
by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 57 reads.

Vote For SC resolution Condemn Raionitu

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Condemn Raionitu
Vote Recommendation: For

Resolution Analysis
This Security Council condemnation aims to recognize the actions of its target, Raionitu, in the field of raiding and military gameplay. A high-ranking member and former councilor in the Black Hawks, the target nation's exploits as articulated in the proposal include infiltrating, invading, and occupying multiple large regions, organizing and leading Operation Blackout, a major operation involving the raiding of well over one hundred regions in one night, occupying Illuminati and Communist Alliance, two regions containing over one hundred nations each, unapproval raiding, and extensively training new nations in the field of raiding.

"Condemn Raionitu" is a well-written proposal that effectively articulates the target nation's actions and contributions to raiding gameplay and their region. The target is a prominent raider with a long history in this area, and the breadth and depth of their achievements in this field as argued by this proposal leave little doubt that they are deserving of a condemnation.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting For the at-vote Security Council proposal, "Condemn Raionitu".

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