Corvus Rèjk. Its crust was mined dry and became a hollow world, fully abandoned apart from a handful of guard robots. Faalun was eventually sold to Porymonian nomads who had lost their home world of Prima Faca. They inhabited the lands in shame, having an endless sense of guild due to them losing their planet. Here the ideology of Shamed Gregnockism was founded. Shamed Gregnockism has the authoritarian believes of traditional Gregnockism. But instead of trying to build to an oppressive future, Shamed Gregnockists mostly focus on punishing themselves, believing they’ve got to redeem themselves for things they or their ancestors have done.

During the collapse of the Corvus Rèjk, the former state of the Soulfaces were thrown into civil war. This civil war was bloody and forced most of the Soulfaces out of their homeland. The original C’faal used to also be part of the Soulfaces before they failed their planet, so the remaining Soulfaces sought refuge on Faalun. the arrival of the Soulfaces created a new mix of ideologies and ideas. Because of this, there are several different ideologies practiced in different Dark Duchies. The arrival of the Soulfaces also threw the nation into a large growth, creating the large population that it has today.

The Failed State has mandates the religion known as the Perfect Image. The Perfect Image is a believe where someone thinks the universe is fundamentally flawed and must be changed drastically in order to make it perfect. This process is recognised as a large task and seems impossible on paper to do. While most followers of the Perfect Image would push themselves to make progress for this impossible goal, the C’faal think differently. Due to their Shamed Gregnockism, the C’faal feel like they’re not worthy of performing such a great task. The C’faal instead believe that if the universe punishes itself enough, that divine intervention will start the process of the Perfect Image. Shrines and cathedrals are something very common in Faalun, with almost every settlement having one. The C’faal see the Corvus Rèjk as divine and worship the remnants of the hollow worlds. The religion is led by Dark priests, who perform most religious and scientific practices in the nation. Dark priests is a term originally used in the Soulfaces for priests who failed their ceremony, but as all people on Faalun are failed, all priests are called dark priests.

The Failed state is very isolated. It does not wish to have contact or diplomatic relations with any other states. The nation has a clear border where no one is able to leave or enter. This border the moon Faalun’s Kármán line, which extends several hundreds of kilometres above the surface. Not even government officials are allowed to cross this line and it is defended by a lot of military. This extreme isolation is once again a result of the ideology of the C’faal. Faalun was seen as a prison the C’faal were send to. It’s a toxic hellscape with barely any resources. They must survive here and here alone to redeem their sins and they must protect the land from outsiders.

Because of this reason Faalun also has a completely isolated economy. They are not able to import or export anything, or they’re allowed to get anything from outside their moon. Most the nation uses all the resources they have to their maximum, recycling everything they can. Metals are a resource most scarce, while also being very important for expansion. The only place where sizable quantities of metal is found is within the inner structure of the moon. Through an expansive process, metals are mined from the inner mantel of the moon and brought up via the underwater oceans to the surface.

Carbons are much more abundant on the moon. For that reason the C’faal prefer to use biological machines over metal ones. The C’faal have inherited very good genetic manipulation skills from their ancestors, which has allowed them to modify humans in order to fill different roles of society. Some become factory units, other filter the air and others become war beasts. Intelligent life on the moon has diversified too, with countless of near human races walking its surface. The people of Faalun have mostly become mutated beings, their bodies heavily modified as forms of torture or to fit equipment. The most common humanoids in the nation are the Rat people, who take up about 60% of the population.

The population of Faalun is oppressed very badly. Unless you’re part of the upper class, you basically have no free will. Normal citizens have no right of personal property and have no homes. They have to live off rations which just about sustain them, leading to many people being very skinny. Food and other essential resources are fed through tubes in the body, with most people don’t possessing a mouth. The majority of the population is controlled by a system nicknamed “mob mentality”. Almost everyone has a syringe going into their head which feeds them chemicals which give immense pain and agony. The brains of all people and their actions are monitored to see if they do everything right. If they do anything wrong, they will be punished by more chemicals being shot into them. Most people are nudged to do the right thing via electrical signals send to the brain, these signals mimic thinking and create intrusive thoughts in the person’s head.

Most flags of the C’faal show a black base colour with an orange symbol. This symbol is known as the token of the Failed. It shows are circle with in it 3 eyes, these eyes are surrounded by the depiction of 3 upper jaws which are put together. The 3 eyes are a well known symbol for Gregnockism, ever since Gregnockism was founded it was represented by 3 eyes. the jaws are meant to represent the bio-engineering of the C’faal, an example of the nightmare creatures they can creature. The circle and colour are meant to represent the moon itself, orange being the colour of the moon and the circle showing the border.


The moon Faalun
6,5 lightyears from earth, in the binary star system Luhman 16, Faalun orbits a large gas giant. Faalun is one of the biggest moons in the planetary system, with a diameter of 3.304 kilometres. Alongside it are 8 large sister moons, although none of these have been colonised by the failed state. Only one moon is bigger than Faalun in the planetary system, but they’re roughly the same mass. Faalun has a gravity of around 2,1 metres per second, which is quite high for its size. It is on the higher side of density between the moons, which is why it was a good moon to colonise. Faalun is classified as a hollow world. Its crust has been mostly mined out by the Rèjk after centuries. All the other moons are also classified as hollow worlds.

The higher gravity of the moon is caused by its placement within its system, Faalun is located closely to its host stars. This has led to it catching more heavier materials in its gravitational pull. These materials have gathered up to make a melted core made from Iron and Nickel. This core is small though and is surrounded by a thick inner mantle made from solidified rock. This rock is still quick rich in metals, which help increase its mass. The more unusual parts of its interior is its outer mantle. The outer mantle of Faalun is only about 150 kilometres thick and contains a vast below surface ocean. This ocean is extremely salty, with a lot of materials being dissolved in it. The ocean is very hot, but the pressure allows it to stay fluid. On this sea floats the crust, which is kept afloat by the mantle sea. the sinking of the crust is prevented by heavy volcanic activity which happens between the outer and inner mantle. These volcanoes build up more pressure and are caused by the extreme gravitational pull of the gas giant.

The crust of Faalun has several cracks in it. Through these cracks water sometimes spills out which has created its oceans. Through these cracks also a large amount of gas from the volcanoes escapes. This gas creates Faalun’s thick atmosphere. The atmosphere of Faalun is about 7 times the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere of earth. The atmosphere is mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide, but it also has oxygen present. This oxygen is not natural, but is the result of previous attempts of colonising the planet. In the oceans of Faalun there are a lot of imported algae which create the oxygen. The atmosphere of Faalun is being stripped away by solar winds from its twin stars. But the atmosphere remains fairly stable as it has found an equilibrium between it being blown away by the stars and being replenished by the underwater volcanoes. The stars don’t blow away metals, which means a lot of those are present in the atmosphere. This gives Faalun its orange look, as mostly iron particles are present in the air, which bounce off red light.

Atmospheric composition:











The suns of Faalun also strip away lighter materials more easily, this means that water vapour is stripped away most. As Faalun experiences high temperatures due to its proximity to its suns, a lot of water is turned into vaper. The constant removal of water from the atmosphere leads to the sea levels on Faalun being quite shallow, as there is more land than water on the planet. This removal of water vapour also allows for the planet to cool, the water vapour contains heat, which is carried away from the planet when it is blown off. This allows Faalun to have a steady temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius.

Faalun is losing a lot of material quite fast and the moon is shrinking. The crust is slowly collapsing under the out mantle sea, although this process will take millions of years. The cracking of the crust has led to something similar to tectonic plates forming. As the outer mantel shrinks, the crust has less space than before, leading to it building up in certain areas, creating mountains. Faalun has no lava volcanoes on its surface, instead having cryovolcanoes on its cracks. These volcanoes can be quite violent though and can cause earthquakes and floats.


Politics in Faalun are quite complicated. The moon has a massive population which had led to it having to develop a more federal system. Faalun is divided into multiple 10’s of states. Officially they’re called the dark duchies, but most duchies refer to them in which way they see fit, with many even calling themselves countries.

A federal system does not immediately mean that Faalun is more liberal than its predecessors. It’s still very much a dictatorship. The leader of Faalun is called the Unsaint of Sao. The Unsaint of Sao is the single most powerful being in the failed state. On paper, they have unlimited power. But in actuality, they’re quite a lot weaker. In order to keep themselves in power, the Unsaint must satisfy all their followers, otherwise they’ll likely get rebelled against. The Unsaint is in a constant game of grabbing more power for themselves, while not getting so much its rivals get jealous of them.

Dark priests
More specifically the rivals of the Unsaint are the dark priests and the Gravá. The dark priests are the leaders of the main religious factions in Faalun. Religion plays a large part in Faalun and officially the Unsaint has to endorse the perfect image in order to keep themselves in power. The Unsaint itself is a figure head of the Perfect Image in Faalun, even though they themselves barely believe in the religion. The dark priests are the most powerful people under the Unsaint. Faalun originally started from priests who had exiled themselves, which created a very stern religious culture, one which is even more influential in some places than it was in the Soulfaces. Important dark priests are called dark Heilá. They’re in charge of the state religion, also known as the Porian Soul.

The dark priests which mostly clash with the Unsaint are dark priests descended from original colonists. As most of the Porian Soul consists of dark priests which have descended from the original Faalun colonists, the Unsaint often is in direct conflict with the Porian Soul. This can be kind of problematic as the Unsaint is also in charge of the Porian Soul, being the religious leader. The Unsaint was part of the mass migrations of the Soulfaces after the fall of the Rèjk, meaning the Unsaint is from an entirely different culture. The culture difference is what leads to most of the clashed. The Porian Soul is much more focused on their redemption and punishing themselves for their failure, while the Unsaint is more focused on advancing the nation. The Unsaint claims they want to advance the country in order to serve the gods better, but they mostly do it for their own gain.

The other rivals mentioned were the Gravá. The Gravá are the leaders of the dark duchies. Gravá are often self assigned roles. People within the dark duchies work their way up to become a Gravá, instead of them being appointed by the Unsaint. There are some cases where the Unsaint assigns a Gravá themselves to a dark duchy, but this often is a risky maneouvre. Overall the Gravá clash much less with the Unsaint than the dark priests. It differs between Gravá. Some Gravá are very loyal to the Unsaint, being a sturdy pillar in the Unsaint’s regime. Other Gravá are actually Heilá or dark priests, which can lead to them clashes for the same reasons as the Porian Soul does. But most Gravá are power hungry leaders which want their dark duchy to have as much autonomous power as possible.

Together all the Gravá form the Porian Conscious. Together with the Porian Soul they make the top of the C’faal government. The Unsaint is the leader of both, but has most power in the Porian Conscious. The Unsaint supports the idea of power to the duchies more than power to the priests, which makes the Unsaint generally more liked by the Gravá.

National departments
Right under the Porian Soul and Porian Conscious are the national departments. The national departments are ministries which look over the entire moon. There are 7 in total:

  • The ND of security: the department which handles internal conflict between dark duchies or in some cases, in dark duchies which have been thrown into anarchy. They also sometimes handle law enforcement.

  • The ND of resources: the department which is in charge of handling resource distribution and mining.

  • The ND of the people: the department which controls the human factories and biological modification.

  • The ND of the holy: the department in charge of conserving religious sites and shrines.

  • The ND of defence: the department organising and controlling the border security.

  • The ND of infrastructure: the department which manages large building projects and infrastructure between duchies.

  • The ND of balance: the department that manages the environment of Faalun.

Each department does not hold much power on their own, but their main power is that they’re able to often overwrite commands from dark duchies if it affects their sector. Each department has leaders which are assigned by the dark priests. Apart from that they also have thousands of agents which help them. Each department is centred in the capital city, Fular Capir, here they each have their own towers which all reach more than a kilometre high. The Porian Conscious and Porian Soul also both have a tower. The one of the Porian Soul being the tallest at just over 10 kilometres tall, with the one of the conscious being just behind at just over 9.

The largest part of governing is done by the local governments of the dark duchies. No duchy government is quite the same as Gravá get quite a lot of autonomy in deciding how their duchy is ruled. Each duchy is pretty much the size of a country themselves, so each one of them too is split up in smaller states. How the duchy does this is mostly up to them.

Political regions
When looking at the entirety of Faalun, a trend seems to appear in the types of dark duchy governments. The same type of Dark Duchies seem to be closely located around one another. This is a result of cultures in different areas of Faalun leading to the same regime. Faalun cultures are quite diverse, leading to some drastically different regimes. This diversity only sprung up after the fall of the Rèjk. Before Faalun culture was quite monogamous, with the beliefs of having failed being pretty much the same over the moon. But when the mass migrations of the Soulfaces came, new cultures were brought in. Due to the chaos, many new beliefs could be formed, the biggest few of these new belief systems still showing today.

-Prima Faalun (orange)
Prima Faalun has the largest population of all the ideology groups. Prima Faalun are the original settlers of Faalun. The Prima Faalun are mostly found in the north, where they’re mostly spread around the first colonies on Faalun. The Prima Faalun still have their original home world in mind throughout their culture and continuously work for redemption. The Prima Faalun are not much interested in expansion, instead wanting to focus on punishing themselves. Prima Faalun often try to cause themselves as much suffering as possible as they believe it will redeem their sins. They don’t have very power hungry regimes and are very religious. They call their duchies dark states and in most these states dark priests rule, being called a dark Gravá.

The only exception is Ersti, where the capital lies. Ersti is a very diverse place and the Prima Faalun here do not hold much power. The Prima Faalun are pretty hostile to the Soulface migrants and belief firmly in their culture. Some duchies in Prima Faalun have become more productive just in order to try and keep Faalun safe, as they do not want to fail this world too. For that reason the Prima Faalun are very politically active too, fighting against almost all change.

-Pori Faalun (blue)
The Pori Faalun are Soulface migrants which have adopted a policy closely related to the Faalun. They have the feeling that they have failed their homeland and that they should punish themselves. There are differences though between how the two try to punish themselves. Instead of the Prima Faalun, who had moved to more habitable regions of Faalun, many Pori Faalun inhabit the Collir dessert. Being located around the hot equator and having little mountains to shield itself, the Collir dessert is one of the most hostile environments on Faalun. Many Pori Faalun believe they must survive in this hostile environment to proof that they are strong enough. They often shield themselves to a minimum to the environment, leading towards them having the shortest lifespans. The high death rate also causes them to be one of the least populated regions.

The Pori Faalun are overall more rural than other regions, their government is also a lot less organised. Their Gravá often use less of their power to control their dark duchies than in other regions, with most cities already pushing very heavy policies on themselves. More ambitious Pori Faalun are found along the east coast of their region. There cultures are much closer to those found originally in the Soulfaces.

-Hive colonies (purple)
Between the Mittásuu and the Intásuu the Hive colonies lie. The Hive colonies started right after the start of the Rèjk. Ambitious nobles and priests thought that they should replace the Order by building a new one. They saw it as a holy mission to get closer to the gods. When they migrated to Faalun, the knowledge of the Rèjk having fallen would pass in the next generation. But the idea of working towards the level of the Rèjk was still there.

Hive colonies are some of the most technologically advanced. They have many dark priests which focus on innovation and experimentation. The name Hive colonies comes from most of the dark duchies in this region having re-invented hive minds, although much simpler ones than the Order used to have. There are some dark duchies, especially more in the south, which have united up to 99% of their populaces into hive minds. Other dark duchies often have very controlled populaces and some even try to dip into creating voids. Hive colonies overall have their population quite spread out. Their duchesses most of the time consist of more structured villages and towns instead of the more natural flow of settlements found in other places.

-Southern Xen (red)
The Southern Xen also have some very advanced duchies. But instead of regular technology, the Southern Xen focus more on biological modification. The Southern Xen were some of the first Soulface migrants to Faalun. They were early refugees from the collapse of the Soulfaces. They came in with more of a colonist mindset instead of the other Soulfaces who search hospitality on Faalun. The Southern Xen saw Faalun as a world which they must adept to, see they would begin to genetically modify themselves to live on Faalun. They are the ones who started the Xen race and more than 75% of the entire Xen population lives in these Dark duchies.

The Southern Xen see themselves less as part of the Failed State. Most dark duchies see themselves as independent countries which are in a union with the Faalun. Because of this they follow the laws a lot less than other dark duchies. The Southern Xen still follow the perfect image, but see themselves much less as failed compared to the other regions. The Xen are trying to transform Faalun into a more habitable eco-system, which they do with large biological machines. They also have a lot of influence on the ND of balance, which means they can continue their terraforming efforts while most of Faalun is against them.

-Neo Pori (green)
The Dark duchies of Neo Facea are the closest there currently is to the old Soulfaces. This is logical, as a lot of migrants from the Soulfaces landed here. It is the second most populated region after the Prima Faalun. A large contributor to the big populace is the need to expand the Neo Pori have. The Neo Pori are less focused on how they failed compared to regions to the west, instead having a need to proof themselves. The Neo Pori want Faalun to become a large empire. At the same time the Neo Pori have a problem where Gravá often want too much power for themselves. This results in Neo Pori being a more unstable region and having problems at uniting.

There are a lot of nobles which rule duchies in Neo Pori. This does not mean that religion plays a large role here. The perfect image is still very important here, but they often follow the old teachings of the Soulfaces, not the failed teachings. This leads to them often clashing with the Porian Soul and they’re very big in the Porian conscious. The Unsaint originally came from Neo Pori and its Gravá are generally very supportive of the Unsaint as long as they get freedom.

-The Nobul (yellow)
The Nobul, or often called the 12 kingdoms, are a group of dark duchies located on the eastern most peninsula. What’s unique about the Nobul, is that its Gravá are all from the same bloodline. The Nobul family is an ancient one in the Soulfaces and had much influence for a long time. Now on Faalun they have colonised these lands to be there own little empire. The Nobul have set up a very strict system in there duchies which makes only their family members heirs to the throne.

The Nobul are very greedy and have made their duchies to revolve around them. The Nobul try to squeeze as much out of there land and people as possible and try to give as little as possible to the Failed state. They have some of the most impoverished and oppressed people of Faalun, with their starving rates being the highest. The Nobul often also cause a lot of trouble with the state due to how egotistical they are. The Nobul might seem as a united force, but they have various complicated rivalries between each other. They unite when there is outside threat, but love having useless disputes with each other.

-The Mantili
Lastly, there are the Mantili. The Mantili do not appear on most maps on Faalun as they exist within the oceanic mantle of Faalun. The Mantili are few in numbers, but are an important backbone for the entire state. The Mantili mostly consist of miners who have the hard task of mining materials from Faalun’s core. Their dark duchies have vague borders, with most of them having exclusive spheres around their large floating structures where they rule.

The Mantili are very isolated people. They are the least densely populated and are far away from normal civilisation. Their conflict is mostly economic, competing with the other Mantili duchies for the best sales above. They do not interfere with conflict on the surface, unless it will impact sales. The Mantili are also pretty autonomous compared to some other regions. This is one, because they’re so isolated and two, because they’re of such importance to society. The government is too scared to put harsh policies on them as they’re able to stop most the metal supply in the country if they wanted.


Faalun is a very isolated nation. For that reason it also has no international trade. Its laws prevent anyone from interacting with the outside world, which of course includes trading. The C’faal are also not allowed to take anything that is outside of Faalun, even if its through means other than trading. Because of this, Faalun has a closed system of resources. Nothing gets in and nothing gets out. The only exchange the moon has is the sunlight that hits it and the heat that escapes it.

Faalun is already a very resources poor place due to it being a hollow world. Centuries before its recolonisation most of it has been dug out by the former Rèjk. Most metals within the crust are gone, the government has no way to mine metals unless they go way deeper. They have to go fully to the inner mantle or even core of the moon in order to get metal. This process is made easier by the oceanic upper mantle of the moon. Entire populations have moved to live in these oceans in order to mine.

Mining here is expensive though. A mine must be placed hundreds of kilometres under the surface, where water pressure is very high. After that it needs to drill down multiple kilometres in order to find good metals. When metal is mined up, it needs to be transported hundreds of kilometres up again in order to be used in population centres. On top of that there also need to be plenty of passages between the mantle and the surface, requiring expensive tunnels which have to be dug for 10’s of kilometres down. Because of these reasons metal is seen as one of the most expensive resources on Faalun.

This does not mean metal is rarely used. Metal can be seen a lot throughout the lands of Faalun. metal is important as it is strong enough to fight the harsh environment of Faalun. A lot of metal was brought onto the moon when the recolonisation happened and when the Soulface migrants arrived. These metals would form brickwork for Faalun society. Faalun is very good at recycling when they want to. They’ve used this ability when they’re short on metal, they will break down old buildings in order to make new ones out of them. The real cost of metal comes in when there is need for expansion. The already existing metal can only do so much and when society develops and populations grow, much more of it is needed. This is when the money is made by the core miners, as they’re the only large scale mining operations, they would profit largely of this growth.

Human factories
A resource much more abundant on Faalun is carbon. Organic materials are much cheaper to produce on Faalun than metals are, which had led to them being quite important in the economy. Faalun produces people like they’re products, fleshy robots who could do tasks for you. Most people on Faalun are considered resources themselves, being part of the economy not by being the consumerists buying products, but being the products.

Most people on Faalun are produced in factories. This allows for greater population control and easier genetic modification. These factories are called the human factories and they can be found in every Dark Duchy. Human factories are able to grow all types of creatures, but most are just focused at one. People are grown in VATS here, which are connected to a complicated maze of machinery which helps them grow into the being they were designed to be. Most human factories are very efficient, being able to fully form grown humans within a year. This is needed, as there always is demand for more humans due to the yearly purges. A lot of other human factories take a more energy and resource efficient route though, growing humans for longer, but already planning ahead for purges that will be happening in more than a decade.

Humans are mostly used for the dark duchies in which their human factory is located. But its not uncommon that people will be sold away to other dark duchies or to the state. The creation of more humans gives more demand for other resources though. The humans will need food, equipment and places to stay. Equipment and homes are most of the time already there, jobs always become open in Faalun due to frequent deaths. Meanwhile food is created often in large farms. Most dark duchies have entire towns dedicated to creating food. Large vertical farms which create most of the food for the people of Faalun. In these tower genetically modified plants are grown, which contain all the required nutrients for the people. Even though there are many of these towns, the people still are barely fed. Only the minimum is given to them, proscribed in rations by their duchy’s government. Most of the food goes towards the human factories themselves. A lot of resources are needed to grow a human in such a short time and some human factories have a small group of farming towns around them just to support them.

Recycling companies
Because of the human factory’s ability to create humans so efficiently, the nation of Faalun is always at risk of overpopulation. One of the main reasons for the purges is to keep the population in check. After someone dies they don’t just go to waste. Their body will be recycled and be made into a new one. This often doesn’t happen immediately though. Cities are often don’t have the will or room to recycle garbage for themselves. Because of this garbage is often thrown out on massive landfills. These landfills are than processed by companies in order to regain the resources back. These companies will then resell the resources to dark duchies.

These recycling companies are the main way resources get brought back into the economy. The recycling industry is big in Faalun, especially due to the short lifespans of C’faal populations. These companies also allow dark duchies to grow their power. The companies do not have to sell back to the dark duchies where they got the resources from, they’re able to sell to almost anyone. This allows for the balance of resources to be shifted between duchies, which allows some to grow in power by doing smart business. For this reason most of the more conservative duchies will have the recycling companies be controlled by their government.

As mentioned before, a lot of people are seen as products in Faalun. The ones who actually are consumerists in the C’faal economy are the ones at the top. Only the upper class is able to trade with one another. This includes for example; dark priests, nobles and company owners. These people only make up about a percent of the population, so trade is much more uncommon than it would be in other countries. Although trade between these people is often much bigger, sometimes transactions can include large plots of lands or thousands of people.

This upper class trades with the Godjuwel. The Godjuwel is a currency that has existed for more than a millennium. Although the Godjuwels of Faalun resemble little of their ancestors. The Godjuwels of Faalun are small square or octagonal coins. They are made out of a variety of metals and also have a variety of variants. In total there are 12 different coins; 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1.000, 5.000, 10.000, 50.000, 100.000 and 500.000. The coins can reach quite high values due to the scale of transactions there often are between the upper class. All coins starting with a 1 are square and those starting with a 5 are octagonal. Coins are quite expensive to make as they’re made off metal, for that reason they don’t make a lot of new ones. There are only coins for about half the money of Faalun. The rest is tracked by banks and only exists on paper. These banks also track the money which does have coins, which had led to trading with coins becoming a mostly ceremonial thing.

These coins are worthless for the rest of the population. The other 99% of Faalun gets to do no trading at all. People are forced to work and will get the minimal amount of life support in return. People own no possessions or any private property. They got no house as they’re not allowed to sleep and barely get time to rest. The common people act as cogs in the machine which produce the wealth for the upper class. There are some cases of bartering between the rat people for example, but this often is for useless small trinkets which they will eventually have to give away anyways.



The ancestors of Faalun had always been masters at genetic manipulation. The reason the Soulfaces managed to win the Prima Faca civil war was due to their abilities to clone and to manipulate biology. This ability partially receded when the Soulfaces moved to terra, but on Faalun its on an all time high again. Not only has advancement allowed for much better genetic modification, but the alien environment of Faalun makes it important too. Faalun is even more resource depleted than Prima Faca was, its metals only lying in the holy hollow worlds and in its core. All other metals had been mined away by the Rèjk during its stay, leaving little for the new inhabitants. Carbon is something plentiful on Faalun, making life easy to make. Overtime many purposed organisms have developed on Faalun.

The national department of the people is the one in charge of genetic manipulation. They keep lists of creatures which all have different niches and different functions. Although dark duchies have the ability to make more people for themselves and even make new body plans, the ND of the people has the ability to demand for more or put a stop to things.

All races on Faalun had originally come from humans, humans were the only organisms which colonist the planet at first so everything is based off them. Some creatures are barely human anymore, they’ve evolved into shapes which couldn’t be more alien or have lost all intelligence. In order to organise things, the ND of the people has created families in which different types of races are classified.

  • Fam. Nütigj

  • Fam. Domá

  • Fam. Sapá

The Fam. Nütigj is the most alien of the families. The Fam. Nütigj includes all immobile organisms. These can range from simple filters to complex computer systems. Most races in the Fam. Nütigj can be found within factories, where they are the main driving force behind manufacturing. The Nütigj are definitely the most diverse family, their races can be massive or miniscule, brainless or super intelligent. Apart from being used in manufacturing, the Fam. Nütigj also makes up the terraforming devices of Faalun. they’re large complicated structures which filter the air. The thing about these Nütigj is that they sometimes are so big that they still have intelligence. These creatures have to live their lives out with no communication or ability to move, only having their thoughts.

The Fam. Domá includes all creatures which are mobile but unintelligent. These are species which often are purposed for simple tasks. They act as horses, engines, companions ETC. the Fam. Domá includes some much more humanoid creatures. For example the chargers, who look very human, but have very simple brains. They can also look much more like animals, but a resemblance of humans is there most of the time. The Fam. Domá is very present in Faalun’s military. They often act as cheap cannon fodder for the enemy, or as large tanks who don’t need much thinking capabilities. The Fam. Domá overall has races which are very cheap to make and who have a short lifespan.

The Fam. Sapá is the most important of all the families. Those who fall under the Fam. Sapá are the citizens of Faalun. they’re the ones closest to humans and also includes humans themselves. The Fam. Sapá has the least amount of different races, but its races are also much less specialised. Creating people from the Fam. Sapá is much harder also than the other two families, as a lot more laws are attached to it. These laws mostly includes how Fam. Sapá are allowed to be produced in order to keep the population stable. There are still various tens of races and subraces in the Fam. Sapá, but there are some which are much bigger than others.


percentage population











Blood corax




The Vrukhá, or the Vruks, are the humans of Faalun. although they cannot be classed as the same species as the homo sapiens as the two are unable to breed. The Vruks come in many shapes and sizes. The human is the race which had the most small changes made to it, so it has a whole spectrum of subraces. Some humans are tall, their limbs often replaced by even longer metal poles to increase mobility, while others are much more small and may host an extra set of arms. The biggest difference you could see between traditional humans and Vruks is the face. The Faalun have modified their faces extensively in order to give themselves more pain or in order to house their respirators much better. This leads to very weirdly shapes jaws or awkwardly stretched out parts of the face.

The Vruks mostly serve in higher functioning niches of society. All the priests, nobles and upper class are Vruks. But these make only a portion of the Vruks populace. Most Vruks work in jobs where they overlook factories or larger vehicles, acting as guardians who keep the place running. They also make up a large part of the army, they’re the ones doing the more complicated work being shielded by cannon fodder. The Vruks have some of the longer lifespans at an average life expectancy of 14,5 years.

The Raminá, or the rat people, are medium sized human like creatures. They are able to grow larger than some humans with an average height of 145 cm. The rat people have small barrel like bodies with thin but sturdy limbs. The rat people act like a cheaper version of the Vruks. They’re smaller, less intelligent, have shorter lifespans and are much cheaper to make. The rat people makes up the biggest portion of Faalun’s population. They are the cheap middle layer of Faalun society which does a lot of the work. They have very short life expectancy with only 0,9 years, but this is also heavily due to them being the most purged. All rat people are purged every year in order to keep their populations fresh, without purging they have a life expectancy of about 5 years.

Rat people fill up various jobs. They mostly act as a support for all the other races. They work in factories, harvest food, make clothes ETC. The rat people aren’t big travellers and will stay in their cities for all their lives. They live on the bottom most level of cities where they often have little space and always have crowded streets. Rat people are very aggressive and have great group bonds, they’re very effected by the mob mentality which allows their crowded cities to stay stable.

The Molá, or the mole men, are one of the least intelligent species of Faalun. Mole men are also some of the smallest, with a length of 50 cm. they’re very sturdy though and have thick bones and muscles. The mole men are usually used as helpers. They have very little thinking skill of their own, but they’re very good at following orders. They’re often used to keep machinery in a good state and are generally also used as servants. The Mole men are also very big in the army, working as support troops and repairers.

The mole men have an inherent love for small spaces, which is what got them their name. most places which support mole men have tunnel systems through which they can travel quickly. This also allows them to get to far away parts of machinery, which makes repair more easy. Mole men often are made in far off factories. Here they are kept in cages with a small group of others which allows them to bond. Mole men are very social and work good in a group. They’re very loyal as there are no cases of mole men ever revolting. They also have a very long natural live, up to 300 years. When facilities are abandoned, its mole men could still often be found there keeping the place up.

The Flores, or the messengers, are a heavily roboticized species of Faalun. The messengers are a medium sized sister species of humanity which got enslaved by the Soulfaces originally. Their bodies were much like the rat people, but most would not keep their bodies. Most messengers are turned into flying cyborgs, with most of the time only their head and chest remaining. There are very few messengers which are kept in their organic state, with those who are often acting as rich slaves for nobles.

The messengers can take all shapes and sized, most of them are attached to a helicopter structure, kept in the air by propellors. While others are kept afloat by balloons. There are also some few who move around on the ground, or some who are stationary. The messengers also have a variety of purposed, doing a lot of logistics for Faalun. A function all of them have is acting like security cameras, over most of Faalun you’re every move is checked by a messenger. Apart from that, they also act for communication, bringing messages to their higher ups. This function can also be used to bring announcements to the people, with their microphones screaming loudly through the cities. Newly on Faalun, some also act as satellites, floating on massive balloons in the upper atmosphere.

The Xen are in structure very similar to humans. They have about the same proportions and the same strength and intelligence. The Xen were originally humans who wanted to adapt to the environment of Faalun. They have much fatter bodies than the average C’faal, a lot of which is skin. The Xen have a very thick and rough skin which protects them against the storms of Faalun. This skin is an almost black blue due to sand which has crystalised to form a protective armour. Their eyes have become large emotionless balls which are protected by a hair structure. They have no mouths, instead supporting a large fleshy filter on their head which allows them to breath the atmosphere.

All these things allow the Xen to be the only species which can live outside on Faalun for their entire lives with minimum equipment. Because of this, they’re often placed in jobs which involve the outside. Because they’re just as mentally capable as humans, they’re able to do a large variety of jobs. The Southern Xen is a region where the Xen are dominant and here they fill the same niche as humans do. Their outside lifestyle does give them higher deathrates though, the environment of Faalun is still very hostile which slowly withers these creatures. They also have the problem of needing tubes to feed themselves, which can lead to quick death if one of them breaks. All of this results in an average lifespan of 8,5 years.

Blood corax
The blood corax are the largest race on this list in terms of body size. Their bodies are not much taller than a lot of human subraces, with an average heigh of 2 metres. But it is their massive wing structures which makes them the biggest here. The Blood corax have 2 large wings on their back which have a total span of 10 metres. These wings are separate from the arms and are connected with thick muscles to an enlarged chest. The Blood corax still has arms, but these are less maneouverable due to the wings.

The Blood corax are specialised in living in Faalun’s thick atmosphere. They spend most of their days kilometres above the surface. Their main purpose is to be guardians who keep people from going in or out. Most are part of the air force and spend their days patrolling the skies. When equipped with weapons, these beings are strong enough to take down light aircraft on their own. They mostly do this by intercepting their target at fast speeds. To reach these fast speeds, it has elongated its skull into a point. The skull of the Blood corax is exposed and is surrounded by a red skin. The blood corax has another pair of eyes on top of its head to see in front of it while flying.


The military is quite an important part to Faalun. they’re an isolated nation and they will face anyone who dares to break this isolation with much aggression. The C’faal military is quite large, with around 450 million people being in it at all times. These people don’t all serve the same armies though, as the military is quite split. There are three major armed forces in Faalun: the Dark armies, the Royal armies and the Wardens. Each of these armed forces is maintained by different organisations and also have different sizes. There are also a few smaller private armies which do not fall into one of these 3 armed forces, often being owned by wealthier upper class who are not part of the Porian Soul or are large land owners.

Percentage each armed force takes up from the total army during peacetime:

  • The Dark armies: 27%

  • The Royal armies: 51%

  • The Wardens: 20%

  • Other: 2%

The Dark armies are the oldest armies on Faalun. They are maintained by the Porian Soul and have the main purpose of keeping the nation together and to protect the believes of the Porian Soul. The Dark armies are fairly centralised, with the vast majority being controlled by a small war council. This war council consists of Dark Heilá and they’re in this council for life. The council has a maximum of 9 members and is a very important position as you get a lot of power. For that reason the war council is something many Dark priests fight over. More than 90% of the Dark armies is ruled by the war council, the rest are a handful of soldiers controlled by more influential Dark priests.

The Royal armies are by far the largest armies. They are the private armies of each Dark duchy. Every duchy is encouraged to train their own forces. Many duchies are ruled by nobles, who used to control the armies of the Soulfaces, so the Royal armies are often seen as the most efficient. The royal armies can vary a lot, some are small and some are big. Some specialise in different things than others. The Royal armies are the most decentralised from all the different armies, leading to them also being the most diverse. There is no one way a soldier of the Royal army would look. The power of the Gravá is prohibited by the ND of security in order to stop Gravá from building armies to overthrow the government. Although the specific rules are often unclear as the department has bias for certain Gravá.

The Wardens are the most centralised of the 3 armed forces. The Wardens are directly controlled by the ND of Defence and partially the ND of Security. The main purpose of the Wardens is to protect the nation from outside threat. Soldiers part of the Wardens are much more specialised in dealing with invasions or attacks from alien technology. The second biggest purpose of the Wardens is to keep the nation whole. They will, for example, take over Dark duchies who are trying to resist the government. The Wardens also manage the border control, with them holding a large part of the air force. The Wardens were originally meant to only do this task, but the Unsaint has diversified them and grew their numbers in order to become more powerful.

450 million takes up less than 10% of the C’faal population. But during times of war this number can increase 3 fold. There are no laws such as conscription in Faalun, you are born with a certain purpose and will most likely stay with it your entire life. This goes for the military too, soldiers have been serving since their birth or since they reached maturity. Most armies have special human factories entirely dedicated to them. these human factories are much more modular than other ones and are more focused on making a large amount of people in a short and fast timespan. If there is a large threat to Faalun, these factories will be activated to creature a huge influx of soldiers. The biomatter needed for this often leads to an equal or sometimes bigger amount of people being sacrificed to make them.

Most soldiers are very expendable in Faalun. They don’t get proper training by being created just before battle and there won’t be much gear for them. most soldiers wear armour which is passed down decades, worn down by metal or being reused metal from something which didn’t meet a good demise. The soldiers which are in active duty too have this same treatment, countless generations flash by within only decades. The flesh and equipment reused to create new and strong soldiers over and over again.

Most of the human factories used to create reserves are owned by the Wardens. They’ve been confiscated from the Dark and Royal armies in order to keep the Unsaint’s power stable. Each Dark army is often limited to only building one smaller human factory in order to supply for their forces. But they’re less restrained in building larger factories which support the production of unintelligent war beasts.

Types of forces
Like with most other armies, the armies of Faalun are also split into different forces, such as land and air. These forces also have more elaborate naming, which they often are addressed by. So is the land force: Walkers of the Cursed Earth, motorised land forces: Mechanical Soil Destroyers, naval forces: Sailors of the Fury Tides, air forces: Riders of the Red Heavens, space forces: Wanderers of the Forbidden realm and stationary gunners: Defenders of the Failed Grounds.

The Walkers of the Cursed Earth take up the large majority of manpower. They include all light creatures and infantry. The Walkers of the Cursed Earth have their strength in their expendable body count and their numbers are often the fastest replenished out of all types of forces. The Walkers of the Cursed Earth can lead from the Chargers, dumb human like creatures used as meat shields, to highly specialised sniper units. The Walkers of the Cursed Earth love to wage siege or trench warfare, using the low cost of life on Faalun to their advantage. They also include several forms of cavalry. The Walkers of the Cursed Earth have by far the most modification capabilities for the Royal armies. With each Gravá having their own unique trooper type.

The Mechanical Soil Destroyers are more or less and attachment to the Walkers of the Cursed Earth. They include all the more heavy land based military units. This includes tanks and particularly big beasts. The Mechanical Soil Destroyers also cover most the artillery, heavy artillery is handled by them while light artillery is handled by the infantry. The main reason why the two are separate is because the Mechanical Soil Destroyers are a lot more metal focused. With how carefully metal needs to be balanced sometimes, a lot of commanders don’t want to risk funding their metal towards the Walkers of the Cursed Earth. The Mechanical Soil Destroyers are low in numbers, but support large and impressive machines of war. They have mobile fortresses, or massive beasts which act like an ever encroaching defensive line.

The Sailors of the Fury Tides is one of the smaller parts of the C’faal military. The seas of Faalun are not really important as they’re constantly interrupted by landmasses and taking flight is much easier in the thick atmosphere. The Sailors of the Fury Tides only count a few thousand ships, half of which are located under the moon’s crust. Here military submarines guard cargo submarines which bring metals up to the surface of Faalun, or they protect the many facilities which take part in the process of mining metal out of the core. On the surface the navy has to contest with the stormy seas of Faalun, which leads often to chaotic naval battles. Faalun does not have very impressive ship sizes, with the largest dreadnoughts being around a kilometre.

The Riders of the Red Heavens is the second largest part in the military, after the Walkers of the Cursed Earth. The Riders of the Red Heavens form the air force and are one of the earliest lines of defence against outsiders. For that reason the Riders are almost entirely owned by the Wardens, with the Dark and Royal armies only being allowed to have low altitude airborne units. Due to the thick C’faal atmosphere, Faalun has adopted the use of blimps heavily in their air force. They can be cheaply made and the balloon doesn’t have to be too big. The balloon itself is often reinforced with a thin shield as it is its biggest weak point. Apart from blimps the Rider of the Red Heaven also have large stationary bases floating in the atmosphere. These can be located kilometres high and act like shipyards or anti-orbital defences. The Blood corax is also used almost exclusively in the Riders of the Red Heavens. They make up about a third of all the soldiers their, with their airborne capabilities being able to aid larger airships.

The Wanderers of the Forbidden Realm are the most inactive of all the C’faal military. They serve as a first line of defence for when it is really needed. The C’faal space force consists of only a couple hundred small to medium sized ships, all of these are located on the surface or in one of the sky bases. If a large threat were to approach Faalun these ships would launch in order to keep them from entering the atmosphere. The crew do not have reserved and are trained for this their entire lives. If the scenario were to happen, they would be ejected out of their ship and remain in orbit. The Faalun are not allowed to leave their moon, so the crew is undergoing a necessary taboo. As punishment they can never return. The ship itself does land again, as the metal would not want to be wasted.

Lastly there is the Defenders of the Failed Grounds. This arm of the military includes basically everything that isn’t mobile. They control stationary artillery guns and missile facilities. They are present in a lot of defences, where they often control anti-aircraft weaponry. They also manage multiple facilities which has weaponry capable of shooting into orbit, allowing to defend the moon without having to leave it.
