
by The Unitary Republic of XXURBANXX. . 15 reads.

SF-322A/B Sparrowhawk

Incorvaia-Marais SFR-322 "Sparrowhawk + Longbow"

(SFR-322B, 2021)
"The Incorvaia SFR-322 (also known as SF-322, F-322, and IM-5/322) is a land based, long-range Jet Turbine powered Fighter aircraft that was adopted by the Urbanian Homeguard Air Force (UHGAF) and the former Coalition Combined Forces (CCF) for Operation Trident for limited use in long-distance missions.

"The 322 is best known by it's pilots for it's unmatched flight characteristics at any speed range. It is extremely difficult to stall out at low speed, helping it to keep an energy advantage in almost any engagement scenario."

Pros: Good sustained turn rate, good high speed stability, effective (though slow) guns, state of the art electronics, can carry bombs, lightweight.

Cons: Limited capacity for AAMs, as it is primarily a Tactical Bomber as of 2023. The main Superiority Fighter and Interceptor still remains the AV variant, while the E as a reserve, is mainly used for engine and fuselage scraps.
