
by The Nigerian Empire of New Ryansville. . 120 reads.

IOC HOI4 Focus Tree (Archive)

Starting IOC Focus Tree

This is the Starting IOC Focus Tree which leads to you choosing your leader if you do Support KOE and God save KOE you will get his tree, but if you do Oppose KOE, you can get either various Anti-KOE Monarchists or Republicans. If you go down Support the Anti KOE Monarchists, you can do Invite NR into the Plot and Invite Monti into the Plot which will allow you to get them. Once you start Launch the Coup there will be a series of events which at the end will allow you to pick your desired leader for IOC. If you go down Support the Republicans, you can do Invite into the plot Oshall and Unban Ancaps to allow you to get them. Once you start Launch the Revolution you will be able to get the republicans, but if you have either invited oshall or unbanned ancaps you will be able to have them take charge via them launching a counter coup once the Republicans take control, but if you do not do this you will be able to get the Republican leaders.

KOE Focus Tree

This is the KOE Path which you will get by supporting KOE. There are two paths Constitutionalism and Absolutism with Absolutism being mostly in these two images while Constitutionalism having a smaller part in the two images but having Indvidual trees for the four prime ministers. In absolutism you will face a lot of opposition such as resistance form the church of True, discord, and even Duke NR and you will have to deal with all threats before a republican revolt happens similar to the one at the start, but unless you purposely take too long this will be easy and you will be able to secure your rule. After your rule is secured, you can begin to look outwards, and after establishing an IOC army demand the Wooloo Pact which Krasnaya occupies, and they can either fold and allow IOC to join the occupation or refuse and go to war with IOC, but if you wish you can betray Krasnaya and invade them anyways. After this you can denounce the pacifics and then subjugate Just Relax which will always accept unless they are a player, and then you can declare war on Callista. After Total Victory over Callista is declared KOE can be declared emperor and that is the end of the Focus tree. The Constitutionalist is the smallest part of the tree and is based around the prime minister trees.

OC Focus Tree

ur mom

Wooloos Focus Tree

The Nigerian Empire of New Ryansville

