
by The Angelic Avant-Garde Asylum of Minskiev. . 28 reads.

Vote AGAINST “Commend Sacara”


The proposed resolution, "Commend Sacara", aims to commend the nation of Sacara for their sizeable work in Got Issues, including an issues database and 15 authorships, although it also talks about Sacara's other creative aspects.

While noble in intent, Commend Sacara falls ever-so-short of the standard for Security Council resolutions we encourage. First, fifteen issues authored will be on the lower end of the threshold to be commended for issues. And second, the author's inclusion of Short Horror Story Contests does not particularly sway us for this; rather, we don't view it as commendable and would prefer to see it excluded, especially as these haven't been very successful. These two points overall force us to recommend against.

Taking into account internal discourse and a vote on the regional position towards the relevant resolution,

The Rejected Realms WA Office recommends a vote AGAINST "Commend Sacara".

This recommendation was written by Minskiev.
