
by The aveline union. . 4 reads.

The Government of the Aveline Union (WIP)


The Aveline Union operates under a system of council democracy where the population is ruled directly by elected councils, bound to an imperative mandate. The largest council body and the one in charge of creating laws is the Supreme Council of the Aveline Union which goes on to select the High Court of the Union, the Council of Ministers and the Aveline Presidium. Each Republic in the Aveline Union has its own Supreme Council, Ministers, High Court and Presidium; which means Avelinians have to participate in two elections; one for their nation as a whole and another for the republic they reside in. But there also exists a third election, one for members of the Aveline Communist Party.


The Supreme Council of
the Aveline Union

Supreme Council of the Aveline Union (SCAU):
The Supreme Council of the Aveline Union otherwise known in short as the Union Council is the legislative body capable of making laws, changing the constitution, appointing ministers, the high court and the Presidium. It is comprised of two chambers, the Council of the Union and the Council of Diversities. The Council of the Union is elected by the Aveline People as a whole with 300,000 citizens having 1 delegate to represent them. The Council of Diversities on the otherhand is elected by the Supreme Council of the individual republics within the Aveline Union. 83 Deputies from each republic are within the Council of Diversities. The purpose of these two chambers is to ensure minorities like the Furlings in the Union have a say in the political process. Members of the Union Council come from working class backgrounds and are susceptible to recall, binding to the imperative mandate. When not in session, the Union Council's two chambers elect the Aveline Presidium of the Supreme Council which will take over the body's duties.

Supreme Council of A Republic (SCAR):
The Supreme Council of a Republic known in short as Republican Councils is the legislative body of an Aveline Republic with similar powers to the Supreme Council of the Aveline Union, relegated to a more local level. It is capable of creating laws and appointing its number in the Presidium, the Council of Ministers and the republic's high court. Most importantly, A Republican Council elects 32 delegates into the Council of Diversities and all republics will have the same amount of delegates. The Supreme Council of the Merten Republic for example will have the same amount of delegates as the Supreme Council of the Mienten Republic despite the latter having twice the population. Like SCAU, SCAR will elect a Presidium of the Council to take over duties when not in session. Currently there are 13 Republican Councils in the Aveline Union.

Presidiums such as the Aveline Presidium of the Supreme Council (Supreme Presidium) and the Presidium of the Council (Republican Presidium) are elected by their respective bodies to carry out the duties of the council when not in session. These Presidiums can create laws in the form of Presidium Decrees which require the approval of the Aveline Communist Party and the Supreme Council. The main difference is that the Aveline Presidium of the Supreme Council has its duties on the national level than that of of the Presidium of the Council, which has its duties in the republic of its origin. The Union Council will elect to the Presidium their own Chairman which would be the country's head of state.

Council of Ministers:
Council of Ministers such as the Supreme Council of Ministers elected by the Union Council and the Council of Ministers of a Republic elected by the Republican Councils, are the executive authorities of the nation and its republic, divided to oversee different areas such as Social Welfare, Labour, Health and etc. A national example is the National Ministry of Health elected by the Union Council. A republic example would be the Caranfeanor Ministry of Health, elected by the Republican Council of Caranfeanor. Along with electing members to the Supreme Council of Ministers, the Union Council will also elect a President which will be the nation's head of government.

The aveline union

