
by The Nigerian Empire of New Ryansville. . 93 reads.

Top 15 Most Populated Cities of Nigeria


Population: 100.5 million
Subdivision Located in: Grand Duchy of Nigeria
Other Details: Capital of the Grand Duchy of Nigeria and the Imperial Nigerian Capital, Most Populated City
Description: Lagos is the capital city of Nigeria, it went form the Colonial Era, to the 2000s-2100s, to the Modern Day, each era looking vastly different, but one thing is for sure, it is always important. Lagos houses the nation's government, the monarchy, headquarters of various agencies, and the military, it is the beating heart of Nigeria. Lagos is considered a "Green City" with many above ground houses having baskets of plants and commonly people will every have a garden in their backyard usually growing stuff like sunflowers, zinnias, hydrangeas, roses, and wildflowers. Trees are also abundant along with parks and other relaxing areas, the city is considered the best or second-best place to live within the empire, even with the huge population. About a quarter of the City's population lives underground too, although not as green it is still common to see flowers. Poverty is at a minimum as well with crime and jobs are easy to come along, weather you want to be a law enforcer, an accountant, a general worker, if there is something you wanted to be within reason you would likely be able to find a way to become a part of the workforce in that area.


Population: 63.97 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of Senegal
Other Details: Capital of the Duchy of Senegal, Second Biggest City
Description: Dakar is the second biggest and second most important Nigerian city. It saw the times before the British, it was a city in early Nigeria, and it saw the 2000s-2100s and it stands in the Modern Day. Dakar houses the headquarters of the Nigerian Sea Navy due to its more northern position and the perceived need for the navy to focus on wooloosian aggression. Dakar while not being considered a "Green City" like Lagos is, it still has many trees. Dakar is known as "City of the Elites." with many elites living in the above ground portion of the city. There is still an important civilian branch to the city with a third of the city's population living underground. Poverty and crime are considering not a problem in Dakar, if slightly bigger problems, then in Lagos. Jobs while harder to come about then in Lagos are still abundant and if you have a dream of what you wish to be you will be able to be that as long as it is within reason.


Population: 63.05 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of Ghana
Other Details: Capital of the Duchy of Ghana, Third Biggest City, Location of the Golden Accra Opera House
Description: Accra is longest settled city in Nigeria, and it saw the 2000s-2100s and it stands strong as ever in the modern day. Accra is most famous for its Opera House which has Golden Arches which it is famous for and recognizable by. It has a concert hall, theatre, drama theatre, playhouse, studio, recording studio along with cafés and bars. Guided tours are also available, including a frequent tour of the front-of-house spaces, and a daily backstage tour that takes visitors backstage to see areas normally reserved for performers and crew members. Trees also happen to be abundant, a common thing for Nigerian Cities, Accra also has the best rated beaches out of any city in Nigeria. A third of the City's population lives underground with the poverty and crime rate almost non-existent due to the harsh on crime stance that has existed snice 2065, five years after the construction of the Opera House and the surge of tourism. It is not a fact but encouraged that you try to do whatever you wish and can do in the workforce that is within reason.

Neo Lagos City

Population: 38.862 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of New Nigeria
Other Details: Capital of the Duchy of New Nigeria, Fourth Biggest city and Biggest City Not on Earth
Description: Neo Lagos City was founded in the 2210s as Nigeria explored into space. Neo Lagos City is located on the planet of the same name, hence why it is always called 'Neo Lagos City' instead of Neo Lagos to avoid confusion. It is the biggest city that does not reside on earth and Nigeria's Fourth largest city. It is characterized by is large high-rise buildings that are not generally seen in Nigerian cities, but it also has good amounts of greenery. Neo Lagos City is also THE most important Nigerian city for galactic commerce with the Neo Lagos City Spaceport being the largest Nigerian Spaceport, even larger than the Lagos Spaceport. Neo Lagos City's Spaceport also houses the headquarters of the Nigerian Space Fleet with an equally large military part to the civilian part. Crime and Poverty is non-existent due to Neo Lagos City valuing their Spaceport and making sure that within the entire city there is no criminals and no poor people who could possibly be tempted towards the spaceport to vandalize or live in. Jobs are also easy enough to get by especially to work at the Spaceport.


Population: 33.58 million
Subdivision Located in: Lunar Duchy
Other Details: Capital of the Lunar Duchy, Fifth Biggest city and Biggest City on the Moon, Translates to "Ryans Harbor"
Description: Ryanhafen or "Ryan's Harbor" was founded in the 2140s as Nigeria colonized the recently terraformed moon, the name comes after Emperor Ryan I and II who lead Nigeria through the World Wars and early days of the Space Race. The Nigerians happened to found the city on the same place that their first moon probe landed, and in fact there is a monument to it that stands to this day, but the spot was actually chosen due to its position on a bay. It is the Biggest Lunar city, and it is the capital of the duchy. It is characterized by its boating industry which will take you across the bay it sits on and for the monument to the Nigerian Lunar landing. Crime and Poverty is non-existent due to crime and the fact that you can get many jobs.


Population: 23.72 million
Subdivision Located in: Venus Duchy
Other Details: Capital of the Venus Duchy, Sixth Biggest city and Biggest City on Venus, Translates to "Henrys Town or Henrys settlement"
Description: Heinstadt or "Henrys Town or Henrys Settlement" was founded in the 2380s as Nigeria begun to develop Venitian lands taken form collapsed Ancapian authority. The name for the city came after Henry I, the first Monarch of Nigeria. Said city would be almost completely developed independently of Government control and would quickly break the top 15 cities, getting to 6th place within 50 years of its existence. It replaced the old duchy capital in 2400 as many major governing functions were moved to Heinstadt. It sits on the mainland between of a straight between the main continent and an island. It is the biggest Venitian city, and it is the capital of the duchy. The city has many industrial and office and retail jobs, keeping unemployment low. Crime and Poverty is also low with effective police and high employment with jobs paying nice.


Population: 21.63 million
Subdivision Located in: Mars Duchy
Other Details: Capital of the Mars Duchy, Seventh Biggest city and Biggest City on Mars
Description: Oxfordica was founded in the 2160s as Nigeria began to colonize the terraformed Mars. The Name comes from the Space Shuttle Oxford, the city's name is rumored to be a mix of Boudica, and Oxford, although no one really seems to know why it was named that, if it was intentional, a fluke, or what. It sits on the mainland, in a perfect spot between the mainland, and Nigeria's important Martian islands. The city is known for its various spread-out skyscrapers, and its blue roads, which are generally cheaper than the general Nigerian road is to make and upkeep. The City is known for its sleek, usually office buildings, with unemployment being near nonexistent, although there is a small portion of unemployed people, although they do live fine lives, even if unemployed. Poverty is nonexistent, even though there is unemployment. Crime is similarly nonexistent.


Population: 20.45 million
Subdivision Located in: Urwälder Duchy
Other Details: Eighth Biggest city and Biggest City on Urwälder, Biggest Xeno City, Translates to "Snow World"
Description: Snjórheim was founded in the 2340s as the Nigerian Mischtopfplan or “Mixing pot plan” would put into place to repopulate Urwälder in the 2340s and 2350s. The city was named after the idea that every Christmas it is certain to have snow. An interesting fact about the city is that it is NOT the capital of Urwälder, due to the Nigerian Government wanting no one to feel oppressed in the duchy. It can get extremely cold at night and in the winter, even at day in summer it is never a bad idea to grab a coat in case you might need it. The city is sat on a major river and is away form the coast, but it is generally no more than 3-hour drive, or hour train ride. Poverty, Crime, and Unemployment are all low due to a great police force and plenty of jobs


Population: 19.85 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of the Ivory Coast
Other Details: Ninth Biggest city, Capital of the Duchy of the Ivory Coast
Description: Abidjan came from some tribal villages on the west African coast, it saw almost the entirety of British Colonization, Nigerian Independence, to the 2000s-2100s, and to the Modern Day. For a while during the history of Nigeria it was the fourth biggest city, but as Nigeria Colonized to the stars it lost traction, only keeping on as the Ninth Biggest City, barely in the Top Ten. It like many similar Nigerian Cities is known for its plentiful trees and greenery. About a good tenth of the population lives underground, while still a good amount of people, it is still a far lower number and rate than most other Nigerian cities, and this is mainly due to the growing unimportance of the city. Crime and poverty are at a low for the city, and so is unemployment, with jobs easy to come by.


Population: 19.27 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of Mauritania
Other Details: Tenth Biggest city, Capital of the Duchy of Mauritania, Largest Crymenthean City
Description: Nouakchott was founded as Germans came to settle in Nigeria, it saw almost the entirety of British Colonization, Nigerian Independence, even though it was occupied most of the war, the 2000s-2100s, and to the modern day. It is a unique city, far within the Sharah Desert it still keeps the general aesthetic of a Normal Nigerian City. It has the greenery of Trees, the normal white buildings, but also the dark yellow sand in the background, making it very unique. Nouakchott also used to be the fifth biggest city, but due to the Nigerian colonization outwards to the stars made it the tenth. Crime are poverty do not exist in the city and unemployment has a similar fate, with plenty of jobs for the nearly 20 million inhabitants.

Ciudad Gloria

Population: 19.02 million
Subdivision Located in: Glorian Duchy
Other Details: Eleventh Biggest city, Capital of the Glorian Duchy
Description: Ciudad Gloria was founded as the main city of Gloria, the place of Glory. It got its name as Glory City due to being founded on well, the place of Glory. It has a unique style of Golden looking buildings, but of course they are not actually golden. It is of course the Capital of the Glorian Duchy and the home of the Old Glorian Royal Family, being a political dynasty instead of a royal dynasty, often being elected Mayor of the city, governor of the duchy or even getting spots in the Nigerian Parliament. Ciudad Gloria is the only city with a high crime rate, with many things like a prohibition, banning of drugs and cigarettes in effect across the duchy, leading to a rather famous black market, however, is it is almost impossible to be shut down. However, unemployment and poverty are nonexistent.


Population: 18.78 million
Subdivision Located in: Grand Duchy of Nigeria
Other Details: Twelfth Biggest city
Description: Kano has a history going back before colonization, being the seat of power for the Empire of Kano, the smallest west African country that styled itself as an "Empire", it also saw the 2000s to 2100s and it lived on as a city to the modern day. Kano is a very walkable city, making sure that it has plenty of other modes of transportation besides car. Kano also has a very specific "Tree for Every Building" policy making it law that every building in the city have one tree. Poverty, Crime, and Unemployment all are extremely low in the city, but they most certainly do exist.


Population: 17.29 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of Ghana
Other Details: Thirteenth Biggest city
Description: Kumasi used to be the capital of the Ashanti, but after their conquest and the marching of time past the 2000s and 2100s towards the modern day. It has a subway that instead of being below the city exists above it, often being referred to as the "Skyway." The city expanded during the 2000s to 2100s to lake Bosomtwe, and built many resorts and hotels on the lake, opening up a small tourism industry. But the real industry Kumasi is notable for is its arms Manufacuring, with many of the Guns made in the "Kumasi Military Industrial Complex" going to the Nigerian Military, although there is a smaller factory that does make guns for civilians, often for Milita enlistment. Crime, Poverty and Unemployment does not exist, with a good police force, and the Kumasi Military Industrial Complex supplying good paying jobs.


Population: 16.87 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of Cameroon
Other Details: Fourteenth Biggest city, Capital of the Duchy of Cameroon
Description: Douala used to be a part of a German colony named "Mittelafrika", before becoming a part of Wooloosian "Mittleafrika", and then conquered during the early "Nigerian Era of Expansionism", Douala then rose to become Nigeria's 14th biggest city. Douala has a surprisingly good tourism industry, with it encompassing about 10% of the GDP for the city. Douala also has plenty of parks with plenty of different types of flowers and trees. Poverty, Crime, and Unemployment all do not exist in the city due to the tourism it brings in.


Population: 15.05 million
Subdivision Located in: Duchy of Aliben
Other Details: Fifteenth Biggest city, Capital of the Duchy of Aliben, Biggest city on Aethent
Description: Chribo is the Capital of the Duchy of Aliben, and recently founded in the 2510s as Aethent was recently discovered. It is known for not only its tourism but also beautiful images depicting the city. The tourism industry is by far the most important, with a space port to bring them in, it is an often saying the city "If the tourists stopped coming then the city would die." However, there is also a photography part to the tourism of Chribo, with a famous image of the city being a man looking at the star of Aethent rise over the horizon and the city waking up for a new day. Poverty Crime and Unemployment do not exist, with it flurishing without any of these problems.
